"'So miss him. Send him some love and light every time you think about him, and then drop it. You're just afraid to let go of the last bits of David because then you'll really be alone, and Liz Gilbert is scared to death of what will happen if she's really alone. But here's what you gotta understand, Groceries. If you clear out all the space in your mind that you're using right now to obsess about this guy, you'll have a vacuum there, an open spot--a door-way. And guess what the universe will do with that doorway? It will rush in--God will rush in--and fill you with more love than you ever dreamed. So stop using David to block that door. Let it go.'" [p. 150]

My other sense of using the vacuum pack has been in bringing cheese back from overseas. In the beginning, I thought I had to do this to get it into the country but I found that some pretty awesome cheeses tasted very inferior with just 5-7 days in the pack.

Eat, Pray, Vacuum

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I have used my vacuum sealer plenty. Something you need to remember is that you are lowering the atmospheric pressure on the cheese inside the bag. Even the best rind on the outside is holding back moister. Once you put it into the vacuum the whey on the inside is now pressurized, and is forcing itself out past the rind.

Forum participant: Cheese Forum

If you ever do vacuum pack for aging, you must keep it out of the bag for at least 2-3 hours before eating to let the cheese find equilibrium in the new environment and aerate out. If there are ammonia or similar flavors, you can also age it for a few weeks not in the bag and in a cave to let all those flavors mellow out and a little moisture evaporate.

Forum participant: Dairy Goat ForumĀ 

I never got the hang of vacuum packing cheese. It must have been too wet or some such. They always turned into something rather gross while my waxed wheels were great. The wax still breathes. The plastic does not. I learned the hard way that I did not want to vacuum pack.

Forum participant, Dairy Goat Forum

Last fall over the course of a couple of months I made and packed five different cheeses into vacuum bags. One cheese started to grow some mold after about a month, so I opened it up and immediately noticed a rancid or sour smell. I cut off a small piece, ate it, and the result was not what I wanted. I ended up opening all the other cheeses I had packed in bags. I ended up throwing out four of the cheeses.

Forum participant, Cheese Forum

There is no question that cheese will age inside a vacuum bag. The cheese itself contains enough oxygen for the process to occur. However, as cheese ages, the sugars, fats and proteins break down and combine in new ways. While they are doing that, they offload certain compounds including ammonia, acetic acid and all kinds of different volatiles. When these compounds are trapped in the cheese by an impermeable film of plastic, they have an effect on the taste of the cheese.

Kind of an oddball question but if I bought a cheese wheel in Italy, had it vacuum sealed, and brought it back to the states, what is the best way to age the cheese here on out? Do I leave the cheese in the vacuum seal or take it out? Also, if my options are a 65 degree closet or a refrigerator (which is around 37 degrees), which is preferable for aging?

With a vacuum sealer you can store all kinds of ready-made cake or corn bread mixes. The shelf life of brown rice, sugar, pasta, grains, crackers, spices and most types of pantry staples can be extended many, many times their normal shelf life with best vacuum sealer

reading about sealing cheese in plastic bag, I have a cheese in my refer 12 yrs. old looks great but have not tasted it yet some day I will be pleasantly surprised or sadly broken hearted it was vacuum sealed that many yrs ago.

Thank you Jeri and also Jim for discussing this topic and for explaining why the larger cheese makers use it (I knew Loleta Cheese Factory does and was wondering). I have never tried vacuum packing: I age the cheese unwaxed or waxed according to the recipe. I actually enjoy the waxing process and never had any problems of cracking or molding under the wax (a very small spot or two of very superficial mold in a few cases). I make cheese with 2 gallons of milk, so the waxing process is pretty simple.

The vacuum: this too sounds like a good inner energy experience. There are many special energy experiences. When the inner energy increases, or withdraws, one can have various inner sensations, for example being extremely light, or feeling heavy like a statue, or sitting in space, or, in your case, being in a vacuum.

My first was quite traumatic as well. 9 lb 5 oz, 3 hours of pushing, vacuum extraction and my sweet baby ended up in the NICU for 3 days because of the trauma of the birth. It was very scary. The great news? #2 is sooo much easier!!

