This is the last "Chronological View of Westworld's Timeline" post this season. I look forward to obsessing with you guys again in a year's time - it's been a fun ride :) also, man, I was close to having figured some stuff out in my posts about the Maze - didn't get all the details right, but a lot of it ended up making sense in terms of what they revealed in episode 10 :P

Season two had some interesting concepts and developments, but for the most part it just felt like a really long epilogue to season one. Some of it felt a bit forced, and it dragged in parts. All the stuff in Samurai World was just cringey filler IMO.

It certainly wasn't on the same level as S1. But overall, it had some interesting stuff in it, and it seemed like it was leading up to something bigger.

I was optimistic about seeing a return to form in S3...

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There was a LOT of potential here, and it could have been brilliant. But it felt so flat. As the season progressed, I actually started to get the same feeling as from the final season of GOT. Maybe the cameo with Benioff and Weiss cursed it. The epitemy was the episode "Genre". That was such a great concept and could have been done so artfully... Instead we got some B&W scenes and a random playlist on shuffle.

The whole season felt rushed and messy. I didn't care about anyone. I actually felt bored watching the last episode.

At this point, since anyone can become a host, and the hosts seem to be able to just bring themselves back anytime, death is meaningless.

The characters themselves, who used to be rich multi-dimensional personalities, are like cardboard cutouts now.

Maeve, possibly the most astute character in the entire show (in season 1), suddenly becomes really really bad at reading people, and inexplicably works for Serac in the hope of joining her daughter in some simulation?

The only character that started to show a bit of interesting development was Halores... And then they just reverted her to how she was before.

These choices are not random, they are connected by the central theme of the season that is interwoven into the background of each storyline: that the hosts are more free than the humans. This theme was forefronted in the finale as Ford explains:

This central theme, that the hosts are more free than humans, more human than humans, more capable of change than humans, is evident throughout the season: the Forge is a system that codes human behavior, and a weapon for Dolores to predict human behavior in order to survive outside of the park; Dolores' story arc is about her choice to kill Ford, her choice to use her Wyatt persona to fight for survival and freedom; Dolores brings Bernard back, showing her capacity to change; Bernard is torn between two worlds, the humans' and the hosts', and he makes the choice to create Halores and scramble his memories to protect her, because he finally realizes that Dolores was right; Ford's game for William is for him to break his loop, and prove he's free to make his own choices. He fails, kills his own daughter, and proves his incapacity to change.

No character has received more hate this season than Dolores. It's not because she's a woman, after all, no one complains about Maeve and her agreeable quest to reunite with her daughter, it's largely because she's a woman fighting back. Somehow, violence from Dolores is off-putting. But the humans are on a mission to kill and regain control of all the hosts and Dolores is the only one doing a damn thing about it.

There is literally nothing that is confusing about Season 2's two timelines. They were played upfront so that the audience knows exactly when each scene takes place, unlike Season 1, where the time frame was hidden. This makes it less confusing than Season 1, not more. There is complete clarity about whether each scene takes place before or after the arrival of Delos and Strand's team. In addition, the future timeline mainly occurs at the beginning and end of episodes 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10, with everything between these beginning and end scenes occurring in the current timeline, that is like 95% of the season.

Episode 1 introduces the host rebellion, the two timelines, and sets up the season. Episode 2 introduces the outside world, Dolores' history, and the Valley Beyond. Episode 3 introduces Emily, explains the Abernathy key, and features the first showdown between Delos and Dolores. Episode 4 introduces the immortality project. Episode 5 explores Shogun World, introduces Maeve's mesh network power, and develops the relationship between Maeve and Sizemore. Episode 6 explains the Cradle, and features Maeve's reunion with her daughter. Episode 7 features the Mesa attack for the Abernathy key, Maeve and William's showdown, and Ford's explanation for his actions. Episode 8 explains the story of Akecheta and his mission to lead his people to the Valley. Episode 9 shows William's story, his murder of Emily, and Delos harnessing Maeve's powers. Episode 10 reveals the Forge, the Door, shows the convergence of the two timelines, Dolores making it out of the park, and wraps up all the storylines of the season.

