Many English speakers know that British English and American English are different, and if pressed on how they're different, they'll likely point to some vocabulary differences (like British "boot" for American "trunk") or some orthography differences (like British "honour" and American "honor"). But there are some sly differences that surprise even our word experts: towards and toward.

For those who are not familiar with this particular regional quirk, there are some who hold that toward is preferred in American English, while towards is preferred in British English. But no one can come up with a good reason for the rule.

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The early -ward and -wards words functioned as adjectives, adverbs, and nouns, but for reasons that we don't fully understand, grammarians and usage mavens felt that this messy state of affairs needed some tidying. The first call to arms that we can find in the usage literature is the Edward S. Gould's collected musings on usage and abusage called Good English, published in 1867. In an article that is specifically about toward and towards, Gould quotes a bit of (not entirely spurious) etymology, notes that the Old English -weard has given us a number of words, and then claims that the addition of -s to these words is an "innovation" without merit:

That was good and vitriolic enough for later American usage writers, who built on the idea that towards was unetymological and therefore base. We begin to see, in the U.S., a decline in the use of towards from the late 1800s onward, as the idea that towards isn't proper picks up steam.

The British, however, had little to say about toward and towards until the 20th century. H. W. Fowler put forth the contention in his 1929 Dictionary of Modern English Usage that all the -ward words are usually adjectives and all the -wards words are usually adverbs or nouns. (This is not borne out by the millennium of actual use of toward and towards.) Of towards itself, he says:

The adjective toward is much rarer than both the adverb and the preposition, which means that Fowler's prescription is essentially to use towards. It may be that toward was deemed literary to account for its historical use by solid English authors, and provincial to account for its preference in America.

The stage was set for the odd state of affairs we currently have: that toward is American and towards is British. It is true that towards has been used less frequently in written, edited American English since the turn of the 20th century, but not much less. Corpora of British sources and American sources show that British use of towards is only slightly ahead of American use. But American use of toward is significantly greater than British use of toward: in one dataset, American toward is twenty times more common than British toward.

What should you do? If you're an American, you can use either toward or towards, depending on what sounds more natural to you. There are those who will claim that towards in American English is wrong, but it's really a matter of preference.

Toward is the preferred spelling in the United States and Canada. In other English-speaking countries, such as the United Kingdom and Australia, towards is the more common spelling. The Chicago Manual of Style notices this difference; The AP Stylebook recommends using the shorter spelling.

However, there is a difference in their usage. Although toward and towards are used at about the same frequency in spoken language, in written language toward is used much more often than towards, roughly five times as often. (This applies to American English only; in British English towards is the more common variation.) So if you'd like to be on the safe side, use toward and you won't be wrong. But the choice is really up to you.

In the early autumn of 2012, Jiangyi High School welcomes a cheerful transfer student named Su Zaizai (Zhang Miaoyi). On the first day of school, Su Zaizai encounters the aloof and cool Zhang Lurang (Zhou Yiran) and falls in love with him at first sight. Behind Zhang Lurang's seemingly outstanding academic performance and privileged family background, he is a "contradictory" person who appears to be quite confident on the outside yet constantly doubts himself on the inside. Due to the presence of his genius younger brother Zhang Luli, Zhang Lurang is constantly compared to him by his mother. For over a decade, Zhang Lurang's life has been like living inside a thick shell. He is introverted and speaks little. He looks composed and polite but keeps everyone at a distance. However, Zhang Lurang's life changes when he meets the bubbly and forward Su Zaizai, and joins hands with old and new friends Gu Ran, Guan Fang, and Su Zaizai's best friend, Jiang Jia. They help him understand the meaning of one's self and he slowly begins to understand how to plan his life. Zhang Lu Rang and Su Zaizai work towards their goals while supporting one another, as romance begins to blossom throughout their friend group.

Until last weekend, the camera suddenly went offline. Nothing changed in my house setup, no stuff changed that can disrupt the signal. So I went and checked the camera, it has power so removed it from the base. Moved closer to the house and suddenly there is connection again. Apparently the wifi signal is not strong enough. Now I started testing how far I could go before the signal drops out and found I can go halfway through the backyard to my garage, while before it would reach the garage easy.

So the easy solution was to move the repeater to the cleaning room just 5 meters away from the camara location on the garage. But I was surprised there still was not enough signal for a connection.

Then again I tried which distance was close enough for signal, and while walking towards the repeater I got a strong signal with around 300K/s speed.

But when I turn around facing towards the garage, so away from the repeater, the signal drops and the camera livefeed cuts off. When I turn back again towards the repeater the connection is back again.

So I found that I can easily reproduce and solve the issue by turning the camera around at exactly the same position. Facing towards the router makes connection, facing the opposite side breaks the connection up.

Therefor I was wondering, could it be possible the camera has 2 wifi antennas, one back one forth, and the back facing antenna could be defect?

Is there some other explanation to this issue? It seems the wifi signal is strong enough, on my phone I have full signal and a quick connection. Also the camera is working good facing the direction of the repeater.

I just started using the eGift & gift card options provided by Square.

When a gift card is purchased, the funds are transferred and sent to my account, however Square does not count that value towards your gross or net sales.

I see now that value counts towards your gross & net sales when the card is redeemed instead of purchased...shouldn't this be reversed? 

I'm afraid this will affect my year-end numbers if some of the gift cards aren't redeemed but I received the value of the transaction in my bank account.

This also affects comped gift cards as well. I can give away a free gift card of any value but when it's redeemed, it counts towards my sales even though those were not actually funds collected. If it was reversed this would not be an issue.

For the turning I have been testing the transform.LookAt() function although it isn't returning the desired results as when the player is too close to the enemy object the enemy starts to tilt backwards and I only want my enemy to be able to rotate along the y axis, thanks in advance.

The propensity score is defined as a subject's probability of treatment selection, conditional on observed baseline covariates. Weighting subjects by the inverse probability of treatment received creates a synthetic sample in which treatment assignment is independent of measured baseline covariates. Inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) using the propensity score allows one to obtain unbiased estimates of average treatment effects. However, these estimates are only valid if there are no residual systematic differences in observed baseline characteristics between treated and control subjects in the sample weighted by the estimated inverse probability of treatment. We report on a systematic literature review, in which we found that the use of IPTW has increased rapidly in recent years, but that in the most recent year, a majority of studies did not formally examine whether weighting balanced measured covariates between treatment groups. We then proceed to describe a suite of quantitative and qualitative methods that allow one to assess whether measured baseline covariates are balanced between treatment groups in the weighted sample. The quantitative methods use the weighted standardized difference to compare means, prevalences, higher-order moments, and interactions. The qualitative methods employ graphical methods to compare the distribution of continuous baseline covariates between treated and control subjects in the weighted sample. Finally, we illustrate the application of these methods in an empirical case study. We propose a formal set of balance diagnostics that contribute towards an evolving concept of 'best practice' when using IPTW to estimate causal treatment effects using observational data.

As part of his research, Dr. John Gottman conducted a study with newlyweds, then followed up with them six years later. Many of the couples remained together. Many divorced. The couples that stayed married were much better at one thing: the third level of the Sound Relationship House, Turn Towards Instead of Away. At the six-year follow-up, couples that stayed married turned towards one another 86% of the time. Couples that divorced averaged only 33% of the time.

This is a pretty incredible piece of data. It suggests that there is something you can do today that will dramatically change the course of your relationship. More importantly, it suggests that there is something that you cannot do that will lead to its demise. So, how do you turn towards instead of away? In order to understand turning, you have to first understand bids. 006ab0faaa

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