Weye Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy") is an essential component of our End User License Agreement ("EULA"). It governs the collection and processing of personal data by TalentsForApps ("we," "us," or "our") when you access or use our mobile application, Weye, and related services (collectively referred to as the "App" and "Service"). This policy outlines what data we may collect from you, how we use it, and how you can exercise your rights regarding your personal data. 

If you have any inquiries about this Privacy Policy or our data practices, please contact us at: weye.help@gmail.com.



We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at our discretion. The most recent version will always be available on our website, and the "Last Modified" date will indicate the latest updates. If significant changes are made, we will provide notice and obtain your consent where required by applicable law. Amendments to this policy will become effective within 30 days after we post the updated version. We recommend reviewing this policy periodically to stay informed about our privacy practices.


**Non-Personal Data:**

During your interaction with our App and Services, we may collect aggregated, non-personal, and non-identifiable information, including but not limited to your browser or device type, language preference, time and date of usage, and country location. This information does not identify you personally.

**Personal Data:**

We may collect individually identifiable information during your use of the App or Services, including:

- Registration Information: If you create an account, we collect personal data such as your full name and email address. You may also receive a username and password during registration. We may use this data for marketing and promotional messages related to our Services, and you can opt-out of these messages.

- Contact Information: When you contact us voluntarily, you may provide your name, job title, company name, and email address. We use this data to respond to your inquiries.

- GPS Location Information: Certain features may require GPS location access, and we may use this data to locate Wi-Fi networks for service provision.

- Push Notifications: We may store Firebase Cloud Messages tokens to send push notifications. You can disable these notifications in your device's settings.

- In-App Payment Information: In-app payments are processed by app store providers, and we do not store or process this personal data.

- Log Data and Unique Identifiers: We collect data in case of app errors, including device IP address, device name, operating system version, app configuration, usage time, and statistics.

- List of Installed Apps: We may collect a list of your installed apps to support and manage our App and Services.

- Profiling Data: Our partners may collect data for contextual, behavioral, and interest-based advertising based on your preferences.

- Photos and Videos: If you use our designated feature to provide photos, images, or videos, we use this data solely for editing and animation purposes.

- Microphone and Audio: We may request microphone access for our dialer feature, which is used solely to provide this feature.

- Call Log and Contacts: Our dialer feature may require access to your call log and contacts to identify callers based on your contact list.

- Bluetooth and Network: We may collect device information and network data to provide our Services.

- Calendar: Some Apps may access your calendar to apply design features.


We collect your information in the following ways:

- Automatically: We collect data based on your in-app permissions.

- Voluntarily: When you contact us or provide information as outlined in this policy.

- Third-Party Sources.


We utilize tracking technologies, including cookies and software development kits (SDKs), for various purposes, as outlined in this Privacy Policy.


We may share your data with third parties, including partners and service providers, as necessary for providing our Services.


We retain personal data for as long as necessary for the purposes outlined in this policy, as required by applicable regulations, or until you opt out, where applicable.


We implement physical, technical, and administrative security measures to protect your information. If you suspect a privacy breach or unauthorized access, please contact us.


We may transfer personal data internationally, and we take measures to ensure data protection compliance. Transfers from the EU adhere to standard contractual clauses.


You may have rights related to your personal data under applicable data protection and privacy laws, including the right to access, amend, delete, restrict processing, data portability, contact supervisory authorities, and withdraw consent. Please contact us at weye.help@gmail.com to exercise your rights.


Our Services are not intended for children. If you believe a child has shared information with us, please contact us immediately.