Wider Network
Dance Resources
The Seymour Folk Dance HOME and LINKS pages give narrow, local channels to explore for immediate use.
THIS PAGE, alternately, is the catchall for a wider scope for dance and dance-related. Enter with caution. If you are new, or with little time, then retreat back to familiar territory. This page is a time-waster. This page is also less organized, a kind of catchall bin.
MUSIC: As you learn new dances from these old music in dance videos, use more current recorded music to practice the dance. Upgrade and progress the International Folk Dance movement so it will be appreciated by the current generations. Very few who are under 50 remember, or care to remember, what phonograph 78s, 45s,33 rpm records and cassette tapes used to sound like. Upgrade and progress the music, at least, for preserving what is left of musicianship. Modern musicians are competiting with recorded musicians and economically, are losing. Keep the promise to regularly use live, local, and visiting, musicians. Don't let humanity forget how to play this music. Some clubs can only do this annually, seasonally, or monthly. Choose music and dance for broad appeal. Choose variety in programs. Make the music relevant, vibrant, and engaging.
SUPPORT organizations and individuals who ask for donations. As someone who has too generously given away unpaid personal time to this, gathering these crumbs, and separating the wheat from the chaff, is very time consuming. You feel under-appreciated for the effort. I am not asking for funding, but if you find it useful, express your thanks.
BUILD & COMMIT So many are removed from regular social dance opportunty. This is a worrisome trend in communties as dance gives better health and happiness. Use this information to bring people together for social dancing where you are. Use these databases and collections to help restore the folk dancing you may have lost in your locale.
Links to more Dance, Direction, Music information
Andrew Carnie’s Dance notes & links: https://folkdancemusings.blogspot.com/
Early internet poster of dance video Peter Schneeweis https://www.youtube.com/@SchneeweisPeter
Dale Adamson (related to Surrey, BC Canada group) https://www.youtube.com/user/Mirri360/videos
Dunav Videos and resources: https://dunav.org.il/
Tom Masterson Folk Dance database: https://danceophile.com/folk_database.shtml
Northern California Folk Dance Federation: http://folkdance.com
Southern California Folk Dance Federation: https://www.socalfolkdance.org/dances.htm
Stockton Folk Dance Camp (CA) : https://stocktonfolkdancecamp.org/syllabi/
Stockton Dance Videos https://stocktonfolkdancecamp.org/dance-videos/
Folk Dances Around the World https://www.youtube.com/@zaixega/videos
Yves Moreau Folk Dances (playlist) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr7yxsjj6XtApjW-4vzdbCk0hpL8PQMFM
Bob Shapiro’s Collection: https://www.folkdancenotes.com/
Roy Butler dance video https://www.youtube.com/user/royisdancing
Tuesday Night Revival channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpxVFrIqPD_RyMWfhl7tkrA
English Country Database (set dances) https://www.cambridgefolk.org.uk/dance_index/dance_index.html
English Dances Webfeet https://www.webfeet.org/efolk/index.html
Israeli Dance search https://www.israelidances.com/search.asp
Aviella Angel Balkanitsa Haifa, IS https://www.youtube.com/@angelaviella
Kolo Dragan https://www.youtube.com/@kolokoalition
Scottish Country Dance Dictionary
Printed Directions for Dances
Printed Directions archives Southern CA Folk Dance Federation https://socalfolkdance.org/dances.htm
Printed Directions North CA Folk Dance Federation https://nfo-usa.com/dance-notation/
Printed Directions Stockton Syllabi https://stocktonfolkdancecamp.org/syllabi/
Printed Directions Tom Deering https://www.tomdeering.com/dancenotes/
Andrew Carnie’s Dance decriptions & links: folkdancemusings.blogspot.com
Dance teacher channels
Ira Weisburd https://www.youtube.com/@iraweisburd
Gadi Bitton Folk Dances for Beginners (Israeli) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BckjDHgf1_o
Jim Gold International videos https://www.youtube.com/@jimgoldinternational
Jim Gold Chreographies https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjW_hFQK0CfzeCp3_YR1Vb71D3HSRKgM4
Folkdance with Henry https://www.youtube.com/@folkdancewithhenry5122
Andrew Carnie’s Dance decriptions & links: https://folkdancemusings.blogspot.com/
IFD CLUB-related sites
Tuesday Night Revival (MA) https://tuesdaynightrevival.com/
Surrey BC (also see Dale Adamson) https://surreyfolkdance.org/dances/
Evansville, Indiana https://www.evansvillefolkdancers.com/dances.php
David CA collection http://davisfolkdancers.org/AllDances
Miami Valley Folk Dancer: https://www.daytonfolkdance.com/mvfd/instructions/instruct.html
LIFE dancers Pasadena, CA (also see Sherry Cochran)
LIFE videos here https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064860847377&sk=videos
LIFE Balkan Dancers youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/@LifeBalkanDancers
Brunswick. Maine IF collection https://folkdancebrunswick.com/dance-database/
Ottawa Canada IFDO video links for dances https://ifdo.ca/~seymour/videolinks/ (Unrelated to our Seymour Center)
Info for Dance Teachers
How to marry voice + music w Audacity
Dance Ballroom Basics Demo Channels
Social Dance Online (Ballroom basics)
https://guides.loc.gov/dance (USA Library of Congress)
Dance Term reference (Dictionary)
Round Dance (= North American Called-Couple Dancing)
Cuesheet information
Index of Rounds Database of RD Cuesheets
General Resource Pages
Choreographed Ballroom (Sears Resource Site)
Round Dance Full-Dance Demos Channels
Dance Demos 475 full RD dance demos 1
Rey abd Sheri Garza full RD dance demos
Round Dance Figure Demo Channels
Shadow Dancers in CO (104 (Figure Demos 2)
DANCE HISTORY & OLD MUSIC for music preservationists, musicians, and those programming for less mentally flexible older dancers. Old music can be useful for those providing music and dance therapy for cognitively impaired people who were exposed to this music in their past. The internet is full of vintage recordings, much of which, according to USA law, is in the public domain.
Folk Dance Music Archive (old 78s)
Red Theater youtube channel
Library of Dance
Richard Powers of Stanford University has made a study of old social dancing in the USA.