Heaven is just described flippantly as "paradise" most of the time, and is used as an incentive to follow the rules of whatever they're pushing. But hell... there's way more literature on hell and to be honest it seems like it would be more interesting to spend an eternity.

The Soviet Union had, in fact, drilled a hole more than 12 km (7.5 miles) deep, the Kola Superdeep Borehole, located not in Siberia but on the Kola Peninsula, which shares borders with Norway and Finland. Upon reaching the depth of 12,262 m (40,230 feet) in 1989, geological anomalies were found, although they reported no supernatural encounters.[1] The recording of "tormented screams" was later found to be looped together from various sound effects, sometimes identified as the soundtrack of the 1972 movie Baron Blood.[2]

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American tabloids soon ran the story, and sound files began appearing on various sites across the Internet. Sensational retellings of the legend can be found on YouTube, usually featuring the aforementioned Baron Blood sound effects.

Recently I checked the Origins of Doom Sounds page on DoomWiki.org and I noticed that they finally managed to track down the source for the Hell Knight alert/sight sound. This sound in question is "Elephant_Scream_Painful_Shriek_OCP-1110-45" from The Odyssey Collection: Creatures (here's what it sounds like).

There's a second version indicated as "Alt" (as "alternate version") that uses a different portion of the original sound and another called "Extra" which is basically "HKSight" and "HKSightAlt" mixed together. Each attempt has its own clone with reverb.

I also figured out that the Baron of Hell sound is the same as the Hell Knight but pitched down. There's still a difference in the second half of the Baron sound and I'm still trying to figure out how to make it sound the same.

There is one urban legend in particular that creeps out a lot of people. The story goes that sometime in 1989, Russian scientists in Siberia had drilled a borehole some 14.5 kilometers deep into the Earth's crust. The drill broke through into a cavity, and the scientists lowered some equipment to see what was down there. The temperature was about 1,100C (about 2,000F), but the real shocker was the sound that was recorded. They only got about 17 seconds of audio before the microphone melted, but it was 17 horrifying seconds of the screams of the damned:

Convinced that they'd heard the sounds of hell, many of the scientists quit the jobsite immediately, so the story goes. Those who stayed were in for an even bigger shock later that night. A plume of luminous gas burst out of the borehole, the shape of a gigantic winged demon unfolded, and the words "I have conquered" in Russian were seared into the flames. As a final touch of weirdness, medics were reported to have given everyone on site a dose of a sedative to erase their short-term memory. Beginning in 1989, the tale was broadly reprinted in smaller Christian publications, newsletters and the such, but was given hardly any notice by the mainstream media. Some evangelicals and Biblical literalists cited the incident as proof of the existence of a physical hell, an interpretation that seemed to be the consensus among the publications that ran the story. The story acquired the popularly conferred title of The Well to Hell.

I just recently began listening to your radio show and could not believe it when you talked about the sounds from hell tonight. My uncle had told me this story a couple of years ago, and I didn't believe him. Like one of your listeners who discounted the story as nothing more than just a religious newspaper fabricated account. The story about the digging, the hearing of the sounds from hell, is very real. It did occur in Siberia. My uncle collected videos on the paranormal and supernatural. He passed away fairly recently... He let me listen to one of the audio tapes that he had on the sounds from hell in Siberia, and I copied it. He received his copy from a friend who worked at the BBC... Attached is that sound from my uncle's tapes.

Bell then played the recording, and ever since then it's been widely circulated. To this day, the story is still reported from time to time, now with the supporting sound. It's become a firmly established urban legend.

Personally I'm not convinced that the screams sound like the same ones; in fact, a side-by-side comparison serves mainly to convince me that Baron Blood is not the source of the audio. However, there's at least one really good YouTube video where a guy plays back selected samples from the Well to Hell audio proving that it is indeed looped. Listen to this clip from YouTube filmmaker moscowjade:

Without any doubt, the Well to Hell audio played on the Art Bell show was created digitally by somebody looping and further processing some screaming sounds with a lot of background noise. That sound file, the only one known to exist from this story, is a hoax. There are zillions of recordings of screams and shouts and crowd noises for the hoaxer to have chosen from; whether or not he used Baron Blood is moot.

