Before we launched Westbay Traffic Calculators, industry specialists who needed to use Erlang B to design their trunk groups needed to look traffic figures up in huge books of Erlang B tables. Now, you can perform Erlang calculations instantly on your Windows computer (any version, 32 or 64 bit). This has remained our best-selling product since we launched it in 1996.

Each traffic calculator is presented inside a tab at the top of the application. Erlang B is an established traffic model for estimating the number of telephone lines you need in a system if you know the busy hour traffic it will have to handle. The Erlang B calculator works up to 90,000 lines.

Westbay Traffic Calculators Free Download

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You can also perform these calculations in reverse. For example, you can find out what the probability of blocking would be for a given busy hour traffic figure and trunk group size. If you know two of the variables, you can work out the third. The second tab holds an extended version that takes immediate call retries into account.

Sometimes it can be more convenient to specify your traffic in terms of minutes of calls per day rather than busy hour traffic in Erlangs. This calculator lets you do that and works up to 30 million minutes of calls per day.

After a short time, the figure 71 will appear in the Average delay field indicating that callers will experience an average delay of 71 seconds if the assumptions of the Erlang C traffic model are met.

How many lines does a trunk group need? It is offered 50000 minutes of traffic per day and I accept that 3% of calls will be blocked. I estimate that 19% of daily calls are made during the busiest hour?

After a short time, the figure 168 will be displayed in the Number of lines edit box indicating that 168 lines will be required if a blocking figure of 3% is to be maintained and if the assumptions associated with the Erlang B traffic model are met.

Life is easier now. To make the same calculation, I now use an Erlang calculator that sits on my desktop computer. Erlang calculators offer instant answers and scale up to tens of thousands of lines.

This app, Westbay Traffic Calculators, lets you set any of the three parameters (traffic, blocking or lines) as the unknown value to be calculated and includes three other modules for Extended Erlang B, Erlang C and Call Minutes. Printed Erlang tables are now museum pieces.

I am using the Erlang model to calculate the distribution of PRI trunk channels versus VoIP endpoints depending on our foreseen traffic needs an obtain the peak BHCA/BHCC/CCS/Erlang figures that this equipment must support 0852c4b9a8

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