The Daily Mirror is a British national daily tabloid newspaper.[3] Founded in 1903, it is owned by parent company Reach plc. From 1985 to 1987, and from 1997 to 2002, the title on its masthead was simply The Mirror. It had an average daily print circulation of 716,923 in December 2016, dropping to 587,803 the following year.[4] Its Sunday sister paper is the Sunday Mirror. Unlike other major British tabloids such as The Sun and the Daily Mail, the Mirror has no separate Scottish edition; this function is performed by the Daily Record and the Sunday Mail, which incorporate certain stories from the Mirror that are of Scottish significance.

Originally pitched to the middle-class reader, it was converted into a working-class newspaper after 1934, in order to reach a larger audience. It was founded by Alfred Harmsworth, who sold it to his brother Harold Harmsworth (from 1914 Lord Rothermere) in 1913. In 1963 a restructuring of the media interests of the Harmsworth family led to the Mirror becoming a part of International Publishing Corporation. During the mid-1960s, daily sales exceeded 5 million copies, a feat never repeated by it or any other daily (non-Sunday) British newspaper since.[5] The Mirror was owned by Robert Maxwell between 1984 and 1991. The paper went through a protracted period of crisis after his death before merging with the regional newspaper group Trinity in 1999 to form Trinity Mirror.

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The Daily Mirror was launched on 2 November 1903 by Alfred Harmsworth (later Lord Northcliffe) as a newspaper for women, run by women.[6] About the name, he said: "I intend it to be really a mirror of feminine life as well on its grave as on its lighter sides ... to be entertaining without being frivolous, and serious without being dull."[7] It cost one penny (equivalent to 48p in 2021).

Alfred Harmsworth sold the newspaper to his brother Harold Harmsworth (from 1914 Lord Rothermere) in 1913. In 1917, the price was increased to one penny.[14] Circulation continued to grow: in 1919, some issues sold more than a million copies a day, making it the largest daily picture paper.[15] In 1924 the newspaper sponsored the 1924 Women's Olympiad held at Stamford Bridge in London.

During the Second World War the Mirror positioned itself as the paper of the ordinary soldier and civilian, and was critical of the political leadership and the established parties. At one stage, the paper was threatened with closure following the publication of a Philip Zec cartoon (captioned by William Connor), which was misinterpreted by Winston Churchill and Herbert Morrison.[23] In the 1945 general election the paper strongly supported the Labour Party in its eventual landslide victory. In doing so, the paper supported Herbert Morrison, who co-ordinated Labour's campaign, and recruited his former antagonist Philip Zec to reproduce, on the front page, a popular VE Day cartoon on the morning of the election, suggesting that Labour were the only party who could maintain peace in post-war Britain.[24] By the late 1940s, it was selling 4.5 million copies a day, outstripping the Express; for some 30 years afterwards, it dominated the British daily newspaper market, selling more than 5 million copies a day at its peak in the mid-1960s.

"I've been told that killing dragons will burn you. But in light of today's victory and the importance of doing what is necessary for a free and honest press, it is a price worth paying. The mission continues."

The Mirror's lawyer showed him examples of stories that mirrored those previously published in competing newspapers and even stories that came from Buckingham Palace and, in one case, a story of an interview the prince himself had given to mark his 18th birthday.

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They came as days and went, and my life felt like a nightmare. I couldn't sleep, eat or stay awake. I cried all the time and was afraid. My face in the mirror was unrecognisable and I felt as though I had lost control of my speech and movements. When I zapped through my photos, every memory was intact but my mind perceived it as belonging to somebody else. My vision became foggy and distorted.

The livestream of Mirror Lake offers people the opportunity to stay connected to Mirror Lake and the Village of Lake Placid from anywhere in the world. The more people that are connected to this beautiful waterbody, and lakes in general, the more people will care about its protection. In addition to the livestream we also archive images from the camera every 1-minute and assemble those into daily timelapse videos posted to YouTube. You can watch an entire day pass Mirror Lake by in 1-minute; a Mirror Lake Minute. You can go back and watch the ice go out, IRONMAN overtake the lake, or the fall foliage. Or maybe you want to see what happened on Mirror Lake on the day of an anniversary, birthday, or holiday.

