You wake up on a floor in a trashed room and you have no idea where you are or how you get here. Your head hurts, you feel both hungry and sick. Long story short - you have hell of a hangover. You tap your pockets and cannot find your keys, wallet or phone. You must find them and learn what happened last night.

Does this sentence mean that we went to the restaurant last night, or that Jane recommended us the restaurant last night? This is a translating practice in my textbook, and this is the answer is provided on the last page of the book. But I cannot understand why I should write this answer. Because I cannot understand what the sentence really means if I didn't see the question first. Since I didn't have a good ability of English, there's no reason that I distrust the textbook. But at the same time, I really don't know how to interpret this kind of sentence rightly.

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Now pragmatically I'd assume you went to the restaurant last night. I guess this because 1) people usually go to restaurants in the evening. and 2) if she'd recommended it last night, there isn't much time for you to have gone since then.

Last night, before we left, I asked Jane about where we should get breakfast when we arrive in Paris. She told me about this great little restaurant that serves coffee and croissants and is close to the station. We went to the restaurant Jane recommended last night.

I would say that (contrary to first impression) this is not ambiguous. "Last night" is next to "recommended" (and "we went" is not)... so "last night" qualifies "recommended". That is... last night, Jane recommended the restaurant. [Note that, technically, "we" might have gone three weeks ago to this restaurant that Jane has just recommended.]

Conversely, to say that {we went last night}, one would insert a comma, to separate "last night" from "restaurant" (and thus imply that it qualifies something else, with the only candidate being "we went").

Similarly, when speaking the version with a comma, one would use a pause to indicate the comma. ("We went to the restaurant Jane recommended... last night.") ...Or better still, one would plan ahead, and say "Last night, we went to the restaurant Jane recommended."

[Conversely to the above, one might say "We went to the restaurant Jane recommended last night."... meaning (i.e. intending to mean) that we went last night. In this case, I would allow that it is "ambiguous" [scare quotes (i.e. not technically ambiguous)]... where "ambiguous" means that the audience is left to work out, from the real-world context, that actually there should have been a comma.]

An incredible thing happened last night. I had an amazing gaming experience the like of which I have never experienced before. I've been playing games for over three decades, which is officially a long time, so any new experience is not an insignificant achievement. And this particular thing that happened blew my mind.

The game I was playing was Journey. It's the new game from US developer Thatgamecompany. Previous games from Thatgamecompany are Flow and Flower. They make interesting, beautiful, unconventional games, so that's what I was anticipating with Journey. And I wasn't wrong. My prior knowledge of the game was limited. It looked distinctively stunning. Visually intriguing. See for yourself:

But other than thinking to myself 'Ooh Journey looks rather nice I definitely want to play it', I was pretty clueless as to what was in store. 20 minutes into the game and I was equal parts calmed, impressed and captivated. Journey is a game without instructions. It's up to the player to discover what to do and where to go. Thanks to clever game design, it's a completely intuitive - and empowering - process.

So I was already more than happy to be playing Journey when I noticed something that - ultimately - marked the start of my amazing experience and journey proper. It was another nomadic wanderer like me. Up to this point Journey's seemingly never-ending desert landscape emphasized a sense of isolation. To see another cloaked figure was a surprise.

Although there was nothing to indicate this was anything other than an AI character, there was something inherently human about it. Something in the behaviour that simply cannot be emulated through any amount of complex programming and hard code. I knew I'd met someone else playing Journey. At first I was hesitant. I like playing games on my own and actively avoid online interactions with other gamers. Especially strangers. It's just not something I enjoy.

We both headed in the same direction (because there's only one direction to be heading in Journey), but we deliberately and politely kept our distance. I got the sense this anonymous player shared my own belief that 90% of gamers encountered online are complete assholes. For a while we were two lone wolfs traipsing over sand dunes. But it became apparent that the journey would be easier together. And that neither of us were assholes. With mutual respect we began walking, jumping and flying side-by-side. A very real bond was formed.

And so it went. I don't want to give anything away by talking about specifics, but for the next two hours we experienced the journey as true companions. If one of us advanced faster than the other, we would wait for our friend to catch up. Staying together was as important as completing the journey. There was no way either of us was going to abandon the other and go it alone.

