The ultimate purpose of every ART is to deliver effective solutions to the customer. Essentially, ARTs are built for the sole purpose of establishing a fast flow of solution features. To achieve that, a train develops the solution iteratively, constantly engaging with the customer and adjusting the course of action towards an optimal solution.

Bug fixes and backwards compatible features are added to each release train via a service release (SR). Once you determine which version of Spring Cloud to use, you should use the latest service release for that release train. You can find the latest service release information on our release notes page.

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It is recommended that you use release train BOM spring-cloud-dependencies This is a BOM-only version and it just contains dependency management and no plugin declarations or direct references to Spring or Spring Boot. You can Spring Boot parent POM, or use the BOM from Spring Boot (spring-boot-dependencies) to manage Spring Boot versions.

Historically, the release trains have names, not versions, to avoid confusion with the sub-projects. The names are an alphabetic sequence (soyou can sort them chronologically) with names of London Tube stations ("Angel" is the first release, "Brixton" is the second, etc...). When point releases of the individual projects accumulate to a critical mass, or if there is a critical bug in one of them that needs to be available to everyone, the release train will push out "service releases" with names ending ".SRX", where "X" is a number.

We will follow the YYYY.MINOR.MICRO scheme where MINOR is an incrementing number that starts at zero each year. The MICRO segment corresponds to suffixes previously used: .0 is analogous to .RELEASE and .2 is analogous to .SR2. Pre-release suffixes will also change from using a . to a - for the separator, for example, 2020.0.0-M1 and 2020.0.0-RC2. We will also stop prefixing snapshots with BUILD- -- for example 2020.0.0-SNAPSHOT.

In some schemes, sequence-based identifiers are used to convey the significance of changes between releases. Changes are classified by significance level, and the decision of which sequence to change between releases is based on the significance of the changes from the previous release, whereby the first sequence is changed for the most significant changes, and changes to sequences after the first represent changes of decreasing significance.

Software in the experimental stage (alpha or beta) often uses a zero in the first ("major") position of the sequence to designate its status. However, this scheme is only useful for the early stages, not for upcoming releases with established software where the version number has already progressed past 0.[1]

The standard GNU version numbering scheme is major.minor.revision,[15] but Emacs is a notable example using another scheme where the major number (1) was dropped and a user site revision was added which is always zero in original Emacs packages but increased by distributors.[16] Similarly, Debian package numbers are prefixed with an optional "epoch", which is used to allow the versioning scheme to be changed.[17]

There is sometimes a fourth, unpublished number which denotes the software build (as used by Microsoft). Adobe Flash is a notable case where a four-part version number is indicated publicly, as in Some companies also include the build date. Version numbers may also include letters and other characters, such as Lotus 1-2-3 Release 1a.

A software release train is a form of software release schedule in which a number of distinct series of versioned software releases for multiple products are released as a number of different "trains" on a regular schedule. Generally, for each product line, a number of different release trains are running at a given time, with each train moving from initial release to eventual maturity and retirement on a planned schedule. Users may experiment with a newer release train before adopting it for production, allowing them to experiment with newer, "raw", releases early, while continuing to follow the previous train's point releases for their production systems prior to moving to the new release train as it becomes mature.

In the mid-1990s, the rapidly growing CMMS, Maximo, moved from Maximo Series 3 directly to Series 5, skipping Series 4 due to that number's perceived marketing difficulties in the Chinese market, where the number 4 is associated with "death" (see tetraphobia). This did not stop Maximo Series 5 version 4.0 from being released. (The "Series" versioning has since been dropped, effectively resetting version numbers after Series 5 version 1.0's release.)

Version numbers are used in practical terms by the consumer, or client, to identify or compare their copy of the software product against another copy, such as the newest version released by the developer. For the programmer or company, versioning is often used on a revision-by-revision basis, where individual parts of the software are compared and contrasted with newer or older revisions of those same parts, often in a collaborative version control system.

Some computer file systems, such as the OpenVMS Filesystem, also keep versions for files. Versioning amongst documents is relatively similar to the routine used with computers and software engineering, where with each small change in the structure, contents, or conditions, the version number is incremented by 1, or a smaller or larger value, again depending on the personal preference of the author and the size or importance of changes made.

In some cases, the use is a direct analogy (for example: Jackass 2.5, a version of Jackass Number Two with additional special features; the second album by Garbage, titled Version 2.0; or Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, where the rules were revised from the third edition, but not so much as to be considered the fourth).

Normally, I clean rails/railplates manually. However, in the case of the 9V Extreme Track, this is hardly possible since many sections are difficult to access alt. out of reach. The only remaining expedient for cleaning is a highly efficient rail cleaning train!

Because of the heavy weight in combination with considerable friction, I have to operate the rail cleaning train in two versions. (It feels like driving a car with applied handbrakes ...) Both versions include six locomotives 7939 with two 9V engines each:

Somewhat related thought: What about building some sort of automated compressed-air dusting tunnel? Something similar to the giant blowers that clear the water off your car after going through an automated car wash. While not Lego trains specifically, it would give you an excuse to add another siding to your layout and play with compressed air.

I think you're one of the very few people for who this would make sense, since you have multiple long trains. For most people, the effort wouldn't be worth it since their layouts and trains are much smaller.

Well, she didn't say anything about REAL snow (grin). But it does sound like you have your next project already... a vacuum train. (grin some more) Though in all seriousness, perhaps making a train of idler cars to guide the vacuum to where you need it in the hard to reach corners might be helpful. I've seen vacuum attachments with many tiny straws so that you don't suck up larger bits, like a 1x1 tile.

Resolved an issue whereby providing an empty list for the policiesfield in the request body of the POST /os-server-groups API wouldresult in a server error. This only affects the 2.1 to 2.63 microversions,as the 2.64 microversion replaces the policies list field with apolicy string field. See bug #1894966 for more information.

A new [workarounds]/reserve_disk_resource_for_image_cache configoption was added to fix the bug 1878024 where the images in the computeimage cache overallocate the local disk. If this new config is set then thelibvirt driver will reserve DISK_GB resources in placement based on theactual disk usage of the image cache.

A new config option [neutron]http_retries is added which defaults to3. It controls how many times to retry a Neutron API call in response to aHTTP connection failure. An example scenario where it will help is when adeployment is using HAProxy and connections get closed after idle time. Ifan incoming request tries to re-use a connection that is simultaneouslybeing torn down, a HTTP connection failure will occur and previously Novawould fail the entire request. With retries, Nova can be more resilient inthis scenario and continue the request if a retry succeeds. Refer to for more details.

A fix for serious bug 1862205 is provided which addresses boththe performance aspect of schema migration 399, as well as thepotential fallout for cases where this migration silently failsand leaves large numbers of instances hidden from view from theAPI.

With the changes introduced to address bug #1763766, Nova now guardsagainst NUMA constraint changes on rebuild. As a result theNUMATopologyFilter is no longer required to run on rebuild sincewe already know the topology will not change and therefore the existingresource claim is still valid. As such it is now possible to do an in-placerebuild of an instance with a NUMA topology even if the image changesprovided the new image does not alter the topology which addressesbug #1804502. 17dc91bb1f

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