I have been trying to figure out how to fix this for ages but nothing works Anytime i download games on xbox app it hovers around 5 mbps max 5.6 and min 4.6. It can't be my internet cause i steadily get 25+Mbps on steam and windows says my average downlaod speed is 40. Does anyone Have a idea on how i can fix this? Please and thank you!!!

It seems like now, all internet backups are capped at 5mbps. Download ISP speed at the server is 100mbps. Upload at clients varies, some are indeed capped around 5mbps however I am testing one that has 25mbps upload and it will not go above the 5mpbs consistent backup speed.

Why Is My Download Speed Capped At 5mbps

Download File 🔥 https://geags.com/2y4Nsz 🔥

The displayed speed is after compression and if only differences are transferred it will be pretty low as well. CBT should cause it to be higher as then unchanged sections of files/images can be skipped over without reading them.

I do not have any speed restrictions in place. The max backup speed for clients, local network, internet, and total all show " - ". I have not tried putting in high limits to see if that changes things.

JML, I have not thought about the different windows versions. Currently I have urbackup installed on a few clients, mostly Windows 7 and Server 2012 or 2012 R2. I do have access to one with Windows 10, I will monitor the speed there and see if I see the same behavior as you.

PS1: Window auto-tuning is a Windows feature designed to automatically improve the performance of programs that receive TCP data over a network. I get few more mbps of dowmload speed and upload speed with this feature enabled vs disabled, but doesn't help with the ping.

PS2: RFC 1323 is a TCP enhancement for improving performance and reliability when transmitting data. In my case (on both windows 10 and windows 11), when it is enabled my download speed is capped at 50% of its regular speed, and my ping is 4 times higher than when it is disabled. so I guess that this feature doesn't work as intended so far, further improvements are needed.

The first file transfer job gets 5Mbps bandwidth. We thought the WAN had a bottleneck somewhere which capped the bandwidth. But then the additional file transfer job manages to find another 5Mbps of bandwidth...

If you want to improve transfer rate break your transfers into multiple simultaneous transfers. Do benchmarks to see if 1, 2, 3, or 4 get the best wall-clock time. Use what works best. (and if you ever change your network, NIC speed, etc. etc. you should re-do the benchmarks)

I'm having a weird transfer speed cap problem on my ESXI 6.7.0 Update 3 (Build 16713306) server, which is similar to -Discussions/Slow-network-performance-for-ESXi-6-7-Host/m-p/18...

When i try to download or upload an ISO file through the ESXi admin web GUI from my Windows 10 desktop PC, the transfer speed is capped around 140mbps on a 1gbps link.

Update: i've tried installing esxi 6.7 latest version ESXi-6.7.0-20201103001-standard (Build 17098360) on my local PC on Workstation 15 evaluation and i have the same problem: transfer is capped around 240mbps (30MB/s) while my SSD is able to transfer up to 600MB/s and my local PC is a hardware beast.

Anyway i've found a workaround: running a virtualized esxi on my local computer, then use vcenter converter standalone to copy the VM from my server to my local computer. It allows the VM compatibility to stay the same and no transfer speed cap.

I have noticed the same speed cap on several installations.. I think its a cap from vmware to not exhaust the resources for running VM:s for example.. It would be good to get a statement about this from @VMware . Maybe also a parameter that could be changed to remove the cap... It is very annoying when time counts...

Hi @fildeps this may just be a leftover setting from your previous speed tier, log into your modem router, go to advanced and then bandwidth control, check what value the 'Total Upstream Bandwidth' is set to, change it to 19500 and make sure you click save, reboot the modem to invoke the change and try another speed test.

With the modem that was supplied by them VX420-G2h, It seems a similar issue with the OP is happening to be i am only getting 5mbps I thought it was the provider so I jump shipped to ABB, they told me to do a factory reset on the router which I did and saw the upload speeds reach 20mbps several minutes later back down to 5mbps.. I don't know why this is happening when I have paid for the modem it seems like something is getting pushed to limit me to 5mbps? ABB cannot do anything and neither can iinet.. when I factory reset I can see DSL account tpg_acs seems like those are factory by default .. Can you please assist me or PM me for further details

I ran through several issuses and slowdown for almost 3 weeks now. I can't do any video meetings due to the SLOW UPLOAD speed 5Mbps. The download speed is fine but the upload speed is so bad. I have to disable my security cameras whenever I have to do the remote works. THis is RIDICULOUS!!!

