How to Whitelist an Email Address or Email Sender in AOL?

Technology keeps improving itself every single day and you cannot ignore the fact that you get huge help with all the technical inventions ever made. But sometimes these technologies can make your life difficult as well. Talking about email services, there are a large number of useful email services available in the market and one of the oldest of them is AOL. Sometimes because of some useful features you may miss upon some useful emails as they are going into the spam folder. For such situations, you must connect with AOL Online Chat Support team as they will offer you the most suitable solutions.

To not miss any important emails of your AOL account, you can use the whitelisting feature that implies you can whitelist a sender or an entire domain name as it will make sure that the emails from the particular sender are sent to your inbox only.

Whitelisting the important AOL email senders

Whitelisting implies adding an email address to your contact list in order to ensure that the senders you select are recognized properly and received in your inbox and not in the spam folder. To whitelist an email-sender in AOL, you must add the email address or corporate domain of the sender to your address book or custom sender list.

Use the steps given below to whitelist a contact in AOL:

  • Click ‘Contacts’ option that is given on the top left navigation bar of the inbox screen.
  • Next, click on the ‘New Contact’ icon given on the top bar and add the contact information into the given fields.
  • After you are done entering the required information, click on the ‘Add contact’ button given at the bottom.

If you are replying to an email from a sender you want to add to the whitelist, it will automatically add the sender as a safe one if you are using AOL webmail. From that time, any email from that domain will be delivered right to your inbox and such emails will not be recognized as spam any more.

This way you can safely add all your contacts to the whitelist so that any emails from such contacts will not be missed any further. If you are still not getting any alerts and emails are landing into the spam folder, make sure you have upgraded to the latest version of the AOL.

In any case, if you face any issues, you can speak to an AOL Representative To easily obtain all the answers with the help of certified experts.