In over 30 years of playing games I've never felt such a strong emotional bond with another character - whether controlled by a living person or an algorithmically constructed AI. I thought Ico and Yorda had something special, but this takes affecting character connection to a whole other level of giving a shit. We shared very real moments through the TV.

When the journey was over (and Journey is absolutely the perfect name for this game), I sat watching the credits with a massive smile on my face. I imagine tackling Journey alone would be incredible. But playing it with another person was unbelievable. Mind-blowing. Thinking about it now as I'm writing this is still giving me chills. Other games talk about co-operative play, but very rarely do they ever manage to make players let go of those selfish and competitive traits that are so inherent in gamers. But Journey does just that. And it's a truly unique and beautiful and amazing experience because of it.

Around 4 pm, the water company turned off the water for the entire city due to emergency repairs. Late at night, they turned it back on but it was full of silt and mud, so we let the faucets run to clear the pipes. I went back to my work and Ligia took Sophie to bed.

About an hour later, I got up from my desk and went to see if the water was clear enough to take a shower. To my surprise, the entire kitchen was flooded with about 1-2 cm of water. The kitchen sink had run over. There I was at 11:15 at night, faced with having to mop up all that water when all I wanted to do was to take a shower and hit the sack.

That wonderful memory of a wonderful cartoon was enough to wipe the slate clean for me. All of a sudden, a late-night disaster was an opportunity to enjoy the moment. My attitude toward it changed completely and I began to enjoy mopping up all that water. I half expected Jerry and Nibbles to tiptoe into the kitchen holding a couple of refrigerator wires in hand, ready to freeze it.

It took about 45 minutes to get all the water mopped up. All of the cats joined me by the end, entranced by the circular movements of the mop through the water. I even started a roaring fire in the kitchen stove to keep me company. I had a blast and went to bed with a smile on my face.

We had a wedding gig we had to play last night. That in itself is not all that cool, BUT, what is cool is that the bride wanted to know if her uncle could come up and do a song. Turns out her uncle was the lead singer in a band from the sixties called "Spiral Staircase". They had a big hit named "I'll Love You More Today Than Yesterday". Great little record. I remember on the record that the vocalist had an incredible range. Well the guy still has an incredible range and he's in his sixties. It was pretty cool. Just wanted to share my fun evening with you guys!

PAT Upton, lead singer of the defunct band Spiral Starecase was still suffering from jet lag when he met the local media last Tuesday. Sporting a simple white T-shirt and slacks, the softspoken singer/songwriter looked less like a star and more like a nice, affable southern gentleman from Alabama, his home state.

no, way too many chords to wing it & we normally don't have charts. He wanted to do "Since I Fell For You" and he sang backups on Peaceful Easy Feeling". BUT, his name wasn't Pat Upton! His name was Mike Radcliff or Redcliff (something like that), and he sounded just like the guy on the record! Wonder what's up with that? Time to Google it out! Maybe Upton was a stage name? The whole room seemed to know the guys history. Yup, off to Google I go.

So, after doing some research this evening, it appears our guest performer WAS the lead singer in one of a BUNCH of versions of The Spiral Starecase. Pat Upton is the original and the writer of the hit. The guy we played with last night was in a version that was started when the original band broke up due to poor management (sound familar?)and was started up by the roadie's brother's girlfriend who had a friend who was married to their mailman's pharmicist and he had a friend who actually knew someone who knew someone that sold guitar strings to someone in the original band ... or something like that. Sorta along the lines of the 17 different versions of The Platters, The Coasters, The Drifters, and so on. Oh well, at least we didn't have to play the Macarena and Celebrate and the guy sure sounded good to my ears.

Tangent Time: Lenny Welch is a great singer and I always wondered why he didn't have a successful career singing standards- ala Harry Connick or Michael Buble -in clubs and cabarets.When his excellent greatest hits came out on cd I ran to get it to hear 2 New York area hits for the first time in over 30 years. "Darling Take Me Back I'm Sorry" and "Run To My Lovin' Arms" are fabulous songs.-Ira. 152ee80cbc

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