WhatsApp Download

Whatsapp is an online messaging application that connects you with your loved ones. You can easily send messages, photos, documents, videos, etc. Nowadays, it's an important part of everyday life and it's one of the best popular applications. By whatsapp download, you'll be able to keep in touch with multiple people.

WhatsApp Download

How to download WhatsApp Desktop?

  1. Turn on your device and open any web browser on your desktop.

  2. Type the whatsapp download in the search box and hit the enter key.

  3. This will redirect the window to the whatsapp download page.

  4. Click on the download option and download the .exe or .dmg file.

  5. Wait until the downloading process is completed.

  6. Now, after downloading double-click on the downloaded file and install it.

WhatsApp Download

How to download WhatsApp on Android?

  1. Unlock your android and open the PlayStore or Google store on your device.

  2. Type the whatsapp download in the search box of PlayStore.

  3. This will show the results according to your searches.

  4. Click on the install option and wait until whatsapp is not installed properly.

  5. After installing open whatsapp and accept the terms & conditions of the application.

  6. Register your phone number and enter your name.

  7. Now, you can use the whatsapp application on your android device.

How to download WhatsApp on iPhone?

WhatsApp Download
  1. Unlock your iPhone and open the Apple Store on your device.

  2. Type the WhatsApp messenger in the search box of the Apple Store.

  3. Accept the terms and conditions of the application.

  4. Register your number and enter your name.

  5. If there is any backup of the chats then restore the chats.

  6. Finally, you set up the whatsapp application successfully.