Contents Page 

Mrs Peake - Headteacher's Highlights 

Empowering Our Students: Highlights from Anti-Bullying & Online Safety Week

As we stride into the upcoming weeks, our school calendar is buzzing with an abundance of events, dates, and enriching activities eagerly awaiting our students. It's a vibrant time here at Herbert Morrison, filled with opportunities for our learners to engage, explore, and grow.

In the past week, our school community has been actively involved in dedicated learning initiatives centered around crucial themes. Anti-Bullying Week and Online Safety Week have provided invaluable opportunities for our students to delve into essential discussions, activities, and reflections on fostering a safer and kinder environment both offline and online.

I am immensely proud of the dedication and enthusiasm our students have shown in embracing these topics and taking positive steps forward in their understanding and behavior.

Your ongoing support, as always, is fundamental in reinforcing these lessons beyond the classroom. Thank you for partnering with us in nurturing a culture of kindness, respect, and digital awareness among our young learners.

Mrs Peake  - Headteacher 

Recapping the Remarkable: Event Reporting and Highlights 

Standing Together Against Bullying: Our Anti-Bullying Campaign Continues 

Anti Bullying Week started with parents and carers 'making a noise' about art and anti bullying. Thank you for your support and creativity to raise awareness and reflection.

We continued the week with activities both in and out of the classroom. These included word hunts in the playground, recruiting a whole school full of upstanding  anti-bullying ambassadors as well as giggling at the wriggly toes in odd socks day. We are all different and we celebrate our differences at Herbert Morison.

With Sincere Thanks To .... We couldn't do it without you


At Herbert Morrison we are celebrating the joy and importance of writing!

We're thrilled to introduce our newest initiatives aimed at fostering a love for writing among our students. Our Year 6 student was honored as the inaugural "Author of the Week," showcasing incredible creativity and autobiography prowess. Let's applaud their achievement and encourage more young authors to share their skills!

Moreover, our Year 2 students have a special guest, Dexter the Bear! Dexter will embark on exciting adventures, capturing moments and experiences in his diary while spending time with different families. This initiative aims to ignite a passion for writing and storytelling beyond the classroom, inspiring our young learners to embrace the wonders of expression and creativity.

Writing is not just about words on paper; it's a gateway to imagination, self-expression, and communication. Let's encourage our children to enjoy this journey of discovery through writing, whether it's crafting stories, keeping journals, fact sharing or expressing their thoughts and ideas.

We invite you to join us in celebrating the power of writing and encouraging our young writers to embark on exciting literary adventures!

Embracing Excellence: Celebrating Good Behaviour for Learning  

These children have been commended for impressive effort and excellence this week. 

They receive a special certificate, a round of applause in the celebration assembly and an entry into the Gold Book! We are very proud.

N - Valentina and Nasir

R - Khaleah and Orlando

1 - Khari and Favour

2 - Casey and Sorayah

3 - Lina and Clara 

4 - Ky'rel and Sophia

5 - Bailey and Kiyana

6 - Damien and Holly

In Harmony - Lila

Ambassadors - Art Ambassadors for sucessfully leading Make a Noise about Art and AntiBullying Event

Attendance Matters 

Attendance for Term 2 is stable at 95.6%Regular attendance is crucial for success.

Please call the school office on 0207 720 3439 at 8.30am if your child is going to be absent so the reason can be recorded on the register and their class teacher can be made aware.
  • We aim for all children to have at least 95% attendance. Breakfast Club entry is 8.30am. 
  • 10 to 9 is on time! 
  • It is equally important that children are collected promptly by 3.30pm at the end of the day. Please ensure you call the school before 3pm for any end of the day messages to be shared with the Teacher. If you have arranged for someone else to collect your child please inform the office in advance. 





We discuss the values and question of the week in assembly. Discuss these with your child at home.



Should zoo animals be allowed to fight if they do so in the wild?



We are digitalising our systems. For safeguarding reasons we must have 3 names and numbers to contact in case of an emergency. We will update the system from the information you have provided and then check in with you again. I am exploring the Parent App that works with our system and appreciate your feedback to get this up and running and efficient - to prevent you needing to provide this information again and again. 

FLU VACCINATIONS - If you missed out on the flu vaccination and the catch up in school last Monday there are still some local places you can take your child. Please see below.

Stockwell Children's Centre

The Livity School 

Kings Avenue School

Family Well Being 

In every edition of the Newsletter we will share 1 of the 5 ways to better wellbeing for you and your family to try.

ONLINE SAFETY  - Black Friday and Cyber Monday

The National Online Safety #WakeupWednesday is included on our X ( aka Twitter ) @HerbMorrPriSch. This week they are looking at what parents and carers need to know about X.

Dates for your diary

Reception and Nursery invite their parents and carers to .... 

Year 1 and Year 6 invite their parents and carers to .... 

Year 2 and Year 3 invite their parents and carers to .... 

Year 4 and Year 5 invite their parents and carers to .... 

The HM PTA have put together these dates of events in the local community.

Pop any key dates in your diary. In the last newsletter we shared the dates for the whole term - see you there!

Remember last day of term is 2pm on Thursday 21st December. 


Need to know more ....

Find out more about the school on the school website or visit our online X page.


Click on Herbert Morrison for the School Website or X to go to the school X ( formally known as Twitter) page.