Waldo Gálvez

Waldo Gálvez

Assistant Professor

Institute of Engineering Sciences

Universidad de O'Higgins

Avda. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 611

Rancagua, Chile

Email: waldo [dot] galvez [at] uoh [dot] cl

About me

I am currently an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Engineering Sciences at Universidad de O'Higgins (UOH) in Rancagua, Chile, since March 2022. Prior to that, I worked as a Postdoc at the same Institute for almost half a year, as well as at the Chair of Algorithms and Complexity at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), led by Prof. Susanne Albers, for almost two years. I received my PhD (2019) from the Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Inteligenza Artificiale (IDSIA) and Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) in Lugano, Switzerland, where I was very fortunate to be advised by Prof. Fabrizio Grandoni. Before IDSIA, I received my master's and bachelor's degree on Applied Math from Universidad de Chile, under the wise guidance of Prof. José Verschae.


My research focuses mainly on the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, and more specifically on online, parameterized and approximation algorithms for packing and network design problems. My current projects involve studying Geometric Packing problems (e.g. Geometric Knapsack, Independent Set of Rectangles, Strip Packing) and their connections to Scheduling settings where jobs must use multiple machines. Recently, I have also been studying how to incorporate Diversity and Fairness constraints to classical Combinatorial Optimization problems.


I was part of the local organizing committee of LATIN 2024, which took place in Puerto Varas, Chile, during 18-22 March 2024.



My basic research is funded by ANID through the following grant: 

A copy of my CV can be found here.