Contents Page 

Mrs Peake's - News and Notes from the Headteacher 

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have so many dates coming up; I hope you're as excited as we are. Alongside the fantastic learning happening in our classrooms every day, our students have been diving into real-life experiences outside the classroom, making this year truly special.

You've probably noticed some wonderful improvements around the school. A huge thank you to our amazing PTA for organising volunteers to paint the front entrance and brighten up our school. We're also incredibly grateful to 'Pinstripes and Peonies' for their generous donation of beautiful flowers, raised planting beds, a greenhouse and for clearing the nature garden; creating a perfect space for science and art projects. We’re so lucky to have such dedicated helping hands and green fingers.

Now, for some important updates: there's new guidance for managing school attendance and absences, effective from the end of August. Absence fines are no longer optional, and schools must submit weekly reports to the Local Authority starting in September. Remember, children are in school for 190 days a year, so please try to schedule special events and appointments either after 3.30pm or during the 175 days they are not in school. Your cooperation helps ensure that our students make the most of their learning opportunities and will avoid you receiving an unwelcome fine.

Thank you all for your support and enthusiasm this year. Let's keep the momentum going and make the rest of the year just as amazing!

Kind regards,

Mrs Peake  - Headteacher 

Scroll along to read more thank you letters to the Volunteers

Scroll along to see more pictures of the garden area

Recapping the Remarkable 

Whole School


Parent Carer Open Morning 

Year 5

DT Global Food Project

Healthy Eaters Restaurant

Whole School


Good to be Green

Year 3


Picasso Cubist Work

Years 3+4


Roman Day

Year 3


Book Publishing


I am very proud to present the children's very own newsletter - the Platypus Monthly. This is created independently by the children in Year 5. Please have a look and enjoy what they have to say! 

Embracing Excellence: Celebrating 

Good Behaviour for Learning  

These children have been commended for impressive effort and excellence this week. 

They receive a special certificate, a round of applause in the celebration assembly and an entry into the Gold Book! We are very proud.

YN -  Montazar and Jacob

YR - Cassius and Manha

Y1 - Chloe and Edward

Y2 - Leon and Sorayah

Y3 - Georgina and Aneela

Y4 - Aguela and Illyas A

Y5 - Stephanie and Keysi

Y6 - O'Ratio and Philamena-Rose

In Harmony awards for Kemi, Eva and Samuel 

Attendance Matters so give it 100% 

School starts at 8.50am and ends at 3.30pm - please be punctual.

Overall we above the expected 95% for this term so far.... I know it's only a few days but this is a good start!

Please support your class to be 100%. 





Parents and Carers of Year Reception are invited...

Parents and Carers of Year 1 are invited ...

Year 6 Parents and Carers are invited...







We discuss the values and question of the week in assembly. Discuss these with your child at home.



What is the best future you could ever imagine?

How can you make your dreams come true?

Family Well Being 

What is self-care and why is it important?

For many parents and carers, finding time for yourself can be a challenge as you juggle family and relationships with your home and work life. 

This can be especially true if you are supporting a child or young person with their mental health.

With the practicalities of day-to-day life, it can be easy to forget to look after your own wellbeing needs, as well as those of your children, which can lead to feelings of stress or being overwhelmed.  

Factoring in regular time or activities for yourself will hopefully allow you to enjoy the good moments in life more and to find strength during difficult times.

The following advice about the importance of self-care has been created with the Centre’s Parent Champions.

For information on specific strategies which you could try, either on your own or as a family, please view our self-care resource for On My Mind.

ONLINE SAFETY - FREE online safety WORKSHOP for Parents

FREE Online Safety WORKSHOP for parents


Lydia Nixon will be holding two free online safety workshops for parents. Please click on the underlined links to book a FREE ticket and don't forget to tell us what you learnt! 

ONLINE SAFETY WEEK  - real life problems 


The National Online Safety #WakeupWednesday is included on our X ( aka Twitter ) @HerbMorrPriSch. 

On the internet or on social media, it’s likely that you’ve come across the occasional pop-up – promising a great deal on some product or service, declaring that you’ve won some kind of prize, or making any other number of tempting claims. This marketing tactic has been around for almost 30 years and shows no signs of disappearing any time soon.

Unfortunately, pop-up advertising carries with it various online safety risks, as we can never be certain where those links will take us or how legitimate their creators are. These ads can be especially risky for children and young people, who may not yet be able to look at such marketing with a critical eye. However, our free online safety guide will educate you on pop-ups, their associated risks, and how to safeguard yourself and young people from this phenomenon.

OUT OF SCHOOL IDEAS  - low cost 

More information and a weekly update of these low cost suggestions can be found on the Oval Learning Cluster Website - Families Page.  Our School works in Partnership with the Oval Learning Cluster. 


The lunch menus are on a 3 week rota - please find the Monday date at the top to know what will be on offer for the week. There are 3 menus to see below. Yum! 

Please note that there has been a change to the Friday Fish vs Fish fingers following a democratic vote led by the children. Fish will be for 2 weeks and Fish fingers will be for 1 week out of the 3 as 30% votes for the fish fingers and 60% votes for fish!

Need to know more ....

Find out more about the school on the school website or visit our online X page.


Click on Herbert Morrison for the School Website or X to go to the school X ( formally known as Twitter) page. 

Please support the PTA to support the school with this easy and helpful fundraising tip -