5th Workshop on Emerging Software Engineering Education
WESEE 2023
Co-located with 16th Innovations in Software Engineering Conference (ISEC 2023)
23 February 2023, IIIT Allahabad, India
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Human Flourishing, Learning Goals, Collaboration in Software Engineering (SE)
WESEE is unique being discussion-oriented with no paper presentations or keynotes, and will primarily be intended to get useful insights by provoking discussions on various topics related to software engineering education.
- Invited Talks
- Activities
- Discussions
We welcome practitioners and researchers both from industry and academia to attend the workshop. The talks followed by discussions helps to identify and understand gaps in the Software Engineering curriculum and teaching pedagogy.
Happy to share Prof Pankaj Jalote will deliver a talk in WESEE 2023.
Micheal Hilton, CMU is our another keynote speaker.
WESEE 2023 [Half-Day Discussion-Oriented Workshop]
Software engineers have to cater to the needs and challenges of the fast-evolving software industry. Skilled and well-trained engineers are critical to the success of the software industry, especially in the age of Big Data, Cloud, Artificial Intelligence, and Mobile Technologies. However, as per the latest reports1, there is a dearth of quality workforce in the software industry as most engineers do not possess industry-relevant skills. The quality of software engineering education imparted is one of the important reasons responsible for this problem. Misaligned curriculum, rote learning methods, and inadequate role of industry in academia are among many factors contributing to poor quality education. Most institutions impart skills that have no relevance in the current or future industry. The present industry requires engineers who are equipped with relevant modern technical skills. The industry also demands that potential candidates possess other soft skills like communication, collaboration, agility, etc. The immediate need is to recognize the importance of keeping up pace with the dynamic requirements of the industry. Inculcating the art and science of software engineering also demands effective teaching methods at all levels of education, especially with the fast-changing industry trends.
Designing a proper software engineering curriculum and choosing effective teaching methods requires establishing learning outcomes for a software engineering course. Learning outcomes describe in measurable and observable terms the knowledge and skills a learner shall acquire by the end of a course. Well-defined learning outcomes establish a clear path for learners and instructors to progress in a given course. Software engineering courses with defined learning outcomes shall contribute to producing a skilled workforce who can work to develop and deliver quality software. Besides providing technical skills, a software engineering course shall equip a learner with the ability to communicate clearly and work collaboratively with people of different disciplines.
Software engineering courses must also provide learners with an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. Current engineers are expected to have a proper ethical and flourishing approach to their work. Flourishing is gaining momentum and should be considered in every industry. The industry must ensure that we work to ensure human flourishing at the individual and organizational levels. Human flourishing has both personal and professional dimensions.
The 5th edition of WESEE aims to invoke discussions on learning outcomes of SE courses, teamwork, and collaboration in SE education and human flourishing in software engineering.
The goal of each workshop is to understand and promote better practices for effective software engineering education. WESEE 20232 also aims to discuss and plan for better SE education.
WESEE is an activity-oriented workshop consisting of talks, discussions and engagements from participants representing both academia and industry. Following the last four editions of WESEE, a discussion-oriented workshop, as part of the ISEC'18, ISEC'19, ISEC’20 and ISEC'21. The fifth edition of Workshop on Emerging Software Engineering Education (WESEE) aims to invoke discussions and futuristic aspirations through invited talks, activity-based sessions and rigorous discussions on unleashing various creative methods of teaching and evaluation along with innovative course curricula and learning environments, being employed at higher educational levels in academia and industry to teach software engineering and closely related courses. In particular, modern software engineering models, like agile methods, will be at the forefront of discussions and activities. Another major focus of the workshop will be on bridging the software engineering knowledge and skill gap between academia and industry.
The workshop will have invited talks, discussions, activity-based sessions, and rigorous discussions on unleashing various creative methods of teaching and evaluation along with innovative course curricula and learning environments, being employed at universities, tertiary institutions and industry to teach software engineering and closely related courses.
Who can attend?
From Academia: course instructors, undergraduate and postgraduate students, and PhD research scholars
From Industry: software development coaches, trainers, trainees, software developers, project managers, other team members
Contact Us:
saurabh_t[at]daiict[dot]ac[dot]in || suf[dot]cs[at]uok[dot]edu[dot]in