There aren't mountains of unanswered questions and loose ends. Every storyline reach some sort of resolution, except those created in the last 15 minutes that are obviously a set up for the next season. The season formed an overarching and coherent story as I explained above, and the ending with Dolores making it out of the park felt like a beautiful ending to a long and epic journey. It was so damn satisfying.

I watched west world season 1 and enjoyed it, yet a lot of what im hearing is how after this the show isnt as good, considering how long the episodes are and how many episodes in a season there is, the departure of anthony hopkins leaves me wondering if its worth watching season 2.

I know this has probably been posted before, but I thought I'd share the link to the petition to renew season 5. While it's extremely unlikely that westworld will be picked up, other shows have definitely been saved by fans before.

There are over 1 million people in this sub. Even if you used to watch westworld but stopped for whatever reason, please consider signing this so that the people who want to see this ending possibly get the chance to. It may do nothing, but every signature more is a step forward. It takes 2 mins but could really make a difference!

First of all, let me start by saying English is not my first language, so let me apologize beforehand to all of you english pricks out there. That been said, let me tell why I think Westworld season 2, basically, sucked.

And then westworld season 1 came out. Like many others with that same kind of story telling structure, it rapidly started getting attention. This time, unlike other series like Lost and movies like The Matrix, what people where theorizing was actually what we were getting. The theories were NOT better than what was unfolding, they were indeed a reflection of it.

By the end of season 1 and its blissful ride, westworld had carved for itself a spot that few have actually done and the 2 years of development for the next season to come out, although hard to wait, was totally comprehensible from the part of the fans considering how intricated season 1 had been with its really thoughtful attention to details.

Not to mention the fact that anyone with half a brain always knew, even when the original movie presented the medieval world, that those sharp blades would be a problem to the whole logic of the show/parks. In westworld you could have host shooting guests without effect, but how exactly would that work out with swords, did they turn to rubber swords once hitting guests?

The whole Abernathy story had no relevance at all. It seemed that it was a key point to the story it was just dropped without any real resolution (what a waste of a character and actor since season 1). How the supposed important code that Delos wanted ended up in his brain unity, why was it important, why Dolores never found out what it actually was and why it was so important for Delos?

I've never seen the show but I recently picked up Season 1 on bluray after it was removed from HBO Max. I've heard others in the television subreddit claim that viewers could only see the first season for a complete viewing experience. Is this true?

So, going into season three, we've got two timelines to deal with: Dolores and Bernard and three unnamed Hosts on the mainland, and Host-William and Host-Emily in the far future. If you're wondering who wins the war, well, we know there are Hosts in the far future, so, you can at least conclude the Hosts are not completely wiped out. I personally think they might not refer much to far-future Host-William, but rather have that be brought back into the series endgame (the creators have said they've got five seasons planned).

Season 2 was gloriously complicated on first viewing. It demanded you pay full attention and apply critical thinking in order to understand it. The dueling timelines were difficult for some people to track and that resulted in a loud backlash against the show for being too complicated. I remember this subreddit being heavy divided about Season 2 at the time, with some claiming they were done with the show for good while others, like myself, were awestruck at the web Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan had spun for us. The backlash seemed to result in sort of a dumbing-down of the narrative structure for seasons 3 and 4, which I found unsatisfying compared to what preceded it.

Riddle Of The Sphinx (2x04) is widely considered one of the show's greatest episodes, but the best, most heart-wrenching episode of the series, Kiksuya (2x08), was also in Season 2. I come back to watch that episode from time to time and it's as close to a standalone episode as the series ever got. It even adds another layer to the finale as Aketcheta's arc is completed in the valley beyond. I remember the first time I saw the season 2 finale and Aketcheta was shot just before making it through the door, I yelled out "NO!" because I cared immensely about that character. Props to Zahn McClarnon for the amazing performance. 2351a5e196

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