O/k so are you getting around 5 Mbps ? If so, you are getting what you pay for. If you need more, you can get it if you upgrade to a faster speed tier. If you upgrade to the Gigabit speed tier, you can get 35-40 up / 1000 down.

As for the last post, yep, everyone advertises whatever they choose to advertise, but you can find reviews and other data before signing up. For example, here's some data on Comcast's internet plans: _Xfinity/wiki/knowledgebase/troubleshooting/internet-checklist#wiki_3._have_you_run_a_speed_test.3F

How do you say they are getting what they paid for? NEVER have I been offered a plan based on upload speed. I probablly lost it in the details and didn't know to ask but I have never seen the upload speed mentioned anywhere when I signed up. That said, I did increase to 300 MBPS and the upload speed doubled to 11 from around 6 but the down load stayed virtually the same.

The issue is, ISP - A is my primary internet connection. I use it to connect ISP - B, so I can get higher bandwidth using VPN. The problem is both ISP blocked most of the sites. So I need to connect ISP-C from ISP-A. If I use this, my connection speed capped to 5Mbps. But If setup ISP-B as a VPN wifi router and connect my android as a client, then I can connect ISP - C. This I got everything, I can get maximum internet speed as ISP-B allowed along with no restrictions.

But both users are getting a good amount of local speed, so I able to make a bypass to the high-speed server. Example, A village user rent an internet connection for 12$ (512Kbps Global, and 30Mbps Local) meantime he purchased a VPN from an ISP in the city for 12$ (12Mbps Global, 100Mbps Local). So that's a win situation. Because ISP in the village is not allowing city ISP to provide internet access thought wire, they got huge corrupted syndication.

No, it's not about load balancer I guess. If you check my post, If I pass my traffic to ISP-C vpn I will not get good speed. But If I able to make ISP-A > ISP-B > ISP-C that case I will get maximum internet speed. Other word, I have to pass internet using ISP - B .

Well, I can't answer your specific question, as I haven't played enough with VPN myself, but I still suggest that you do with ISP A --> ISP B for your case. 50 Mbps is already good enough, and probably the extra speed is not worth complicating things.

So if I use hostapd in RPi, I can use ISP-B internet will 50Mbps speed. Now I got ISP - B internet in my Andoird, I can use any VPN app on android to connect any outside VPN outside my region. Which mean I used (ISP A > ISB- B) > Wifi > ISP-C(VPN)


Multiple users around the world in different countries have incredible low download speeds, f.e. ISP Connection 120mbit, but MSFS2020 is downloading only with 1 to 20 mbit/s. The problem is there since release and is touching not only the download for the whole game or major updates, but also the ingame download through the marketplace.

Multiple users are reporting that at the same time, online speedtest and f.e Steam downloads have no problem and are giving the full download speed bandwith, so that it appears that its not a individual connection problem. Often the only thing which helps them is using a VPN and trying out different servers, sometimes even in the same country as they are located.

I managed to download the whole installation in about 2 hours with the max speed shown on some of the larger files at over 250MBps.

Subsequent updates all downloaded very quickly and in line with my expectations of a 300MBps connection.

The only thing which helps me is using a free VPN.

So for anyone who tried every step and is still suffering from download speeds like it is 2001 and doesnt want to pay for a VPN or give credit card informations:

The VPN connection also goes through your 2 routers, so its highly unlikely that its the 2 routers fault. Also basically everyone has slow download speed for msfs2020, the fault is on Asobo/Microsofts side.

Apart form the fact that I was getting good download speeds, then for a few months bad download speeds (maybe I messed up some settings) but now after making some adjustments to my network card settings and windows settings I am reliably getting close to my 300Mbps that my ISP provides.

Fellow Australian here. Just went to re-download the other day and found this same issue with the download speed. Less than 400kb/s download from both their launcher, and the manual client download link they sent me. Then suddenly they want personal information from me about my location and such. No way I was going through all that bullshit just for them to keep copy-pasting

I feel like i have tried everything and my speed is still bewteen 50 to 200 KB/sec. Did you use the free version of proton and it helped? I am not sure if I have to buy a VPN just for the regular download speeds... e24fc04721

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