I understand that I can install apps (for the Nova3 Color, which I'm probably going to buy) and could download whatever apps I want from the Play Store (if I am following correctly), but is there a place other than the Big Names that you get your ebooks?

No torrent links. No pirated materials. No passing along ebooks that have not been explicitly given out by the Authors or Publishers. This isn't just our rule, but that of Reddit, and the law. As much as you may want to share with everyone, our hands are tied.

Where To Download Ebooks For Free Reddit

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Can anyone offer suggestions where I can find the best range of ebooks? I had a look at the kobo unlimited but not sure on the selection range. I love reading a bit of everything across all categories.

When i see people preparing for CCNP or CCIE most of the time i find a big block of Cisco certification guides behind them , does it really matter or make difference ? will i grasp the concept faster or maintain it longer in my head if i read from printed books rather than ebooks?

Rule 3.6: No distribution or solicitation for pirated books. We aren't telling you not to discuss piracy (it is an important topic), but we do not allow anyone to share links and info on where to find pirated copies. This rule comes from no personal opinion of the mods' regarding piracy, but because r/books is an open, community-driven forum and it is important for us to abide the wishes of the publishing industry.

Ever since I purchased my kindle 2 months ago I have no desire to read physical books that much anymore. I just like the connivence of sticking to one device, and it's nice not having to worry about where I'm going to store the next book I buy. Plus, having a dictionary one click away is very helpful

Hello!! I wanna start reading the throne of glass series, but I can't buy it yet, so I am going to get ebooks for it online (sorry ???). The problem is that I went into the bookstore and checked the amount of chapters for each physical book in the series, but when I get the ebooks, the page number varies by a lot...

For property tax reasons, my husband and I have different legal addresses. I was excited to get a library card from 'my' new library, and they have basically no ebooks. Maybe a few, but certainly nothing that interests me.

I was looking at two Horrible Histories eBooks that I bought on Amazon before. One was like they just scanned a physical copy of the book, and they were just pages where the fonts couldn't be edited and resized. Another copy seemed to be designed specifically for Kindle ereaders, and had a normal digital reading experience with pictures embedded separately.

I see a lot of posts on here where people are pretzeling themselves to unplug from their phones. I say, stop pretzeling, start reading ebooks. Get a library card and check out ebooks on the Libby app. It's free. It's easy. It's good for your brain, and it gives you a GOOD reason to play with your shiny gadgets.

If you haven't tried ebooks, they're really great. Seriously. No chance of losing your place or your bookmark. Look up the meaning or translation of a strange word by tapping on it. Highlight your favorite passages without harming a precious dead tree book. Read in bed with the lights off. And no overdue library books--they automatically return themselves.

Also, don't feel bad about reading trashy books. Read all the James Patterson books-by-committee you want. It's still better than Facebook. And with ebooks, nobody knows what you're reading, so nobody's judging.

Have you ever wondered what a ebook for Madden looks like? Will it help me up my game? Well I'm here to tell you, it certainly CAN, if you pick the right one. 2 years ago I ran into a YouTuber named Winmadden. He had 1.2subs then, now he has 26k. Great guy with incredible talent for ebook making. I started winning not just more games, but more Superbowls. Madden was fun again! I'm 41 years old, been playing since 1990 when Madden hit consoles and 97-2007 were some of the best maddens alive. Now, not so much. Married and we just had a baby boy, times not on my side for games now but do play in my spare time. Anyways, I wanted to explore my options on other Ebooks. Spent $30 dollars on ActuallCC ebook. 126k subs, should be a good one. Couldn't wait to get home and lab 16 plays and run stopping D, CC did go 25-0 in Mut champs! Just excited. I figured big time YouTuber with 126k subs could put together a ebook greater then a 26k sub...BOY WAS I WRONG! I get home, open up Madden Turf and I just sat there, blinking. $30 got me 1.5 blitzs. "Its pretty inconsistent" it's a blitz gutfox found 4 years ago, that I remember pretty fondly and CC even runs it wrong, he laughs in the video and says, "pretty inconsistent, you don't have to take auto flip off" but you actually do, and you have to flip it. It's pretty crazy to think that he doesn't even know his own blitz. I go to CCs offense, it's one formation and one play. "Put the left WR on a streak and make a read, pretty simple" is the video. I couldn't believe I just paid $30 for it! I paid WinMadden $26 for the whole year! For 6-7 playbook ebooks, vault tips, monthly meta changes! I could not F'N believe it. I felt like I was Robbed. I honestly think CC plays on a VPN and plays bots all day. He even admitted he doesn't play a lot of Superbowls in his last Waller video but he goes 25-0 on Mut champs. Makes no sense, but the ebook shows how lazy this man is. He got made at a guy that commented, " what happened to you, we are not Learning anything anymore from your vids?" The guy has a legitimate case for real. Idk, I think EA is rubbing off on him.

