The pattern seemed to be that, if I queued three or more installations, the first would complete, the second and third would both download, but the second would get stuck on installing. I can't be absolutely certain of that pattern, but it happened that way twice.

Also: I stopped all torrents, restarted Torrent and started seeding them all again. This time I got three permanent "queued"s (instead of two, as before). Then I did this whole thing again and now all 25 of them are seeding. Clearly, the limit is not very constant?

Why Does My Download Say Queued

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The queueing section is for active torrents. There is a limit because your upload is limited, and spreading it too thin is bad. Don't set limits that are too high. If say, you've got 30kB/s upload, you should run maybe 2 active seeds at once (Torrent will start more queued ones until there are enough active ones, which means above 1kB/s)

Being connected to a peer does not mean by definition you are uploading/downloading with that peer. The amount of people you are uploading to is determined by the amount of upload slots, the amount of people you are downloading from is largely determined by those other people. And no, you don't need to be uploading and downloading to every peer you are connected to.

You have no seed goals set so that torrents can never finish seeding? As long as there are 23 (in your case apparently) active torrents, as you must have set yourself in the options (yes, it -IS- in there, thing Queue), the 24th or 25th will be queued (which means: will wait in line) untill a torrent ahead of it becomes inactive. Torrents can become inactive when they reach their seeding goal (ratio and/or time, both user specified) and finishes, when it is paused or stopped by the user, or when it's speed drops below 1kiB (in the default case with don't_count_slow enabled in advanced options).

Having 20+ torrents active may seem like you're trying to maximize the availability, but in practice it doesn't unless you have true 100mbit up (The connection being housed out of a datacenter, in Sweden or in Japan).

@razorrmon If you want to inspect queued files without using the NiFI UI, you can use command line API. I would not recommend trying to inspect the filesystem in the manner you have described. You can find a few commands here to expose the flowfile queues, and inclusive flowfiles' content:

@chrisarcand thank you for the response. Unfortunately, the issue still exists for me. I am still able to log in and queue plans but the plans never move from the queued state to actually planning. I will continue to monitor the page.

I have the same issue. Runs are getting stuck in queued and then they just expire. It seems that it usually happens after submitting tool outputs (at least for me). Also, it is impossible to cancel those runs. They are just stuck in cancelling until expired.

Experiencing issue as well, runs staying queued for an inordinate amount of time before expiring. I thought it might be related to the file upload issues but its happening with text-only prompts as well. Using assistants API, both 4 and 3.5 1106 models.

Thanks for getting in touch!

Can you please provide us a screenshot or more information about the queued tasks?

It is good to know that you have already increased the task cap. Could you please elaborate on why that is no longer an option?

My team has Alteryx server set up and for the most of the time it's working properly. Usually, a job will run immediately after being created. But recently, I noticed that some jobs will be queued after being created. Since we only have a small group of users, I am able to check with everyone to see if they have something running but none of them has jobs running. So we need shut down the server and re-launch it to solve this problem, which is not an ideal solution. So my questions are:

I uploaded a 5MB MP4 to a module in my course. When I click on the corresponding link, I'm told "Media has been queued for conversion, please try again in a little bit." This has been queued for 10+ minutes now.

I'm noticing that if I embed a video using the Rich Content Editor (this method: How do I upload a video using the Rich Content Editor? ) my video will play, but if I insert it from Files (this method: How do I insert course files into the Rich Content Editor using the Content Selector? ) I see the same "Media has been queued for conversion, please try again in a little bit." message you are. I used an .mp4 and a .wmv file so it doesn't appear to just be an mp4 problem.

I am still having this issue. It only happens with one of my videos (so far). I've tried changing the name of the file but it still doesn't work. I'm wondering if it has to do with file settings. Anyway, it is Sept 2021 and I am still getting the "Media has been queued for conversion" message. I'll try the RCE method.

I am writing to you today because I am currently experiencing an issue with one of my campaigns. The campaign has been scheduled to send for several hours now, but it is still showing an error message saying, "This campaign is still sending to 223 queued recipients."

same thing happens to my apps to, they get stuck in queue for many days, try changing the Dockerfile to Buildpacks in app settings, that might remove the task queue. and v2 doesnt not need .qovery.yml file anymore,

I opened the workflow timer activity in scheduled job and changed the next action to after 5 minutes, The state changed from ready to queued. What does this mean? and what is the difference between ready, queued and running states?

Last night my Ubuntu 18 was fine although it was running a bit laggier than usual. After work, logged it off. The next morning I couldn't login since it goes into a black screen after entering the correct password and goes back to the login. I've tried logging in the login shell but I've had no luck as it does the same thing. I've managed to capture a picture of the error before it goes back to the shell login after entering the correct password. How does one fix this?

Computers. assigned to or arranged in a list of items waiting for action:The service has since been restored and all queued emails have been delivered.The queued operations may be rearranged and optimized before execution.

When I add songs to my queued list, I can't press back to listen to the previous songs again. Instead, it plays some other song I might have been listening to before that was not in my queued playlist. I can only skip forwards, but any song that has been played or skipped will be lost!

The back and forward buttons should be independent from any Playlist. It should only care about previously played songs and songs that are going to be played, queued or otherwise. That's how it works anywhere else. Like a back button... it's really not that hard, are your programmers that incompetent? I'm not much of a programmer myself, but I'd bet $$$ that probably even multiple people who work in my office could work it.

Have same issue, but using a LiveCD install, rather than Docker. How do I access ./ version? (have the /webodm folder but that seems to be the docker version and so doesnt run?) The seems to be using services.

In this When does a Task get scheduled to the Cooperative Thread Pool? question, I asked why does work inside a Task execute after the function that created it returns. The answer I got was that Task queues up work on the current actor (unless I use .detached) so the current actor must first finish executing before it can run the closure in the Task.

I asked why does work inside a Task execute after the function that created it returns. The answer I got was that Task queues up work on the current actor (unless I use .detached) so the current actor must first finish executing before it can run the closure in the Task.

An overlapping of tasks and following a queueing of them is not a general problem else intentionally designed and a sensible feature. The queued tasks will be just updated if there are already resources available.

A build plan has been queued for building for an extended duration and is not showing on the Build activity dashboard as queued. There are Agents capable of processing the build available but it remains queued for an excessive period.

I just install the GSM via virtualbox to learn about using vulnerability scanners. I tried to scan one of my virtual machine on the network to test the openvas scanner. It has been stucked at queued since forever. I allocated 5 GB of RAM to it by the way. Any help to fix this please?

It seems the bug related to "409 Conflict" causes Runner to not run any jobs, and give up checking for new jobs for half an hour (#4360)  Issues / gitlab-runner  GitLab and Runner doesn't pick up jobs, receives 409 conflict on each attempt. (#29466)  Issues / gitlab-runner  GitLab

(Optional) Create an outbound whisper flow. When a queued call is placed, the customer hears this message after they pick up and before they connect to the agent. For example, "Hello, this is your scheduled callback..."

At the basic level, here's what this queued callback flow looks like, without any of the alternative branches or error handling configured. The following image shows a flow with the following blocks: Get customer input, Store customer input, Set callback number, Play prompt, Transfer to queue, and Disconnect/hang up. 006ab0faaa

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