World Friendship


World Friendship are meeting in person until the end of Spring Semester 2022.

Who we are

World Friendship is a non-religious and non-political organization established for American and International women in Manhattan, KS and the surrounding area to meet, make new friends, and help with the transition to a new home through targeted programs, practicing English, developing creative skills, and sharing cultures.

Our history

In 1967, a small group of K-State faculty wives noticed that the wives of international students often felt isolated and alone in their new environment. Many of them did not speak English. Thus began the idea for an organization to bring women together, including women who are wives of students, faculty, soldiers, and immigrants as well as women from the Manhattan community. The organization would give women the opportunity to share experiences, provide support for one another, and ultimately build friendships. World Friendship was born.

Our meetings

World Friendship meets in the basement of the First Presbyterian Church each Tuesday morning from 9:00 to 11:00 during the university fall and spring semesters.

Members take part in Interest Groups that include English, cooking, sewing, knitting, crocheting, culture, and art classes. Approximately once a month, we have a program that includes a speaker, demonstrations, entertainment or a field trip.

World Friendship members have great fun together. We make new friends, share ideas and learn from each other. If this sounds like something you would enjoy, please come to our meetings and invite others!

Volunteer opportunities

While developing friendship with women from Manhattan area and all over the world, you also can:

  • Lead or help with an Interest Group

  • Nursery volunteers (needed!)

  • Bake treats

  • Set up/clean up coffee and tea

  • Piece, quilt and/or bind baby quilts

  • Provide transportation

  • Donate fabric, yarn, etc

Child care

Child care is provided for children over 6 months old. Younger babies are welcome to accompany their moms to our meetings.


World Friendship does not have any religious or political affiliation.


World Friendship provides transportation to the meetings.

The Schedule and Place for the next semester meetings will be released soon. For more information, contact us.

Meeting place

Fisher Hall (the basement)

801 Leavenworth St, Manhattan KS 66502

For more information

For information and meeting schedule, or to arrange transportation, contact us:

Follow us on Facebook!