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Why Sugar is terrible For your Health

If you’ve been to your Roseburg dentist in the last few months, they’ve probably berated you on sugar and why it’s so bad for you. But do you know why it’s so bad, and why many people need to be told to lay off of the sugar? Well, you’re about to find out. Most people eat their own bodyweight in sugar, when in essence, you should only be having 6 teaspoons for women and 9 for men. For many, they end up having their weekly allowance in one day, and it definitely isn’t good for you.

Alcohol is sugar, and it is a refined and fermented sugar. Alcohol is very refined, and when it enters the body, there are various important elements that break it down. When sugar products pass through the body into the bloodstream, they are partially broken down, yet alcohol is absorbed directly. Alcohol will attack the enzymes, insulin, minerals and vitamins, and often, it can break down the pH in the blood.

Sugar does more to the body than just in the oral cavity. It makes the blood acidic, and it will damage the gut, which will lead to poor digestion and the malabsorption of various nutrients. When the body tries to get rid of sugar, it will get rid of the mineral supplies as well.

It will also alter the calcium to phosphorous ratio. For many people, this can cause kidney and gallbladder stones to increase, and it will also increase the tartar on your teeth.

Often, sugar will use the stores of phosphorous which will often mean that there isn’t any calcium for the body to work. Without the right kind of calcium in the body, there isn’t any chance to help the teeth and the bones, which will make them weak.

Not only that, but it also creates acidity in the saliva and the blood, which then attacks the exterior enamel. Sugar does cause a reduction in the fluid flow as well, and this will lead to tooth decay as well.

The immune system is attacked as well. Sugar will block digestion, which will allow foods to go into the bloodstream that aren’t digested. This will slow down the white blood cell circulation, which is the immune system’s frontline. Often, they’re not able to keep out the foreign invaders, which will make everything all the more worse for someone. Simply put, it’s not good.

Now, sugar does create acidity in wherever it goes. Since the pH is a very important part of it, when sugar comes in, it’ll reduce this, and often, at around 5.5 pH, it will start to dissolve the tooth enamel. After you eat sugar, it typically goes down to 4.5 and will be around that area for about 20 minutes. Whenever you read about dentists saying that you shouldn’t brush right away, it’s because it will dissolve the enamel, so it’s best to flush it out of the body before brushing.

Sugar does a lot to the body that people aren’t willing to look at. It’s detrimental to human health. When it was introduced to civilizations that didn’t normally use it, it causes bones to soften, and there weaknesses were passed on. The demineralization of these bones and teeth is then created by an acidic environment created by the sugar. Along with that, it depilates all of your minerals, and on top of that, it can lead to poor digestion, and it will create havoc on your immune system, which will allow various bad bacteria to be present within the body for so much longer.

This is why you should start to take sugar out of your diet. You might have to do it little by little, since sugar is a drug, and often, for many people, they don’t realize it is until it’s too late. But remember, it harms more than just your oral health, and while our Kennewick dentist might focus mostly on that, it does so much to your overall physical health as well, so you should make sure that if you’re eating a lot of sugar, to start taking it out today for your own health and personal benefits.

Things That Parents Need To Know About Permanent Teeth

A child with one or two missing teeth in the front looks cute. The parents love to watch that child laughing. However, parents need to think about the adult teeth which are quite bigger than the baby teeth. Those permanent teeth need to last for the rest of their lives. In this scenario, it would be worth mentioning that you need to consult with a dental care professional to know what you need to expect with the next round of teeth in your child’s mouth.

The number of teeth we have

Primary teeth, also known as baby teeth, start coming out at the age of 6 months. These teeth keep coming until the age of 3 years. These primary teeth are eventually replaced by permanent teeth. The permanent teeth usually start erupting at the age of 5 and continue erupting though adulthood. The number of primary teeth is 20; and these teeth are replaced by 32 permanent teeth.

Baby teeth have a big job to do. Children need to chew their foods, and these primary teeth help them with this, somehow, intense chewing. Moreover, these primary teeth act like placeholders for the permanent teeth.

Eruption of permanent teeth

If you look at the sequence of eruption of permanent teeth, you will find it pretty similar to that of primary teeth. Front bottom teeth erupt first. Then the upper front teeth erupt. And then the teeth keep erupting to fill the gaps in the back of the mouth. Before the permanent teeth come, the primary teeth fall out.

Children start losing their primary teeth at the age of 5 and have their majority of permanent teeth erupted by the age of 12 or 13. These permanent teeth mainly include four central teeth, also known as incisors, in the top and bottom, four lateral incisors, four canine teeth, and eight molars.

The very last teeth to arrive are the third molars which are also known as wisdom teeth. These molars usually erupt at the age of 17 – 21 years. Your dentist will be the person to suggest what you need to do with those molars because, in most of the cases, wisdom teeth require removal.

It is very important to take your child to the dental visits at every stage of the teeth’s eruption.