The ebook is up on Amazon, and basically everywhere else where ebooks are generally available (as per the official Subterranean press page: -great-change-and-other-lies-ebook/). However, outside the Barnes and Noble page, the other links are not available outside of the US. And when purchasing from Barnes and Noble, without a Nook, it seems to result in an error. I have tried using a VPN, but that does not work because it seems I need an American address associated with the account I am purchasing with.

I'm trying to use Amazon less, and that's been very successful for most things. The big hurdle is books. I can't tell you how many books I buy, but I've read 150-250 per year since 2011. While that is a mixture of library books and rereading books I already own, a good chunk of them are ebooks from Amazon, and I'd like to find alternatives.

The problem is, amazon are really good at what they do. If I want to read a book, I can find it on amazon within a minute, and buy it or send a sample to my kindle there and then. The process is effortless. There are a few books I haven't been able to find on there, but, in those cases, those books weren't available anywhere else either, and I find amazon's prices for ebooks are usually pretty good. I do use calibre, so if I started buying books elsewhere, I can convert them and send them over, though it's an annoying process. Does anyone know any alternative ebook sellers to amazon with similar advantages in terms of what's available, ease of use, and prices?

I am considering buying another ereader in future. Any recommendations? Having a different ereader might make the entire process of switching from amazon easier. For example, I wouldn't need to get on calibre every time I bought a book somewhere else. If I were to do that, I could use calibre to convert my entire kindle library, though that would be something of an undertaking.

This is a follow-up post to one I wrote about three months ago on ebook NFTs, but, unlike the previous, this will not go into the technicalities of the process. This post is merely to recap my experiences of publishing my ebooks on the blockchain.

Bookbub.com is a site I've been using to find sales on ebooks. It's just like the daily deals email from amazon, except they have a longer list of books that are customized for the categories you choose. You will also receive an alert if there's an ebook on sale for your wishlist and/or favorite author.

I was wondering where you guys store your ebooks and how. I wanted my books to be accessible from both computer and phone so I used to send every ebook I download to a private telegram channel I created but I have got over 50GB of ebooks, telegram just does not do it for me anymore. What do you guys do for large collections of books? Yours answers will definitely help me.

Ok here is my question I have bought a lot of books/ ebooks from Amazon. Now say that I no longer have a account with them do I loose all the books I have bought from them even if I downloaded them?

I'm considering a kindle for my kids. Any input on the ease of borrowing ebooks form libraries? Can you manage this borrowing on the kindle or do you need to manage the library/Overdrive account through a computer? Thank you

I've been trying to find a good place to buy/download Japanese ebooks for a while. I tried downloading some raw manga but the quality isn't very good so it makes it impossible to read the furigana. I can use my tablet and phone wherever I go, so it's much easier than carrying around an actual book. Does anyone know where I can acquire ebooks/manga?

From all the comments, I think I have found a couple of solid ways to acquire Japanese ebooks. honto.jp seems good and easy to use, but I haven't bought anything yet; and the amazon.co.jp kindle store seems like a possibility as well. I am going to try out both methods and see what works best. Depending on how good/bad they are, I might create a couple of short guides so that other people can use them. Is anyone interested in that? If so, I will definitely make a guide and give a short review of each process. Thanks for the feedback everyone!

I assume this isn't a trivial problem to solve - the Remarkable and other eink tablets do let you scribble and highlight on ebooks, but I guess the Amazon Scribe is still fairly new/immature software wise.

For example, when I read Adler's orchestration, I found it incredibly annoying to have to look away from the book to play the audio examples. If there were any sort of ebooks that had the player built into the page, I'd probably read them just for ease of use. Is this a thing that even exists? e24fc04721

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