Why you gotta floss your Teeth

There are a few articles as of late that have discussed whether or not you should floss your teeth. Some people have questioned this, and it’s been brought forward that it doesn’t have any benefit, or that the results aren’t worth it. You’ve probably seen a myriad of stories about it, and you might wonder. Sure, you can ask your Eugene dentist next time you see them, but you should learn right away if flossing is right for your teeth.

Flossing is a big part of oral health, and not doing it on the regular can play a huge problem later on with your smile. If you’ve been wondering if this is worth it, you’ll soon learn why you should continue to keep on flossing.

Now, in a study back in 2012, there were critics that did try to question flossing, saying that it does lower the gingivitis and plaque buildup, but it’s small. However, one thing to remember is that any reduction of bacteria is a good thing. Flossing doesn’t take much, and if the results are only slightly, it isn’t a waste of time. Remember, with something like this a little bit does go a long way on the benefits of such.

Flossing also reaches areas that your toothbrush can’t really get everywhere. Each tooth has five surfaces, with the brush only reaching three of them. No matter how well you brush, the sides of the teeth can’t be reached by brushing alone. These tooth bristles have difficulty reaching below the gum line as well to deal with the bacteria left behind. If not address, this leads to gum disease and other problems, so you gotta floss.

It also helps to make the dental hygiene gentle. Daily oral hygiene should be gentle on the mouth. If you’re brushing too hard, it will wear away at the enamel, and in turn it can even create damage to the gum tissue. While a toothbrush can get rid of a lot of particles in between the teeth, it might take a lot of pressure to do so, which creates bleeding and inflamed gums, which should be avoided. Flossing can be used in those places that are hard to reach, and it’s so much gentler than brushing on its own, which will create the best experiences.

Now, you might wonder if it’s more or less important as you age. In some cases, it’s actually more important. Because of the fluoride in our water, we have a lower rate of tooth decay now than in older Americans, however, that isn’t always the case. To put it simply, our body changes a lot when we get older. Some people might have a high resistance against bacteria when young, but they will soon learn that it isn’t the case as you get older. Simply put, these bacteria tend to create way more problems as you get older and it’s important to recognize this. The best way to do so is to protect this now so that when you do start to use this as you get older, you’re doing something with it.

Now, if you’re flossing, and it’s not doing anything, there is the possibility that you are doing something wrong. Typically, if you’re not getting any results, it is that, so you should make sure that you’re doing it right. Rather than just running the floss between our teeth, you should make sure that you follow the ADA guidelines for your teeth. You should also curve the floss into the shape of a C, rubbing the sides of all teeth, with a motion that will move it away from the gums. If you continue to have trouble, talk to your Eugene dentist about this as well.

Flossing may have been brought into question lately, but it shouldn’t stop you from having it in your hygiene regimen. It’s something that is so small, but something you should always do, for if you don’t, you’ll end up regretting it. Don’t listen to all of the hogwash on this subject, but instead realize that even if it helps a bit, it’s much better than if you were doing nothing at all.