Eun Hee is hired as a vice principal at her old high school, where strange things take place in the closed down washroom. High school student Ha Young and So Yeon, who used the washroom as their hideout hear humming in the empty washroom, and believe that a ghost exists inside. Ha Young discovers a flowerpot on the stairs and suspects that Eun Hee is somehow linked to the mystery. Suffering from hallucination upon her inauguration, Eun Hee finds a ghastly figured girl in the washroom mirror and begins to believe that the girl was the one who brought her back to this school.(Source: Edit Translation

Black clouds rolled from one end of the sky to the other. Thunder rolled across the sky and a raging storm was brewing yet it was less than the one in my mind. Ever so gently, I put the phone down back in its cradle and looked up the stairs. Mary Jane was still whispering sweet nothings to someone called Jim. A drop of rage started to boil the sea as bitter moments pulsate through veins. The clock starts to tick backward. Resentment hardens the soul. Anger colors my world. Slipping the ring off my finger and placing it on the counter top, I yank the drawer open. Looking over my shoulder, I see Mary Jane walking down the stairs. Reaching into the deep drawer, I start to get up.Read more...

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The small calendar on the podium said Sunday, June 9, 3024. Craginplaced a small black notebook beside it. Neither his carriage nor mienwere those of the gaunt-faced, tall-browed men of science who sat,ill-at-ease, mute, in the broadly-aisled tiers of the echo-whisperingauditorium. For Cragin was not one of them. He was young-old, somethingof slate and steel; gray, something almost of legend and of the mysteryof Deep Space itself. He had the quiet voice of all men who had livedtheir lives within arm's length of the Barrier.

Six was screaming. Seven started humming, and Cragin felt his clothesbeginning to stick to his back. By himself, he'd never had more thanseven comps to fly on, and had never taken the risk of flying pastbreakdown. That was suicide. The SP-15 had been fitted with ten as hehad ordered. According to the books, if you tried to use more thanthat, the circuits in One would burn up. Nobody, except Fowler Griffinand his daughter, had ever tried past seven except himself. The riskwasn't worth what you got out of it, and listening to a bunch of compsgetting ready to blow themselves to hell didn't net you anything but abad heart.

There wasn't any answer and he tried again. Nine was humming. "I'veorders to burn you up if you refuse to acknowledge. Ack please." Hetried to keep his voice flat and machine-like so he wouldn't givehimself away, but he sounded like an hysterical schoolgirl compared tothe voice that answered him. It was that of a woman; a woman who mighthave died and shriveled in the deserts a hundred years ago. ff782bc1db

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