Marcelite's hand fell heavily on her mistress'sshoulder. Madame Arnault opened her eyes andsat up, grasping the arms of her chair. A harsh,grating sound had fallen suddenly into thestillness, and the shutters of one of the upperwindows of the wing which overlooked the gardenwere swinging slowly outward. A ripple of laughter,musical and mocking, rang clearly on theair; at the same moment a woman appeared,framed like a portrait in the narrow casement.She crossed her arms on the iron window-barand gazed silently down on the startled groupbelow. She was strangely beautiful and young,though an air of soft and subtle maturitypervaded her graceful figure. A glory of yellow hairencircled her pale, oval face, and waved away influffy masses to her waist; her full lips werescarlet; her eyes, beneath their straight, dark brows,were gray, with emerald shadows in theirluminous depths. Her low-cut gown, of some thin,yellowish-white material, exposed her exquisitelyrounded throat and perfect neck; long, flowingsleeves of spidery lace fell away from her shapelyarms, leaving them bare to the shoulder; loosestrings of pearls were wound around her smallwrists, and about her throat was clasped a strandof blood-red coral, from which hung to thehollow of her bosom a single translucent drop ofamber. A smile at once daring and derisiveparted her lips; an elusive light came and went inher eyes.

One day, more than three years after his visitto La Glorieuse, he found himself on a desertedpart of the Florida sea-coast. It was late inNovember, but the sky was soft and the air warmand balmy. He bared his head as he pacedmoodily to and fro on the silent beach. Thewaves rolled languidly to his feet and receded,leaving scattered half-wreaths of opalescent foamon the snowy sands. The wind that fanned hisface was filled with the spicy odors of the sea.Seized by a capricious impulse, he threw off hisclothes and dashed into the surf. The undulatingbillows closed around him; a singular lassitudepassed into his limbs as he swam; he felthimself slowly sinking, as if drawn downward byan invisible hand. He opened his eyes. Thewaves lapped musically above his head; a tawnyglory was all about him, a luminous expanse, inwhich he saw strangely formed creatures moving,darting, rising, falling, coiling, uncoiling.

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