Contents Page 

Mrs Peake - Headteacher's Highlights 

the Radiance of Learning and Celebration 

Welcome to our festive newsletter! 🎄 As the magic of Christmas, Diwali, and Hanukkah converge, our school is abuzz with excitement. Our children are joyously preparing to showcase their talents, singing and performing in our heartwarming Christmas Show Assemblies. But amidst the celebrations, learning continues to shine! Year 6's Hayward Gallery takeover and Year 5's upcoming Football tournament await. Please respond with your child's participation slip if they're part of the team. Let the magic of the season and learning continue! 

I'm thrilled to announce the tremendous success of our recent book fair, all thanks to our incredible HM PTA. Their dedication is commendable! As we gear up for the Winter Disco on the 15th, we're seeking volunteers to make this event just as spectacular. If you're available to lend a hand, please reach out to your class representative. Your support truly makes a difference in creating these memorable experiences for our children.

I'd like to emphasise that safeguarding continues to be our top priority. Thank you for acknowledging the recent letters regarding this matter. As a gentle reminder, we kindly ask that parents and carers refrain from entering classrooms or the breakfast club hall. However, should you need to visit the office, please use the entrance via Hartington Road. Your ongoing cooperation and support are greatly appreciated. Thank you for helping us maintain a safe environment for all.

Mrs Peake  - Headteacher 

Recapping the Remarkable: Event Reporting and Highlights 

With Sincere Thanks To .... We couldn't do it without you - HM PTA 

Book Fair has been a big conversation point over the past few days. Seeing the enthusiasm for reading for pleasure is a pleasure! 'The more you read the better you write,' a Year 5 child told me.

Lots of Year 4 agreed and are inspired to be an author when they are grown up - but I say why wait? Write a book right now! 

If anyone knows any authors who would be willing to visit and inspire the children please speak to Mrs Peake. Thank you in advance. 

A huge congratulations to our talented winners of the HM PTA Poster competition! 

Vivienne and Eden from KS1

|Dareen and Ritaj from KS2

Their fantastic Book Fair Posters have adorned our school walls. Winners, your envelopes hold vouchers for the Book Fair! Enjoy your shopping spree! 

Dates for your diary

Please note that for all performance doors open at 2.30pm - excluding EYFS who will sing out at 10am in the morning. Please join us after each performance for a cup of tea and a mince pie. 

Reception and Nursery invite their parents and carers to .... 

Year 1 and Year 6 invite their parents and carers to .... 

Year 2 and Year 3 invite their parents and carers to .... 

Year 4 and Year 5 invite their parents and carers to .... 

Diary points to note

Pop any key dates in your diary.

Remember - the last day of term is 2pm on Thursday 21st December.

Embracing Excellence: Celebrating Good Behaviour for Learning  

These children have been commended for impressive effort and excellence this week. 

They receive a special certificate, a round of applause in the celebration assembly and an entry into the Gold Book! We are very proud.

N - Hala and Shahiem

R - Manha and Orlando

1 - Amelia and Henry

2 - Tait and Brooke

3 - Ines and Chloe

4 - Anna and Rema 

5 - Kiyana and James 

6 - Samra and Kate 

In Harmony - Ameera 

Attendance Matters 

Attendance for Term 2 is stable at 95.3%Regular attendance is crucial for success.

Please call the school office on 0207 720 3439 at 8.30am if your child is going to be absent so the reason can be recorded on the register and their class teacher can be made aware.
  • We aim for all children to have at least 96% attendance. Breakfast Club entry is 8.30am. 
  • 10 to 9 is on time! 
  • It is equally important that children are collected promptly by 3.30pm at the end of the day. Please ensure you call the school before 3pm for any end of the day messages to be shared with the Teacher. If you have arranged for someone else to collect your child please inform the office in advance. 





We discuss the values and question of the week in assembly. Discuss these with your child at home.



What is the best praise you can receive? 



Family Well Being 

In every edition of the Newsletter we will share 1 of the 5 ways to better wellbeing for you and your family to try.


The National Online Safety #WakeupWednesday is included on our X ( aka Twitter ) @HerbMorrPriSch. 

More than 150 million subscribers worldwide  Disney+ has enjoyed a steady rise in popularity since launching four years ago: the platform’s deep library of treasured old-school animated favourites, modern classics and original series means that it can offer a rich seam of engrossing content that caters for young and not-so-young users alike 

Of course, a consequence of this approach is the presence of the sort of age-inappropriate material one might not expect to find on the platform, given Disney’s fabled status as a purveyor of family entertainment. There’s useful advice in avoiding this pitfall (and more besides) in this week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide, as Disney+ comes under the microscope.

The Big Ambition

Thank you so much for your incredible efforts in completing ‘The Big Ambition’ survey with your children.


The Children's Commisioner has been in touch with us ....

'We have had an amazing response from nursery, primary and secondary schools across England and as a result I’ve decided to extend the closing date to Friday 19th January 2024 to allow even more children the chance to have their say.


This will give schools, children and young people an extra month over the festive season to take part in ‘The Big Ambition’.


Children and parents can complete the survey here:


It only takes 5-10 minutes. Please share this flyer with parents and children to complete at home.


‘The Big Ambition’ provides a much-needed opportunity for the children of England to tell policy makers what is important to them ahead of the General Election.


Let's make sure that the children and young people of Lambeth are represented in the results.


Thank you again and Merry Christmas!


Very best,

Dame Rachel De Souza

Children’s Commissioner for England

Need to know more ....

Find out more about the school on the school website or visit our online X page.


Click on Herbert Morrison for the School Website or X to go to the school X ( formally known as Twitter) page.