Why Kids Need Both Structured And Unstructured Games Along With Books?

While adults can discuss, critique, and find identity in their favorite books, kids may not express their love for literature in the same way. Involve kids in deciding the craft's focus, promoting self-expression. Discuss the purpose and encourage them to use household items for an eco-friendly touch.


·         Comic strip creations


Perfect for graphic novel enthusiasts, turns a familiar story into a comic strip. Extend it to multiple pages if they're excited, or provide printed strips for those less confident in drawing. Let them choose and resize character images for added engagement. You can check out Books Supplies Dubai for comic strips.


·         Movie magic


For drama enthusiasts, script a short movie based on a beloved book. Ideal for group activities during holidays, create clues linking elements of the house to certain books. A book at each location reveals a riddle related to its content. 


·         Messy art outdoor fun


Take messy art outdoors for a sensory explosion. Ideal for kids who can't sit still, messy art isn’t about perfection but exploring mediums. From blowing paint with straws to soap bubble art, encourage creativity. Discuss safe paint options, making it a garden, kid, and pet-friendly.


·         Hands-on science adventures


Certain science books spark ideas for science experiments. It could be a topic from a non-fiction book or an idea inspired by characters. Following precise steps in an experiment helps kids slow down, focus, and understand the book's content or characters on a deeper level. Try looking into Educational Resources Supplies Dubai for science experiment kits.


Why You Need To Encourage Your Children To Play More?


Parents can deepen their connection with children through play, entering their world without directing the narrative. Supporting and participating in a child's play without taking the reins is essential.


Unstructured play is the spontaneous kind, where kids follow their instincts and interests without a predetermined plan. You can be part of your child's unstructured play by pointing them toward a pile of dress-ups or crayons. 


Structured play is more organized, occurring at specific times or in designated spaces, often guided by adults. Older children tend to thrive in structured play environments. Both structured and unstructured play can unfold indoors or outdoors.


Children's play evolves with age, from solitary activities to playing alongside peers and interactive group play. Allowing unrestricted playtime lets children's imaginations flourish. Sports Goods Supply Dubai has both Structured and Unstructured games for kids of all ages.

For more information please visit:- Educational Resources Supplies Dubai