The United States Census Bureau (Census) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) define rural areas. We use these definitions and Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) codes to create our own definition.

For more detail on the addition of outlying metro counties, read the Federal Register Notice, Revised Geographic Eligibility for Federal Office of Rural Health Policy Grants. This change will go into effect in Fiscal Year (FY) 2022.

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This page provides information, tools, and resources about the definition of a clinical trial. Correctly identifying whether a study is considered by NIH to be a clinical trial is crucial to how you will:

In 2016, NIH launched a multi-faceted effort to enhance its stewardship over clinical trials. The goal of this effort is to encourage advances in the design, conduct, and oversight of clinical trials while elevating the entire biomedical research enterprise to a new level of transparency and accountability. The NIH definition of a clinical trial was revised in 2014 in anticipation of these stewardship reforms to ensure a clear and responsive definition of a clinical trial. Learn more about why NIH has made changes to improve clinical trial stewardship.

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Objectives:  Various definitions for concussion have been proposed, each having its strengths and weaknesses. We reviewed and compared current definitions and identified criteria necessary for an operational definition of sports-related concussion (SRC) in preparation of the 5th Concussion Consensus Conference (Berlin, Germany). We also assessed the role of biomechanical studies in informing an operational definition of SRC.

Data sources:  Data sources include MEDLINE, Embase, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Cochrane Central Register of Clinical Trials and SPORT Discus (accessed 14 September 2016).

Results:  Out of 1601 articles screened, 36 studies were included (2.2%), 14 reported on criteria for SRC definitions and 22 on biomechanical aspects of concussions. Six different operational definitions focusing on clinical findings and their dynamics were identified. Biomechanical studies were obtained almost exclusively on American football players. Angular and linear head accelerations linked to clinically confirmed concussions demonstrated considerable individual variation.

Summary/conclusions:  SRC is a traumatic brain injury that is defined as a complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain, induced by biomechanical forces with several common features that help define its nature. Limitations identified include that the current criteria for diagnosing SRC are clinically oriented and that there is no gold/standard to assess their diagnostic properties. A future, more valid definition of SRC would better identify concussed players by demonstrating high predictive positive/negative values. Currently, the use of helmet-based systems to study the biomechanics of SRC is limited to few collision sports. New approaches need to be developed to provide objective markers for SRC.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) represent 99% of all businesses in the EU. The definition of an SME is important for access to finance and EU support programmes targeted specifically at these enterprises.

The Commission monitors the implementation of the SME definition and reviews it in irregular intervals. Pursuant to the latest evaluation, the Commission concluded that there is no need for a revision.

Researchers and policy officials employ many definitions to distinguish rural from urban areas, which often leads to unnecessary confusion and unwanted mismatches in program eligibility. Whereas researchers often use the term rural when referring to nonmetro areas, and Congressional legislation uses the term when describing different targeting definitions, the U.S. Bureau of the Census provides an official, statistical definition that applies the term rural, based strictly on measures of housing unit and population density. The existence of multiple rural definitions reflects the reality that rural and urban can be distinguished using different geographic concepts and population thresholds. Sometimes population density is the defining concern, in other cases it is geographic isolation. Small population size typically characterizes a rural place, but how small is rural? Most population thresholds used to differentiate rural and urban communities range from 5,000 up to 50,000, depending on the definition.

Because the U.S. is a nation in which so many people live in areas that are not clearly rural or urban, seemingly small changes in the way rural areas are defined can have large impacts on who and what are considered rural. Researchers and policymakers share the task of choosing appropriately from among alternate rural definitions currently available or creating their own unique definitions. For instance, a housing assistance program may want to target remote or economically distressed rural communities, whereas programs designed to help rural businesses may want to expand target areas to include communities with greater access to urban markets.

USDA, Economic Research Service (ERS) researchers and others who analyze conditions in "rural" America most often use data on nonmetropolitan (nonmetro) areas, defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on the basis of counties or county-equivalent units (e.g., parishes, boroughs). Counties are a standard unit for publishing economic data and for conducting research to track and explain regional population and economic trends. Estimates of population, employment, and income are available for counties annually. Counties also are frequently used as basic building blocks for areas of economic and social integration, such as labor-market areas.

