8 to 10 September 2021
ICDAR 2021 Workshop on
Industrial Applications of Document Analysis and Recognition
(WIADAR 2021, 2nd edition)
Lausanne Switzerland
A workshop of posters showcasing industrial achievements in the field of Document Analysis
Scope and motivation:
There is a lot of innovative work being conducted in industry, or in universities funded by industry. However, the aim of industrial innovation is not to propose novel scientific methods, but solutions to breakthrough two main dimensions: the performance (highest success with lowest critical error, resistance on specific constraints) and the user scope (application to a new domain, ability to adapt the application to another domain with a null or minimized effort). Hence, the nuance is that scientists target the methodology (how) when industrial fellows target the application (what).
Most applied research reuses, combines, tunes and trains existing methods with the advantage of accessing large corpuses of data. Industrial researchers either adapt or create methods with scientific innovations, but also with heuristics, workarounds, shortcuts, and whatever can pragmatically reach the target for an acceptable scope. Furthermore, we recognize that when industrial researchers create a real novel approach, the business strategy in the industrial competition prevents disclosure of the information. Hence, that applied research might not be able to be submitted at ICDAR.
However, all these works are indeed of interest to attendees of ICDAR, because experiments with large real-life datasets provide pragmatic feedback on technologies. They really demonstrate the state-of-the-art limitations, it infers a ranking of technology performances and, both workarounds or optimizations may point out some research perspectives. In addition, it highlights end-user problems, it shows industry orientations, i.e. it may infer academic perspectives. We do believe that, even if an application is not scientifically original or not clearly described, the result status and discussions around this method have a strong value for ICDAR attendees.
This workshop is an effort to make information about innovative applications available to the general ICDAR attendee, and to allow those researchers and engineers the opportunity to attend ICDAR. We hope it will also help build more interaction between industry and academia.
Topics of Interest include, but are not limited to:
Applications of document analysis
Document analysis systems
Document Image Processing
Physical and logical layout analysis
Character and text recognition
Pen‐based document analysis
Historical document analysis
Symbol and graphics recognition
Document forensics
Human document interaction
Scene text detection and recognition
Document retrieval
Signature verification and writer identification
Multimedia documents
Performance evaluation
Machine learning for document analysis
Cognitive issues of documents
Semantic information extraction from documents
Document summarization classification and translation
Document simulation and synthesis
Workshop format:
This workshop will be a poster-only workshop. Posters will be displayed during the main ICDAR conference alongside the ICDAR posters, but demarked to indicate they belong to this workshop.
Papers will still be thoroughly peer reviewed.
Evaluation criteria:
originality of the problem
pertinence of the evaluation protocol
pertinence of the performance compared to business competition
pertinence of the discussion
impact : genericity and adaptability of the approach, i.e. adaption effort required when facing document variability or adaptation effort to setup a new user case.
The weighting of the originality of the method will decrease if the work is applied to a new scenario with high performance, and if the method demonstrates good adaptability.
Important Dates:
Submission deadline:
17 May 2021extended: 28 May 2021Notifications: 25 June 2021
The camera-ready due date: 5 July 2021. This is a hard deadline because of constraints of the publisher.