So while we're able to prove that everything added to the original TBN story is a hoax, including the audio; all we can say about the original TBN story is that it was very poorly sourced and based on second and third hand accounts including personal recollections. We have no idea what the Jewels of Jericho used for their original source, or even if it existed at all. Certainly no such report of screams from hell ever made it into any legitimate geological publications. We know that all of its specifics are false: there is no such borehole in Siberia; drilling equipment can't operate at anywhere near the 1,100C reported (the true maximum is less than 300C), and neither can screaming human vocal cords.

Is she okay? Who's yelling? Is it a child in pain? A cat in heat? Should I go outside? Good god it's getting louder. These are all normal thoughts when you first hear the piercing sound of a girl's voice blasting from a truck driving slowly down your street. No, she's not just fallen and can't get up like some sort of Life Alert commercial. The recording comes from a 10-year-old girl that was done back in 2004; she's asking to buy your old mattresses. And refrigerators. And stoves. And washing machines. And microwaves. Or any other iron things that we can buy. (Listen for yourself below.)

The story goes that when the father of 10-year-old Mara del Mar Terrn Martnez was picking up scrap metal, he needed a way for the people of Mexico City to know. But, as he said in an interview, his voice was shot from always yelling over all the other sounds (which we'll get into as well). So, his daughter recorded this, comparable to a "fire album" today, and it's now known all over the country, as well as in Latin America and even parts of the U.S. Today, it's become a war cry for all your old shit and a memory that one can't erase after hearing it even once.

This is the worst one. A city of 22 billion people means WAY too many cars for one place, and with a traffic system worse than any Hot Wheels track I built as a kid, people have no idea what else to do besides honk. All. The. Time. And always for longer than just a few seconds. They also just looooove mimicking a honk when someone else does it. If I ever were to live here, I'd never have a car. The video below is what my apartment sounds like ALL THE TIME.

A character within the story hears something odd. Unnatural. When they hear the sound once, it may not be that terrifying, but as time passes, they become more and more frightened. The sound gets scarier as it gains more and more relevance. Given time, the sound comes to haunt them, even away from the source. The sound has taken on anightmarish relevance because of the setting. The sound could come from anywhere.

The trope isn't limited to a sentence, a catch phrase, or a song. The sound that terrifies the character can be made by the living, such as footsteps, a laugh, the call of a loud little animal. The sound may be made by the non-living, such as the creak of a chair, a door, a bouncing ball, the crackle of radio static, or any one of hundreds of other seemingly mundane noises. Often times it signals the coming of a yet-unseen threat, usually one you don't want to be anywhere near you, and hearing it is more than enough of a sign to tread carefully, brace yourself, or run. Better pray it doesn't mean that You Are Already Dead.

This isn't a Brown Note, a sound or image that causes involuntary action or harm. This trope is about the psychological effect of a repeated noise to the character(s) in the story. See also Hearing Voices, which can also be this depending on what kind of voices they are, and Nothing Is Scarier, which is almost the Visible Silence version of this. Sinister Scraping Sound is an intentional, psych-out type of hellish noise; if a noise foreshadowing a threat is produced by something attached to, or ingested by, that threat, it's The Croc Is Ticking.

Comic Books  A variation on this happens in one of the EC Comics stories, wherein a king's daughter falls to her death while he is enjoying himself at a party, and her scream keeps ringing in his ears afterwards in every sound he hears, starting with the local church bells (he has them melted down), the movements of the castle inhabitants (he has them wrap their feet in soft cloth), and even the sounds of people working in town (he has them cease working). Unfortunately his quest for absolute silence reaches a head when his ears become so sensitive that he can hear the people breathing. He orders them to stop breathing, and finally he is beset by an angry (and loud) mob. One of them, a clockmaker, sews a clock inside the king's chest that automatically wound itself up at the slightest movement and took hours to run down. The king is left lying on a bed, hardly daring to move, hardly daring to breathe, so as not to trigger the clock. Then a spider comes down on a silk line, heading for his face... In Supergirl storyline Bizarrogirl, Dr. Light and Gangbust are examining what appears to be a Kryptonian rocket ship when they hear a strange noise in the darkness. Alarmed, the duo become alert right before being ambushed by Bizarrogirl. ff782bc1db

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