What is CENTERA?


CENTERA is a new Centre of Excellence financed by the Foundation for Polish Science under the International Research Agendas Programme (IRAP). It was founded by world-class Polish physicists Professors Wojciech Knap and Thomas Skotnicki, who have been conducting pioneering studies of terahertz radiation for more than ten years.

Terahertz radiation (also called T-waves, THz or sub-millimetre radiation) is electromagnetic radiation within the band of frequencies around 1012 Hz. The name refers to frequencies between infrared light and microwaves. Even though it was discovered a long time ago, it has remained virtually unused on a mass scale. For this reason, it is known as “the forgotten band” or “the Terahertz gap”. However, it provides a huge potential for applications, and research on terahertz radiation has already been conducted in Poland for more than ten years. This has paved the way for developing innovative instruments and technologies taking advantage of terahertz frequencies (e.g. scanners and microscopes) and marketing them, first in Poland, then throughout Europe. The fundamental properties and applications of terahertz radiation are to be studied by scientists from the newly created CENTERA project – Centre for Terahertz Technology Research and Applications.

Mission and Implementation

Originality and Competitivity of CENTERA approach is based on three pillars:

1. Interdisciplinary character: it will be based on a synergy of top-level researchers specialized in physics, biomedicine, chemistry, materials science, and electronics to create a strongly and efficiently interacting environment integrated around exploration of THz science and technology.

2. Strong basic science - applied science interaction: based on the fact that CENTERA will:

a) search for new physics, electronics and biomedical phenomena occurring at THz range and

b) simultaneously explore applied science and engineering aspects of these novel phenomena, materials and technologies to develop new techniques, devices and demonstrators enabling the widespread exploitation of THz radiation for security, safety, health and nondestructive quality control. This will ensure the best R&D effect for CENTERA.

3. Strong Synergy of Working Groups activities: WGs will be able to create new solutions to overpass obstacles in THz field by exploiting a direct cooperation within CENTERA. This will create a strong unit capable to generate scientific and engineering results beyond a mere addition of research achievements of individual groups.

CENTERA aims to

CENTERA sets out to develop breakthrough technologies in the field of terahertz generation, processing, emitting and reception. Exploration of THz field will have substantial economic and societal ramifications. Impact on economy - the novel THz sources and other technology advancements achieved by CENTERA will enable utilization of terahertz waves in various areas of economy. These applications were previously out of reach due to the extremely high cost, unacceptable size or other shortcomings of former technological solutions for emitters and detectors of THz waves. CENTERA research will boost their development.