Hello. So this might sound like a really stupid question. 

I'm currently using i3 as my WM, thunar as my FM and Firefox as my browser. 

When I search for images on google so I can get a nice wallpaper for my installation, I always click on view image, and then do right click and "save image as". However when ever I do that it shows me a white screen. It's not like a crash or anything, and I can get back to my browser screen if I press esc. I can fix this white screen problem by installing a DE, but I don't want to do that just for "save image as". Any ideas why I get a white screen? Am I missing some kind of plugin?

I'm not sure why it's not working for me. It's a pretty clean install. I have only installed Firefox Thunar i3 and rofi. Whenever I do "save as" in Firefox it shows me a white screen. It does that for all of the images. Downloads work fine though.

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I had the same problem at one point and at least for me the "white screen" proved to actually be the file browser that opens when the option to save something is chosen. Could you try and see if you can move the white screen around if you press the super key and click on it (I think this is the default in i3wm)?

I'm using Compton for transparency but I'm pretty sure that doesn't have any effect but I can try and disable it. Also I have a high dpi screen so that might be the cause for it, but I have scaled everything using xft.dpi in xresources and everything else works fine, so I don't think that might be a cause.

I figured out the problem. As Nassi said, it was a giant draggble pop window that asks you where you want to save the image. Since I have a hidpi display, I believe that dialog thinks it's a much larger display while I'm using a laptop screen. Anyway it was working as intended, it's just that the scaling for the dialog is off, but by dragging, you can kind of get around it.

I am having a peculiar problem after the last Cinnamon update. When I login, my desktop is overlayed with a opaque white screen that gobbles up the wallpaper as well as Conky. When I logout, the overlay goes away for a couple seconds before the logout action takes me to lightdm login screen.

Under System/Desktop Icons you'll find a toggle to enable icons on the desktop. Switch this on, and suddenly -- wallpaper! This stays there if you turn off desktop icons but disappears again on login.

Right click the desktop and untick "show desktop icons" or "show icons" does that fix the wallpaper display issue? If so, go through Gconf editor to the gnome desktop settings, set draw desktop to off, reboot, set it to on, reboot, and it should work. I had the same issue

I had this problem when I installed Ubuntu-Gnome 13.10. For me, in order to use a background, I can not use the settings as they just leave me a white screen. Instead, I choose any screen I want to use with Firefox. I right click on the image and choose to use as background. This actually works with the options for stretch, fit, tile, etc.

I only found the problem because I included an image (url to an image) which had a size specified as a parameter. This worked great.

When I removed the sizeparameter, I also got a white screen on the image.

So I looked what dimensions the image had. It was above the HD dimensions. Therefore, I have also tried this on the websites.

This means fixed sizes on the page and avoided VH and VW in CSS.

I have the same problem with 1080p monitor.

I present a local webpage created by an OEE system. And its just a white screen. Would be nice to solve this problem. Some webpages are working just fine.

Hi! I have a 3 monitor setup (2x MX27AQ and PQ348Q) and I want to make sure there will be no side effects despite eye pain and high electity bill if I use a pure bright white walppaper with a small logo in the middle for periods like 10-12h per day.

Common Logic says that, Screen is BLACK when not using any POWER, so displaying black color should not consume any power (because without powering any pixel it gives black color)

Also a white screen gives me more light than a darker one, so it should use more Energy.

White Visuals on screen => More Light Output => More Electrical Energy Consumed

Black Visuals on screen => Less Light => Less Electricity Consumed

There are some technologies that aim to reduce power when large sections of the screen are black (you might have heard of "localized dimming" or "dynamic contrast"), but these features are largely found in TVs where movies might actually have large swaths of black on screen. Computers generally don't.

If you want to reduce power consumption, configure your system to sleep the display after 10 or so minutes, as this uses the least amount of power and will allow LCD displays to turn the backlight fully off. Generally when you're using the computer, you're not staring at the desktop wallpaper, so the biggest gains are available when the system is not currently in use. Turning down the brightness will also provide significant power savings. I generally run my displays at about 20% Brightness, and get more than double the battery life in many cases. This won't work if you're out in the sun, but it's often plenty bright for most indoor use.

I've also read some time ago a review analyzing the actual impact of a black google page, and the conclusion was that the power saving was quite irrelevant and dependent on your monitor (for some technology, it actually consumes more energy do display a black screen). Unfortunately I can't find the source article anymore.

I would say that this is not correct - occasionally it will save more energy to use a white background, occasionally a black screen would conserve better. It honestly depends on the type of monitor/screen used.

As opposed to LCD, where black uses slightly more energy to display a black screen as the display relies on an array of thin-tube fluorescent bulbs that provide a constant source of light to create a white screen. To make it black, LCDs rely on a diffuser to block this light.

Regularly on both my iPad and iPhone I click a link expecting an image to show and what loads is simply a white screen. I've always thought it was me, that is until today! Sitting around redditing and bang... Everyone here has exactly the same issues.

Also while I'm at it - when using reddit direct from the browser you can hold your finger on an animated GIF then copy/paste it to an imessage... When you try something similar from this app you just get a screen shot from the animated gif??? Anyone???

When I upload the image it shows on my screen,but once I save and reopen the settings to see the profile image,it does not show,it just shows blank white screen(but the name and phone show when reopened,only image does not show)

I have attached the code that gets value from db and shows in ui and also added the saveUserInformation() which is called when the user clicks the save image button and this function saves name,phone and profileimage in db. I have added screenshot of database below and also added the snippet of error I am getting.

Is there any chance that you uploaded the project resource folder (projectFileName_res) instead of the HTML5 output resource folder (resources by default)? I ask this because you mentioned project files and the res folder. The entire HTML5 output folder looks like the following screenshot:

Something very strange happened today. I was shotting when the camera stops recognize imagem, just showing a white screen. I tried to change shutter, iso and nothing work. Anyone have any idea what to do? Thanks.

Something very strange happened today. I was shooting when the camera stops recognize images, just showing a white screen. I tried to change shutter, iso and nothing work. Anyone have any idea what to do?

If it still looks like that after resets and putting on the lens cap (no level of exposure compensation can turn that into a white image) then there certainly is a problem. I have never seen this nor do I know it to be a common problem with a6000. I'd send it in for warranty/repair, unless I found a way on the internet to roll back the firmware, preferrably to do a clean flash of the firmware.

Having the same problem with my Sony A5000 mirrorless. Started showing this all white (not even a reticle - just 100% white) screen this morning. Would occasionally flicker to normal but evenually just got stuck on all white all the time. have pulled battery, removed lens, switched memory cards, etc. and have had no luck. Any progress on your end?

Despite its absurdity, I use it to clean my display. It clarifies what appears on the screen. Although this only happens on rare occasions when I'm not seeking expert color grading, I do use it to test how well different displays depict basic colors.

Because I don't have a professional screen, I'm using my computer and placing the white screen for light on it to avoid accidentally touching anything. I'm working on an animation sequence in an old-fashioned manner (by hand), thus I need a white surface with light so that I can lay one piece of paper over another and see both of them.

A white screen can act as a lifesaver when checking all the dirt and dust particles and dead, stuck, white, and warm pixels. Every LCD screen should be cleaned periodically to avoid disruption of picture quality and stop further damage. e24fc04721

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