Nothing Else Satisfies

You can find the full scripture readings in the March 11 Order of Worship.

Have you ever complained about something?

Maybe it was trivial, maybe not. We've all been there. Would you like some cheese with that whine??

In our Old Testament lesson, we find the children of Israel complaining about their circumstances. They don't like the food provided for them and they long for Egypt. They lay the blame on God and Moses.

We are told God "sent" venomous snakes among them. People were dying from the bites.

The people came to Moses and stated that they had sinned against God and wanted him to intercede for them.

God told Moses to make a snake and put it on a pole. Everyone who was sick and looked upon it would be healed. Moses made a snake out of bronze and put it on a pole. Those who looked upon it were healed.

What are we to learn here? Will God drop a "bag O snakes" on you?

God's people had decided that God's provision was not enough for them and, in a sense, also decided that God was not enough for them.

God provided everything they needed, but yet it wasn't enough. Maybe they felt they deserved more, maybe they felt they could do it better themselves.

There are two prevailing theories about the snake attack: The first one is that God kills some of His people to make a point about obedience and gratitude. The other theory is that God allowed the people to suffer the consequences of their disobedience by removing His hand of protection. The Hebrew word that is translated as "sent" is "shalach". It can also mean to "allow".

God will allow us to reap the consequences of our actions when we choose to walk in disobedience. He loves us enough to let us see how good He is by letting us have that freedom of choice.

We search and search for satisfaction in this world, and many times even in the church, looking for the right person, the right group, the right teacher or experience to give us "what we want". In doing that, are we despising the "food" that God has given to us in Jesus Christ?

In our Gospel lesson, when Jesus was speaking with Nicodemus, He said, "Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up."

Jesus is the only one who can heal us from the bad mistakes we have made and provide a new path for the future.

Only He can satisfy. Only He is enough.

Let me leave you with something God dropped into my heart this last week:

Am I enough for you?

I am enough for you.

I am enough.



Fr. Aaron+