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For almost a year now spotify will randomly delete a few hundred to a few thousand songs from either my phone or my PC (never both at the same time) once or twice a month. This is without me adjusting any settings, they are just in playlists that are set to download and they will randomly start redownloading sometimes when I turn my device on. This is very annoying as one of the reasons I have premium is my lack of reliable internet! When spotify decides to delete and redownload 1000+ songs my entire house's internet goes down for a few hours!

Why Does Spotify Randomly Undownload Songs

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In case you still experience this you might've encountered an issue that we're currently investigating. Have a look at this thread and add your vote by clicking on the +VOTE button. Make sure you follow the steps under Status Update as well.

Still a major issue, thread getting ignored again. Spotify just decided to randomly undownload half my library again. Suddenly, while music was playing, it just stopped and everything was undownloaded. Ridiculous.

I am experiencing the exact same issue. I never go offline with Spotify. This morning every single playlist of mine was switched off on the downloads option without me doing anything. This is from my PC. I now have to download all 6500 songs again.

If you're still having troubles after that, it'd be helpful if you could let us know some additional details like the version of the Spotify app you're on, if this happens with local files, etc so we can take a closer look.

Hi, I'm having this same issue and have had it happen multiple times. I'm unsure how to check that my phone isn't automatically deleting the cache for Spotify but I checked and it's the most up-to-date version of the app. This is incredibly frustrating, as the other two posters have clearly stated.

Do you have any idea what a pain in the ass this is? I have to randomly redownload on my tablet. This takes hours, hogs my bandwidth while I am redownloading, causes issues with Spotify on other devices while downloading, and is extremely annoying when expecting to listen playlists when offline. You need to make some kind of Spotify internal fix instead of making Users go through this reinstall and redownload **bleep**.

For real. I just got refunded and quit my premium for the 3rd time because you guys obviously have no long term intention of addressing this issue. I use Kindle fires with sd cards and this issue has been going on for years now. Iresubscribe to see of you had fixed it; but nope. Same problem STILL exists. Consumers shouldnt have to constantly trouble shoot this over and over again. I have a limited data hotspot and depend on downloaded music. I cant just reinstall\ redownload all the time. It always switches my DL location from external to internal and loses my downloads. For such a big company, this not being fixed after literally years now is insane. Plenty of other services ou there.

It sounds like this could be an issue related to the cache. Can you give these steps a go and run a clean reinstall? This one is more thorough than the usual one. That way you can make sure that the app is up-to-date and the cache is not causing any issues.

So at the very least, just add the ability to download in mass selection because it's so stupid to have to go into each individual playlist and click the download button or right click individually. I have this same issue randomly too and it's so annoying because I have over 100 playlists and several thousands of songs and having this happen even 2 or 3 times takes several hours to download the songs again...

PLEASE add a shift click or something to select multiple playlist or something. It wouldn't be a hard feature to select and it would put a band-aid on this already time consuming issue but at the very least I don't want to spent 20 - 30 minutes manually selecting my individual playlists to click a button.

This issue is still an issue regardless of this feature I want added or not. This has happened to my Spotify app as well and I had to redownload 90% of my playlist and songs again... This shouldn't be an issue and Spotify shouldn't have this many bugs and issues with it for how long it's been around..

This issue shouldn't have happened in the first place, it makes zero sense. I don't input a command for it to undownload my playlist yet for some reason 90% of my playlist get undownloaded and I'm stuck wasting HOURS of my time every month having to deal with this garbage. Please fix this, it's insanely annoying and shouldn't even be an issue. This website is even a mess, I tried submitting a message and I got a server error and my message I typed wasn't even saved. What is this?? There are server issues and application issues that are plaguing this entire system and it's baffling that these are still issues as big of a company Spotify is.

It seems that in the past month every time I connect my Garmin 245 music to the charger and getting an update - some data is being deleted, especially my Spotify app.

it's been 3 times that I wanted to go for a run but find out that I have no music and I have to reinstall and sync again all my music

getting really frustrated with this.

any solution?

Today I connected to Garmin Express first time in a long time. It updated and now my Spotify app has uninstalled twice this afternoon alone. I am having to reinstall all my music. It has also reset my records!!! Wish I haven't done the update now. I this what is causing the app to disappear and I then have to reinstall it including on the connect app on my phone.

Why does my Spotify App keep uninstalling despite the fact that I update my songs every week. This is a recent event for me although I see others have been complaining about it for months. Please respond to all of the customers who bought a "music" version of the Forerunner and paid more for it because they also use Spotify. Obviously this is a software glitch so when can we expect this serious issue to be resolved?


After plugging the device in to computer (not phone), press the Windows and "e" keys on your keyboard a window should appear.

Click ThisPC and open the Garmin drive.

Open the Primary folder (if there), then open the Garmin folder.

Then you'll need to right click and delete the Activity, Monitor, NewFiles and RemoteSW folders from the device.

Then unplug the device, hard reset, then sync it with your phone or computer.


With the watch unplugged, press and hold the upper left button until the watch powers down (could take up to 60 seconds). Ignore any message which might appear, just keep holding that button. After it shuts down, give it 15-20 seconds and then press that same button to turn it back on.


ok. but i'd appreciate you making a note on this that many other have been complaining about this exact issue over several months.


We do not currently have any open cases on this issue. I will make note in your account. This chat is also saved to your account contact history. If the issue does recur following this troubleshooting, the next step would be to open an engineering ticket so they can investigate and figure out the root cause of this issue.

Have you by any chance tried with a different internet connection or even by logging into a friend's or a relative's account on your device? Does the same thing happen with your account on a different device?

These seem to be methods for transferring local files not already available on Spotify from a computer to an iPhone, which has nothing to do with your app undownloading my playlists even when I have service. Additionally, these are not songs from my computer, but of course from your database.

Thanks for the reply. Cache clearing and battery optimization apps are known to cause such issues, because they cause the app's cache to become corrupted. Check for any such settings on your phone and also disable any third party apps that you may have (or at least add Spotify as an exception). After doing so, perform a full clean reinstall to clear remaining corrupted cache.

I think it is a problem on their end that they are either unaware of or they don't care. I've cleared my cache and done a reinstall so many times and it doesn't work so I don't know why they keep suggesting it. I have never had this issue before in almost 7 years of use and then suddenly the last month, it's become unbearable and constant. I use Spotify for long drives or when I am on my commute to work so the download feature is a treat as I don't have to use data.

Just to confirm, does the download symbol disappears from the playlists and it stays that way? Or are the playlist downloaded and at some point it starts downloading again, as if you've just clicked the download button?

Also, does it happen with all playlists or just with a specific one?

Keep us posted.

It's worth mentioning that having more than 5 devices with downloaded music can cause issues with the offline content and you can remove older devices by following the steps you'll find in this Support article.

If you're not using an iPhone and have an SD-card, corrupted cache on it can also be a reason for the app not to function properly. For this you can remove the card, give the Spotify a clean reinstall and then use the app without the SD-card for some time. In addition, you can check out this FAQ.

Lastly, it'd be great if you could send us a video recording or a screenshot or two of how the app behaves from your end so we can take a look. You can attach them to your next response either by using the Insert Video or Insert Image option in the post editor. If the video is too big - we'd suggest that you upload it to Google Drive and share the link with us (make sure the video has the permissions for anyone to see it) or upload it as unlisted YouTube video(s). 152ee80cbc

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