Wei Wei

Assistant Professor of Finance, Haskayne School of Business

Address: 138 Scurfield Hall, 2500 University Dr NW, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4

Office Phone: (403) 220 - 7151 Email: wei.wei@haskayne.ucalgary.ca

Working Papers:

  • Decision Horizon and Idiosyncratic Risk, with Kyoung Jin Choi, Minsuk Kwak, and Gyoocheol Shim, 2017 (SSRN)
  • Selection Bias or Treatment Effect? A Re-Examination of Russell Index Reconstitution, with Alex Young, 2017 (SSRN)
  • Passive Investors with Strategic Trading: a new perspective on index funds, with Alex Young 2017 (SSRN)
  • Debt Maturity and Capital Reallocation, 2016
  • Rollover Risk and Debt Maturity, 2015

Work in progress:

  • Decision Horizon, stocks returns, and the IVOL puzzle, with Kyoung Jin Choi
  • Financial Constraints and Debt Maturity