The Hubble constant is the rate of expansion of the universe today. Predictions for this rate -- from cosmology's standard model -- are significantly slower than the rate found by our most precise local measurements. This discrepancy is one that many cosmologists have been trying to solve by changing our current cosmological model. The challenge is to do so without ruining the agreement between standard model predictions and many other cosmological phenomena, such as the cosmic microwave background. Determining whether such a cosmological scenario exists is the question that researchers, including Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine, assistant professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at The University of New Mexico, Fei Ge and Lloyd Knox at the University of California, Davis have been trying to answer.

If the universe is somehow exploiting this symmetry researchers are led to an extremely interesting conclusion: that there exists a mirror universe very similar to ours but invisible to us except through gravitational impact on our world. Such "mirror world" dark sector would allow for an effective scaling of the gravitational free-fall rates while respecting the precisely measured mean photon density today.

"In practice, this scaling symmetry could only be realized by including a mirror world in the model -- a parallel universe with new particles that are all copies of known particles," said Cyr-Racine. "The mirror world idea first arose in the 1990s but has not previously been recognized as a potential solution to the Hubble constant problem.

"This might seem crazy at face value, but such mirror worlds have a large physics literature in a completely different context since they can help solve important problem in particle physics," explains Cyr-Racine. "Our work allows us to link, for the first time, this large literature to an important problem in cosmology."

"That's the premise here and we've been thinking about what could be causing that and why are these measurements discrepant? So that's a big problem for cosmology. We just don't seem to understand what the universe is doing today."

The boost at the Sunday Express took it above the Daily Star's circulation for the first time since January 2021 and May 2020, both anomalous months. Before May 2020, the daily title had been higher in our ranking since December 2011.

In March 2020, the last time it published its ABC total, The Sun was on a circulation of 1,210,915 versus 1,132,908 for the Mail. The Mail then overtook The Sun for the first time in 42 years in May that year with a circulation of 980,000 and continues to be the UK's best selling daily.

The Saturday edition of the Daily Mail remains the most-read newspaper with a weekly circulation of 1.47m. The weekday edition sells 784,439. Both the daily and Sunday editions saw a 9% year-on-year decline.

Mirror therapy was first described as a successful treatment for phantom pain by Dr. Vilayanur Ramachandran in the mid-1990s. Since then, several case reports have described similar success with the treatment. In 2007, results from a randomized controlled trial of mirror therapy was published in The New England Journal of Medicine. The findings from this study showed that mirror therapy was effective for reducing phantom pain after 4 weeks of regular practice. Mirror therapy was also shown to be superior to placebo and mental visualization comparison groups.

Historically, mirror therapy is described as being therapist-guided and it is often described as involving a specific set of exercises that must be followed. However, my research has shown that therapist guidance with mirror therapy is optional, and one need not follow a structured set of exercises to achieve good results. In other words, mirror therapy is quite simple, and it is something you can do yourself at home. All you need is a mirror and dedication to practice the treatment daily.

I first realized the simplicity of mirror therapy after treating a gentleman with phantom leg pain. With minimal instruction, he purchased a mirror and began doing mirror therapy for 20-25 minutes each day at home. He made sure to watch the mirror while performing gentle movements with his intact leg. He simply moved his intact leg any way he wished; he got creative to keep his interest up while doing the treatment. He reported enjoying the treatment because he found it relaxing and he started noticing pain reduction. Within several weeks his phantom pain had resolved completely and he was able to taper off all of his pain medication.

Based on the success of this case study, we recently conducted a pilot study with 40 people with phantom limb pain to further test the idea that mirror therapy can be self-delivered at home. Study participants were shown a brief demonstration of mirror therapy (either in person or via a DVD demonstration) and they were asked to practice the technique for 25 minutes daily. Participants self-treated at home with no therapist guidance (however, participants did have the ability to call me or the study coordinator with questions). Study findings showed that self-delivered mirror therapy is indeed effective for phantom pain. Almost half of the participants reported phantom pain reduction, with an average pain reduction of almost 40 percent. Ten participants reported phantom pain reduction greater than or equal to 40 percent. Two participants reported 100 percent phantom pain resolution. Like all medical treatments, not everyone in the study benefited from mirror therapy, but the study results suggest that many patients may effectively self-deliver mirror therapy at home with a simple mirror. Self-treatment with mirror therapy may reduce pain medication prescriptions and medical costs, thus reducing the cost burden of limb loss. Most importantly, successful self-treatment may reduce suffering and may improve quality of life. ff782bc1db

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