I love your site and have been using your recipes. But, I missed your pregnancy. I stopped by to check out some more recipes and saw your absolutely precious and gorgeous baby. Congratulations mommy and daddy! Thank you for sharing the birth story. It was amazingly similar to my own first birth, right down to the antibiotics, vacuum suck, and tearing. But, it is all worth it and you will be an incredible mom. You will sleep again and yes your world will never be the same. It will be a zillion times better!!!!!

We ensure all frozen feeder rodents are properly sized and packaged in the very best way possible. Our feeder rodents come vacuum packed to ensure freshness, eliminating freezer burn and extending freezer life.

We get these in Colorado too. I have used the vacuum trick many times! Its quite fun when they just get to be too much. The best way I have been able to keep their numbers low is to have a house cat. She stalks the cracks of the windows and doors waiting for them to come in! I only fear that if the Miller population goes up too far this year she may not be able to keep up, or will get bored and let them live.

We live in Denver, Colorado. We have been here 5 summers. I have NEVER seen them this bad. I have bug zappers outside. They catch them by the hundreds. Every morning, I go through my ritual. I empty the zappers then vacuum. Last night I turned on our bedroom light and 6 of them attacked. LOL. I got them with an electronic zapper. I could not even sleep in our bed. I had to spend the night on the couch with my dog. THIS IS HORRIBLE. I have never been in a place with so many moths for so long. When do these awful little creatures, harmless as they are leave?

I also have a cabin in Cloudcroft, NM and the moth problem is terrible! I am going to try the orange & lemon essential oils to see if that will also help. I have used lavender, rosemary, and some others but we just have too many. I thoroughly wash the walls once or twice a year and vacuum everytime we go up for the weekend. However, I have not found a remedy yet that really gets rid of them. Thanks for all the great tips peeps.

I have a cabin in the Gila on top of a mountain and those dam moths are going to be the death of me they are everywhere. I have tried putting moths crystals in the window seals, I vacuumed them out of the window seals I have to open and close the windows a few times to get them all out ugg such a mess. I will try the essential oils to see if that helps and a bowl of soapy water by a light. Their is a drain on our window seals and think they are coming in there. I am looking for some kind of plastic or mesh to put in the hole to make it harder for them to get in but still let the window drain.

We bought a bag of this at Home Depot. Anyway, we DOUSED this stuff on the carpet, even took up the baseboards and put it behind the baseboards and put them back on. This worked! I kept finding dead moths for about 3 more years in every storage box, drawer etc, but no more LIVE ones and no more vacuuming them up 5 times a day only to have them reappear.

I get rid of ALL of them very quickly. I have high ceilings. So I use a small hand held blower to blow them off ceiling and higher walls before they make spots, They will either fall to the floor or land lower. With a small hand held vacuum, suck them up. I get them all this way. When the vacuum gets full take it outside, away from the house, dump them out and either stomp on them and/or use the blower to make them fly away. The blower can be used to clean out the vacuum. This the a simple and easy to get rid of them.

Because Eufy Anker RoboVac 30C Max is so lightweight and works well on its own, it is an ideal option for anyone with physical limitations, especially for my readers of age, who I hear from quite often asking for a lightweight vacuum that will do well on both hard and carpeted surfaces. This thing is totally amazing and just the ideal solution. It really is life-changing, but especially so for those for whom homekeeping has become challenging.

In the wild, the arapaima eats mostly fish but is also known to eat fruits, seeds, insects, birds and mammals found on the surface of the water. In order to eat, they use a "gulper" feeding strategy: by opening their large mouths they create a vacuum that pulls in nearby food objects. Their tongues and sharp, bony teeth, combined with the teeth on the roof of their palates, allow them to debilitate and shred their prey. The arapaima can easily feed in low-oxygen areas where gill-breathing fish are forced to slow down. They can also use short bursts of speed to attack potential prey hitting the surface of the water. At the Smithsonian's National Zoo, their diet consists of herring, squid, smelt, shrimp, fruit and gels.

My in-laws own a steam vacuum and offered the cleaner that came with it, but with a soon-to-be crawler who will be ingesting everything on the carpet and my general tendency toward natural green cleaning products, I knew I had to figure out a green alternative homemade carpet cleaner, and one that I could find fast. John also was sleeping on the floor while I was working at the new house, another reason not to have fumes, well, fumigating his nostrils! be457b7860

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