Translation is done by the hardware, thanks to tables that are filled by the operating system. These tables indicates for every potential virtual page address to which physical page address it corresponds. So mostly, virtual addresses are mapped to physical (RAM) addresses.

A process always has the same kind of memory structure in terms of virtual addresses. At the lower address end, there are the instructions, global data, and the heap, that are organized in several sections. At the upper end, are the program parameters (argv) and the stack. In between there is free space that allows the stack and the heap to grow.

So there are addresse equal to 0 (the first instruction of a program) and to 0xfffffffffffffffff (start of the stack).

Obviously is is far beyond the capacity of most (all?) present RAM. With 64 bits virtual addresses and a 4GB RAM (32 bits), at most one page over 1 billion can be used.

But the mapping mecanism is possible thanks to the page based translation. In the free space between the heap and the stack, most addresses will never be used. In that case, no page table for the translation is created by the OS.

If you generate a random address in a program, the most likely is that it will not correspond to an address mapped by the system to the RAM. If you try any access on this address, the processor will detect that no page exist and will raise an exception that will handled by the system. Most probably the system will stop your program and display an error message like "access violation".

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The virtual address space is kept in secondary storage (disk). The virtual part of virtual memory means that the operating system maintains an image of the address space in secondary storage. Because an image of the address space is kept in secondary storage, it can be larger than the physical memory.

The second piece of implementing virtual memory is logical address translation that takes place entirely in memory. In the logical address space, memory is subdivided into pages (something like 512bytes to 1MB). Physical memory is subdivided into page frames. The size of a page frame has to match the size of the logical page on most systems.

In most cases there is no mapping of a logical address to a physical address. If you access a page that has no mapping the processor generates a page fault. Once the logical translation fails, the operating system has to do a virtual translation of the page. It looks to see if the page in question is located in secondary storage.

A virtual memory implementation has to maintain a copy of each process's virtual address space in secondary storage. It has to be able to translate logical page references into the virtual page stored on disk. It has to be able to copy logical pages in memory between virtual pages on disk.

Virtual reality and augmented reality devices have recently been described in the surgical literature. The authors have previously explored various iterations of these devices, and although they show promise, it has become clear that virtual reality and/or augmented reality devices alone do not adequately meet the demands of surgeons. The solution may lie in a hybrid technology known as mixed reality, which merges many virtual reality and augmented realty features. Microsoft's HoloLens, the first commercially available mixed reality device, provides surgeons intraoperative hands-free access to complex data, the real environment, and bidirectional communication. This report describes the use of HoloLens in the operating room to improve decision-making and surgical workflow. The pace of mixed reality-related technological development will undoubtedly be rapid in the coming years, and plastic surgeons are ideally suited to both lead and benefit from this advance.

I seem to have VDI's scattered all about, but all under a common root folder of "VirtualBox VMs". And I don't have a folder "HardDisks". So its not clear to me where the repository is, or where I'm supposed to put the VDI.

Virtual memory is a memory management technique where secondary memory can be used as if it were a part of the main memory. Virtual memory is a common technique used in a computer's operating system (OS).

Today, most personal computers (PCs) come with at least 8 GB (gigabytes) of RAM. But, sometimes, this is not enough to run several programs at one time. This is where virtual memory comes in. Virtual memory frees up RAM by swapping data that has not been used recently over to a storage device, such as a hard drive or solid-state drive (SSD).

Virtual memory is important for improving system performance, multitasking and using large programs. However, users should not overly rely on virtual memory, since it is considerably slower than RAM. If the OS has to swap data between virtual memory and RAM too often, the computer will begin to slow down -- this is called thrashing.

Virtual memory was developed at a time when physical memory -- also referenced as RAM -- was expensive. Computers have a finite amount of RAM, so memory will eventually run out when multiple programs run at the same time. A system using virtual memory uses a section of the hard drive to emulate RAM. With virtual memory, a system can load larger or multiple programs running at the same time, enabling each one to operate as if it has more space, without having to purchase more RAM.

If, at any point, the RAM space is needed for something more urgent, data can be swapped out of RAM and into virtual memory. The computer's memory manager is in charge of keeping track of the shifts between physical and virtual memory. If that data is needed again, the computer's MMU will use a context switch to resume execution.

While copying virtual memory into physical memory, the OS divides memory with a fixed number of addresses into either pagefiles or swap files. Each page is stored on a disk, and when the page is needed, the OS copies it from the disk to main memory and translates the virtual addresses into real addresses.

However, the process of swapping virtual memory to physical is rather slow. This means using virtual memory generally causes a noticeable reduction in performance. Because of swapping, computers with more RAM are considered to have better performance.

A computer's MMU manages virtual memory operations. In most computers, the MMU hardware is integrated into the central processing unit (CPU). The CPU also generates the virtual address space. In general, virtual memory is either paged or segmented.

Paging divides memory into sections or paging files. When a computer uses up its available RAM, pages not in use are transferred to the hard drive using a swap file. A swap file is a space set aside on the hard drive to be used as the virtual memory extension for the computer's RAM. When the swap file is needed, it is sent back to RAM using a process called page swapping. This system ensures the computer's OS and applications do not run out of real memory. The maximum size of the page file can be 1  to four times the physical memory of the computer.

The virtual memory paging process uses page tables, which translate the virtual addresses that the OS and applications use into the physical addresses that the MMU uses. Entries in the page table indicate whether the page is in RAM. If the OS or a program does not find what it needs in RAM, then the MMU responds to the missing memory reference with a page fault exception to get the OS to move the page back to memory when it is needed. Once the page is in RAM, its virtual address appears in the page table.

Segmentation is also used to manage virtual memory. This approach divides virtual memory into segments of different lengths. Segments not in use in memory can be moved to virtual memory space on the hard drive. Segmented information or processes are tracked in a segment table, which shows if a segment is present in memory, whether it has been modified and what its physical address is. In addition, file systems in segmentation are only made up of segments that are mapped into a process's potential address space.

Segmentation and paging differ as a memory model in terms of how memory is divided; however, the processes can also be combined. In this case, memory gets divided into frames or pages. The segments take up multiple pages, and the virtual address includes both the segment number and the page number.

Other page replacement methods include first-in-first-out (FIFO), optimal algorithm and least recently used (LRU) page replacement. The FIFO method has memory select the replacement for a page that has been in the virtual address for the longest time. The optimal algorithm method selects page replacements based on which page is unlikely to be replaced after the longest amount of time; although difficult to implement, this leads to less page faults. The LRU page replacement method replaces the page that has not been used for the longest time in the main memory.

Managing virtual memory within an OS can be straightforward, as there are default settings that determine the amount of hard drive space to allocate for virtual memory. Those settings will work for most applications and processes, but there may be times when it is necessary to manually reset the amount of hard drive space allocated to virtual memory -- for example, with applications that depend on fast response times or when the computer has multiple hard disk drives (HDDs).

When manually resetting virtual memory, the minimum and maximum amount of hard drive space to be used for virtual memory must be specified. Allocating too little HDD space for virtual memory can result in a computer running out of RAM. If a system continually needs more virtual memory space, it may be wise to consider adding RAM. Common OSes may generally recommend users not increase virtual memory beyond 1  times the amount of RAM.

In addition to these benefits, in a virtualized computing environment, administrators can use virtual memory management techniques to allocate additional memory to a virtual machine (VM) that has run out of resources. Such virtualization management tactics can improve VM performance and management flexibility. 2351a5e196

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