Every 10 years, following the decennial census, nonmetro counties that have been growing substantially enough or experiencing increasing commuting may be reclassified as metro. At the same time, some metro counties revert to nonmetro status, for instance when outlying counties experience shifts in commuting patterns. Changes in the criteria used to delineate urban and metro areas may also cause changes in metro-nonmetro status between decades.

A very different definition of rural, based on much smaller geographic building blocks, is provided by the U.S. Bureau of the Census in its urban-rural classification system. Whereas researchers often use the term rural when referring to nonmetro areas, and Congressional legislation uses the term when describing different targeting definitions, the U.S. Bureau of the Census provides an official, statistical definition that applies the term rural, based strictly on measures of housing unit and population density. According to the current delineation, released in 2022 and based on the 2020 decennial census, rural areas comprise open country and settlements with fewer than 2,000 housing units and 5,000 residents. Urban areas comprise densely developed areas with 2,000 or more housing units or 5,000 or more residents. Urban areas do not necessarily follow municipal boundaries; they are essentially densely settled territory as it might appear from the air. Most counties, whether metro or nonmetro, contain a combination of urban and rural populations.

The U.S. Bureau of the Census defines urban areas primarily based on housing unit density measured at the census block level. In simplified terms, census blocks with 425 housing units per square mile form the initial core of urban agglomerations. Peripheral census blocks with 200 housing units per square mile are added to the core agglomeration. If the resulting urban entity contains at least 2,000 housing units or 5,000 people, it is designated an urban area. Several other factors are considered, for instance rules are added for the inclusion of noncontiguous territory separated by exempted territory (meaning it is not available for residential development). The term rural includes all population and territory outside urban areas.

Because metro areas are built from urban areas, these two changes affected the delineation of metro and micro areas. A third change involved dropping a naming convention. From 2000 to 2020, urban areas had been divided into two types, urbanized areas with 50,000 or more people and urban clusters with 2,500 to 49,999 people. Now both types are referred to simply as urban areas. For more detail on current urban area criteria and on changes in criteria since 1950, see the Federal Register Notice: Urban Area Criteria for the 2020 Census-Final Criteria.

In 2020, 46 million people resided in OMB-defined nonmetro counties, making up 13.8 percent of the U.S. population. Census-defined rural areas included 66.3 million residents, or 20 percent of the population. Not only do they differ in terms of population share, these two classifications also identify two very different sets of people. The much lower minimum population threshold for urban areas (5,000 compared with 50,000 for metro areas) means that urban areas can be found in most nonmetro counties. At the same time, metro areas contain a significant portion of rural territory. Population statistics in the table show the extent of the difference in urban-rural and metro-nonmetro populations. For instance, the majority of rural residents (56 percent) live in metro counties. Also, 16.5 million nonmetro residents (36 percent) live in urban areas.

The choice of a rural definition should be based on the purpose of the application, whether that application is for research, policy analysis, or program implementation. For instance, tracking urbanization and its influence on farmland prices is best approached using the Census urban-rural definition because what is needed is a land-use definition that distinguishes built-up territory from immediately surrounding, less developed land. Studies designed to track and explain economic and social changes often choose to use the metro-nonmetro classification, because it reflects a regional, labor-market concept and allows the use of widely available county-level data. The key is to use a rural-urban definition that best fits the needs of a specific research or policy making endeavor, recognizing that any simple dichotomy hides a complex rural-urban continuum, often with very gentle gradations from one level to the next. For a detailed comparison of economic, land-use, and administrative concepts underlying different rural definitions, see Defining the "Rural" in Rural America, Amber Waves, June 2008. For more detail on the pros and cons of the two definitions described above, and for descriptions of other rural definitions, see the Rural Definitions and Measurement tool in the FCSM Equitable Data Toolkit at Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology (FCSM) Equitable Data Toolkit Rural Definitions and Measures Tools. 152ee80cbc

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