Contents Page 

Mrs Peake - Headteacher's highlights 

Navigating the Busy and Focused Path of Term 2

We hope this message finds you well and ready for the wonderful journey that awaits us in Term 2. With the festive season just around the corner, there's so much to look forward to as we dive into a season filled with learning and excitement.

Online Safety Week (30th October  - 3rd November): We kick-started the term with Online Safety Week, a crucial initiative to equip our students with the knowledge and skills to navigate the digital world safely. As technology continues to play a significant role in our lives, ensuring online safety is of paramount importance.

Anti-Bullying Week (November 13th - 17th): Another highlight of Term 2 is Anti-Bullying Week, a special event designed to foster a culture of respect and kindness among our students. Together, we'll stand up against bullying and promote an environment where everyone feels safe and valued.

Remembrance Day (11th November): More than 100 years after the end of World War One, we ask 'Why do we still remember?' and explore the significance of Remembrance Day through poetry and real-life accounts from veterans by joining in the BBC Live lesson on Wednesday. This was an opportunity for our children to be a part of a collective moment of reflection ahead of a weekend of national events, 

But that's not all! As we approach the end of Term 2, we have a world of excitement waiting for you. The term will conclude with a festive flourish, as we bid farewell to 2023. Term 2 will officially finish at 2 pm on Thursday, December 21st.

So, mark your calendars, stay engaged, and get ready for a fantastic journey filled with learning and fun. We can't wait to make the most of this term together!

Children joined in with the BBC Live Remembrance Lesson and thought about the Wishing you a joyous and successful Term 2.

Mrs Peake  - Headteacher 

Online safety week feature length film 

Last week was online safety week for Herbert Morrison. We have an online safety event every term to ensure this is a consistent and constantly spoken about topic. Next term Internet Safety day is on Tuesday 6th February. We have another exciting Internet Safety Week planned for the Summer Term. We constantly review and refer to online satety in all year groups. Safety is paramount! 

It is equally important for you to safeguard your child's online journey! Take time to talk about online safety at home. 

The whole school have worked together to produce this useful SMART online safety video. This can guide your conversation. Watch the video with your child for a great start. Grab some popcorn for a feature length film - it is just under 7 minutes long.

Every class has a smart with a ♥️ poster displayed

Recapping the Remarkable: Event Reporting and Highlights 

Embracing Excellence: Celebrating Good Behaviour for learning  

These children have been commended for impressive effort and excellence this week. 

They receive a special certificate, a round of applause in the celebration assembly and an entry into the Gold Book! We are very proud.

N - Heba and Beydan

R - Cassius and Elijah

1 - Leo M and Jazmin

2 - Micheala and Mia

3 - Badi'ah and Yonus

4 - Shantai and Ayesha

5 - Anna and Nana

6 - Lewhat and Iram 

In Harmony - Kemi, Samuel and Eva 

Attendance Matters 

Attendance for Term 2 so far is 95.7%Regular attendance is crucial for success.

Please call the school office on 0207 720 3439 at 8.30am if your child is going to be absent so the reason can be recorded on the register and their class teacher can be made aware.
  • We aim for all children to have at least 95% attendance. Breakfast Club entry is 8.30am. 
  • 10 to 9 is on time! 
  • It is equally important that children are collected promptly by 3.30pm at the end of the day. Please ensure you call the school before 3pm for any end of the day messages to be shared with the Teacher. If you have arranged for someone else to collect your child please inform the office in advance. 





We discuss the values and question of the week in assembly. Discuss these with your child at home.



If you say one sentence to the world, what would you say and why?



I emailed out a learning passport to you during the rainy half term. Please let me know how you are getting on with the age appropriate activities. I am in the playground most mornings and afternoons.  

Thank you for contributing to our own clothes day fundraiser. We raised £190. This money will go towards the end of year class gifts which will refresh the wet play games and activities.

123 Parents and Carers responded to the Autumn Term Parent Voice. ( Many answering for multiple children). The feedback was incredibly positive with over 95% of responses for each question being positive.

97% report that their child is happy at this school

98% report that their child feels safe at this school

96% report that the school makes sure pupils are well behaved 

96% report that they are aware of what their child will learn during the year

Family Well Being 

In every edition of the Newsletter we will share 1 of the 5 ways to better wellbeing for you and your family to try.

ONLINE SAFETY  - x formally known as twitter 

The National Online Safety #WakeupWednesday is included on our X ( aka Twitter ) @HerbMorrPriSch. This week they are looking at what parents and carers need to know about X.

Dates for your diary

Reception and Nursery invite their parents and carers to .... 

Year 1 and Year 6 invite their parents and carers to .... 

Year 2 and Year 3 invite their parents and carers to .... 

Year 4 and Year 5 invite their parents and carers to .... 

Christmas card and gift ordering deadline is 9am Mon 20th November 2023

Check your child's book bag today to see their design and order online by following the instructions. If you miss the above deadline your gifts may not be returned to school in time for the end of term.

Anti Bullying Week

Week 3 launches Anti-Bullying week at Herbert Morrison.

There will be a range of competitions and events for the children throughout the week starting on Monday 13th November and YOU are invited! We finish the week on Friday 17th November where everyone is invited to wear odd socks for the day to show we are all different. 

Please see the letter from Ms Grieve our resident artist sent to you by email on behalf of our Art Ambassadors.


Parent/Carer events are in blue. 

Need to take action events are in green

Deadline reminders are in red.

BFC = Breakfast Club /  ASC = After School Care / BHLC = Ben Holioake Learning Centre at the Oval Cricket Ground / GH = Greenhouse Sports

Need to know more ....

Find out more about the school on the school website or visit our online X page.


Click on Herbert Morrison for the School Website or X to go to the school X ( formally known as Twitter) page.