Hi @Ziggy,

Yeah other phone browsers are fine, but when you open it up through Facebook it does that, you know when facebook opens something but doesn't actually open it up on Chrome or Safari, it's like FB's browser.

Are you in the Squarespace Community group on FB? I made a post in there about it.

Also when I view the website to edit in the Squarespace app it comes up comes up with that scaling but not on the Squarespace desktop website when viewing the mobile version - I've attached images.


@Ziggy Ok so after hours and hours of more research, I duplicated my site and deleted everything to see what it was causing this. It's the text boxes/font, it looks like it's not breaking and going into mobile view. 

I tried resizing a few but its site wide so I can't do it for the whole site, is there a way to make it so the font breaks in to mobile view like it should? Or is there a way for FB browser to 'read' the correct code and stop messing it up?

Thank you

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I have the same issue. I am afraid to even use my website on a facebook page because when someone clicks on it, the text boxes are all over the place even rhough I have designed the page to safetly have the text boxes have space between. It is a nightmare. My service provider tells me that this is a bug from FB. I built my website using Webstarts. Have considered starting over again and going with Wix. But not sure if this will sort out the issue. I had some 80 testers and most of them said it was fine.. but some were seeing the corrupted site as I am. So frustrating. And impossible to talk to someone at FB.

Hello. I'm trying to disconnect my Etsy shop from a Facebook account that is no longer in use/deactivated. However, when I pull up my social account settings, I can't disconnect from Facebook. There is a spinning wheel next to the Facebook icon. Refreshing the page doesn't help either. Is this something that Etsy Support can assist with?

I would imagine that you need to go to Facebook to resolve it if you pointed that Facebook account to Etsy and I would imagine the reason it is spinning is because the Facebook account is deactivated.

hello. did you solve the issue. also my facebook account hacked and facebook disabled my account. i have no longer access my meta business account and i open a nec facebook business account but i can not add my etsy shop from adding domain because it is already verified from my old business account which is hacked and disabled. any solution advice would be great

Over the last several weeks, media reporting has drawn renewed attention to the seemingly inconsistent way in which Facebook makes decisions, and why greater transparency and independent oversight of Facebook matter so much for users.

Up to the end of June, we estimate that nearly half of cases submitted (46%) came from the US and Canada, while 22% of cases came from Europe and 16% from Latin America and the Caribbean. We estimate that 8% of cases came from the Asia Pacific Oceania region, 4% came from the Middle East and North Africa, 2% came from Central and South Asia and 2% came from Sub-Saharan Africa.

We do not believe this represents the actual distribution of Facebook content issues around the globe. If anything, we have reason to believe that users in Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Middle East experience more, not fewer, problems with Facebook than parts of the world with more appeals.

We are expanding our outreach in these areas to ensure that Board oversight extends to users everywhere, and we ask that users and civil society organizations in Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East take notice of our concern and bring appeals when they suffer the effects of poor content moderation by Facebook in their areas.

Nearly half of the cases where Facebook identified its original decision as incorrect related to the Hate Speech Community Standard, while nearly a third related to Dangerous Individuals and Organizations.

To assist with making our decisions and to push Facebook to be as transparent as possible, we send questions to Facebook about specific cases. Of the 156 questions sent to Facebook about decisions we published through the end of June, Facebook answered 130, partially answered 12 and declined to answer 14.

Following recent disclosures in the Wall Street Journal, the Board committed to look at whether Facebook had been forthcoming in its responses on its cross-check system, which the company uses to review content decisions relating to high-profile users.

The credibility of the Oversight Board, our working relationship with Facebook, and our ability to render sound judgments on cases all depend on being able to trust that information provided to us by Facebook is accurate, comprehensive, and paints a full picture of the topic at hand. We will continue to track and report on information provided by Facebook to ensure it is as comprehensive and complete as possible.

Specifically, Facebook requested guidance on, among other things: how to ensure fairness and objectivity in cross-check reviews, taking into account context; how to govern cross-check and promote transparency; and the criteria it uses to determine who is included in cross-check and how to ensure this is equitable.

Many can relate to the experience of having their content removed with little explanation of what they did wrong. The Board is deeply concerned with the impact on users and the implications for freedom of expression around the world.

In May, Facebook committed to translate its Community Standards into Punjabi, a language spoken by 130 million people, by the end of this year. In June, Facebook pledged to include its satire exception, which was not previously communicated to users, in its Community Standards by the end of this year.

Of course, this is just a start. For these recommendations, and others, we will be monitoring whether and how Facebook lives up to the promises it has made. Over time, we believe that the combined impact of our recommendations will push Facebook to be more transparent and benefit users.

Pushing Facebook to be more transparent, to treat users fairly, and to honor its human rights commitments is a long-term effort that requires engagement by policymakers and regulators, civil society, researchers, and the media. The Oversight Board is part of this effort.

In areas where we feel that Facebook is falling short, such as transparency, we will keep challenging the company to do better. We will do this through our decisions, recommendations, and regular transparency reporting, including our annual report which we will publish next year.

Update on March 17, 2018, 9:50 AM PT: The claim that this is a data breach is completely false. Aleksandr Kogan requested and gained access to information from users who chose to sign up to his app, and everyone involved gave their consent. People knowingly provided their information, no systems were infiltrated, and no passwords or sensitive pieces of information were stolen or hacked.

Originally published on March 16, 2018:

We are suspending Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL), including their political data analytics firm, Cambridge Analytica, from Facebook. Given the public prominence of this organization, we want to take a moment to explain how we came to this decision and why.

Although Kogan gained access to this information in a legitimate way and through the proper channels that governed all developers on Facebook at that time, he did not subsequently abide by our rules. By passing information on to a third party, including SCL/Cambridge Analytica and Christopher Wylie of Eunoia Technologies, he violated our platform policies. When we learned of this violation in 2015, we removed his app from Facebook and demanded certifications from Kogan and all parties he had given data to that the information had been destroyed. Cambridge Analytica, Kogan and Wylie all certified to us that they destroyed the data.

Several days ago, we received reports that, contrary to the certifications we were given, not all data was deleted. We are moving aggressively to determine the accuracy of these claims. If true, this is another unacceptable violation of trust and the commitments they made. We are suspending SCL/Cambridge Analytica, Wylie and Kogan from Facebook, pending further information.

In 2014, after hearing feedback from the Facebook community, we made an update to ensure that each person decides what information they want to share about themselves, including their friend list. This is just one of the many ways we give people the tools to control their experience. Before you decide to use an app, you can review the permissions the developer is requesting and choose which information to share. You can manage or revoke those permissions at any time.

On an ongoing basis, we also do a variety of manual and automated checks to ensure compliance with our policies and a positive experience for users. These include steps such as random audits of existing apps along with the regular and proactive monitoring of the fastest growing apps.

To help personalize content, tailor and measure ads, and provide a safer experience, we use cookies. By clicking or navigating the site, you agree to allow our collection of information on and off Facebook through cookies. Learn more, including about available controls: Cookie Policy

I am in the process of moving a FB and Instagram page from the current FB Business Manager account to another one. I am having an error because an active Facebook Commerce account is linked to the FB and Insta pages.

When you deactivate your commerce account, you remove it and all Shops connected to your account. Your Facebook Pages, Instagram profiles, catalog, ad, and business accounts will no longer be connected to your commerce account.

Moira | Social Care @ Shopify 

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