I keep this password on a paper in my home. Is it recommended to buy a (hardware) vault to store this password? As I need to enter my master password every time with the firefox plugin on my desktop it would not be not very user friendly but maybe I can live with it.

15 characters is considered hard for most attackers to force at the moment. However, assuming that they are stored in password manager, 20-25 random characters gives some headroom without adding any inconvenience.

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In my OSGi-based Java application I am developing a bundle to provide the rest of the system with access to the file system. In addition to providing access to the user home directory, I also wish to provide access to a non-user specific area. Exactly what this area will be used for is as yet undetermined, but it will not be for preferences (handled by a different bundle), however it may be used to store data that could change at runtime.

A seemingly better place to store your application state data would be /var, or more specifically, /var/lib. This also comes from the Hierarchy Standard. You could create a /var/lib/myapp, or if you're also using things like lock files or logs, you could leverage /var/lock or /var/log.

Applications require preference and configuration data to adapt to the needs of different users and environments. The java.util.prefs package provides a way for applications to store and retrieve user and system preference and configuration data. The data is stored persistently in an implementation-dependent backing store. There are two separate trees of preference nodes, one for user preferences and one for system preferences

However, some people recommend that the salt be stored separately from the database. Their argument is that if the database is compromised, an attacker can still build a rainbow table taking a particular salt string into account in order to crack one account at a time. If this account has admin privileges, then he may not even need to crack any others.

From a security perspective, is it worth it to store salts in a different place? Consider a web application with the server code and DB on the same machine. If the salts are stored in a flat file on that machine, chances are that if the database is compromised, the salts file will be, too.

However, for example, even if the salted-password hash was stored as-is, but pre-pended with a single random byte, as long as the attacker is unaware that this first byte is to be discarded, this would also increase the difficulty of attack. Your application would know to discard the first byte of the data when used to authenticate your user.

If you cannot keep your application's authentication logic secret - lots of people know how your data is stored in the database. And suppose you have decided to store the salted-password hash mixed in together with the salt, with some of the salt prepending the salted-password hash, and the rest of the salt appending it.

For example, you generate a random salt of 512 bytes. You append the salt to your password, and obtain the SHA-512 hash of your salted-password. You also generate a random integer 200. You then store the first 200 bytes of the salt, followed by the salted-password hash, followed by the remainder of the salt.

There is no need to store them separately - the point is to use a random salt for each password so that a single rainbow table can't be used against your entire set of password hashes. With random salts, an attacker must brute-force each hash separately (or compute a rainbow table for all possible salts - vastly more work).

If you use a library (or make your own one) which uses a fixed size string as the salt, then you can store both the salt and the hashed password in the same field. You would then split the stored value to retrieve the salt and the hashed password to verify the input.

Additionally, as @Sirex has suggested, you can use /usr/local/bin/ to store cronjobs globally, that is, for all users, and /usr/local/sbin/ for scripts which are to be run as root. Personally, for sake of organization, I would put them under the directory cron, to separate them from ordinary shell scrips or binaries.

Where would you recommend me to store the Keepass-file? Well - for most of the use-cases usually i have all my personal documents in my cloud account. The pro: i can access it from everywhere in the world. With any device.

But besides that i am not so sure if this is safe. Especially if it comes to such things like keepass: Some friends mentioned that it is not so safe: Question; would it be safe to use the cloud for the keepass-file? Can i secure it even further, by adding another (extra) layer of security by encrypting the file. the generalized question is this: How safe is it to store the keepass-file in the (wrong place) like in the cloud? What risks do I need to know about?What can I do with the KeePass password file, there are several arguments to decide where to store it. if the passwords are really, really important to someone, one should make the decision based on:

so there some difficult questions arise: What should i do - what can be done with the passwd. Can I secure it even further, by adding another extra layer of security by encrypting the file i am going to store in cloud storage online.look forward to hear from you

Well i guess: The best place to store the Keepass DB file is wherever it is most convenient for someone.With a sufficiently strong and arbitrarily defined password - like so: 3112-.,,2-1^^^ and so forth.Well i think that we should make use of a long password (30+ characters) well one that is not guessable outside of brute force

A KeePass database is a regular file, which users can store wherever they want. KeePass does not require Internet/cloud access. Anyway, some users prefer to store their database file in a public place (such as a shared network drive, a webserver, a cloud storage like e.g. Dropbox, ...), in order to always have access to their database whenever an Internet connection is available.

When opening a database file, KeePass loads the complete database file(in encrypted form) into its process memory and decrypts it there. Allwork (like editing an entry, creating a group, etc.) is performed withthe data in process memory. When the 'Save' command is invoked,KeePass encrypts the data and sends the encrypted data to disk/server.This means that your data is transferred and stored only in encryptedform; the disk/server and network never see your unencrypted data.

On large systems it can be useful to structure /srv by administrative context, such as /srv/physics/www, /srv/compsci/cvs, etc. This setup will differ from host to host. Therefore, no program should rely on a specific subdirectory structure of /srv existing or data necessarily being stored in /srv. However /srv should always exist on FHS compliant systems and should be used as the default location for such data.

There are multiple ways of off-line storage, from printing a hard-copy of the private and public key-pair including the password (but that will be a female dog to restore) to simply storing them on digital media rated for long time storage.

I would recommend to look into an offline HSM (such as a hardware encryption token or a CAC) to store the private key and certificate. This not only protects the private key from accidental compromise, it also provides some basic cryptographic offload.

If you have more cryptographic assets to manage, I would recommend looking into an Enterprise Key & Certificate Management software, which can automate renewals, track lifecycle, automate provisionming to endpoints, etc. Most of these store the asset encrypted-at-rest as a CLOB in a database.

Another option, after reading about KeyWhiz, was HashiCorp's Vault. Its not just a password manager, but a Secrets store, I believe somewhat similar to KeyWhiz. Its written in GO, and the client works as the server as well, and hooks into a bunch of backends, and authentication methods. Vault is also open-source, with the Enterprise option as well.

I have a lot of space on my actual Virtual Center server (100+gigs) and thought that could be a good place. However, how would you store the images on say Virtual Center server and allow all the ESX Servers and VM's to be able to access those ISO images? I was not sure how to do this or even if this was a possibility.

But, for larger stuff, you can have a server based store. On your Virtual Center server, you'll need to install the Microsoft NFS Server services (I think it's on CD 2 of the Windows 2003 Server CDs, part of the "Windows Services for Unix" packages(.

NFS is indeed a great place to store ISOs, however be aware of the performance impact of all your VMs using the ISOs at the same time, you may want to have a separate network for the NFS store or switch to using /vmimages local to each ESX server, if you have enough space. If you are using shared storage for ISOs, it is best to place all the ISOs on the same LUN, do not mix them in with your VMs or you are gauranteed to experience SCSI Reservation Conflicts.

I am storing a variety of data on app_metadata and user_metadata. However, I came upon this text in auth0 docs:

Beware of storing too much data in the Auth0 profile. This data is intended to be used for authentication and authorization purposes. The metadata and search capabilities of Auth0 are not designed for marketing research or anything else that requires heavy search or update frequency. Your system is likely to run into scalability and performance issues if you use Auth0 for this purpose. A better approach is to store data in an external system and store a pointer (the user ID) in Auth0 so that backend systems can fetch the data if needed. A simple rule to follow is to store only items that you plan to use in rules to add to tokens or make decisions.

And then anything not related to auth should be stored in an external database? And to be clear, I can connect a mongoDB database for free to store data (as a database connection) and this is part of the free plan? The only thing that costs money is using an external database for authentication? Thanks! e24fc04721

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