Ravine is a strategic and cooperative survival card game. You and your friends survived the plane crash, but will you survive the night? Work together to forage for food, craft a fire, and build shelters, but be wary: every step you take in the ravine could be one step closer to madness.

Our Werewolf deck comes with over 50 cards, allowing up to 35 people to play (enough for two simultaneous games as well)! The cards are made of casino-quality paper with a black core to avoid any see-through detection. Also includes: special characters like the Village Drunk, Alpha Werewolf, Witch, and Wild Cards so you can create your own roles.

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One Night Ultimate Werewolf is a fast-paced game for 3-10 players where everyone is dealt a secret role. Many of these roles have special abilities that will aid that player in gaining information. In the course of only one night and the following morning, the players will determine who among them is a werewolf...hopefully. One Night Ultimate Werewolf is a condensed version of the party game Ultimate Werewolf that does not require a moderator. There's no elimination, and each game lasts about 10 minutes.

My buddy is looking a lot into werewolf trouble, but he is really worried having to constantly unsleeve his cards is going to be too annoying for him. Does anyone who plays this deck have any advice or tricks he could use?if you play the deck what do you do to solve this issue?

Andrew Plotkin gave the rules a werewolf theme in 1997,[6] arguing that the mafia had less cultural resonance, and that the werewolf concept fit the idea of a hidden enemy who looked normal during the daytime.[4] Mafia and a variant called Thing[Note 2] have been played at science fiction writers' workshops since 1998,[7] and have become an integral part of the annual Clarion[8] and Viable Paradise[9] workshops. The Werewolf variant of Mafia became widespread at major tech events, including the Game Developers Conference, ETech, Foo Camps, and South By Southwest.[4] In 1998 the Kaliningrad Higher school of the Internal Affairs Ministry published the methodical textbook Nonverbal communications. Developing role-playing games 'Mafia' and 'Murderer' for a course on Visual psychodiagnostics, to teach reading body language and nonverbal signals.[10] In September 1998 Mafia was introduced to the Graduate College at Princeton University, where a number of variants were developed.[11] The werewolf theme was also incorporated in the French adaption of Mafia, The Werewolves of Millers Hollow.

In its simplest form, Mafia is played by two teams: the mafiosi and the villagers. Live games require a moderator who does not participate as a player, and identities are assigned by handing out cards, or by other non-verbal methods such as physically tapping players. At the start of the game, every mafioso is given the identities of their teammates, whereas the innocents only receive the number of mafiosi in the game.

Additional variations exist, sometimes with even more specialized or complicated abilities. There are many special roles, and many moderators design novel roles for each game. Some commercial variants ship with blank cards to allow this customization.[51] For example, neutral factions such as the serial killer could exist (the serial killer would have to kill everyone, innocent or mafia, to win).

In this variant, players are given two cards: the first contains their role, the second an attribute. Attributes were originally derived from roles that could apply to both Mafia and Innocent alignments such as Bulletproof (cannot be killed at night), Mayor (has two votes in the elimination), and Siamese Twins (more commonly known as Siblings or Lovers).[58]

This variant was developed by Steven Irrgang and used for a puzzle in the 2008 CISRA Puzzle Competition. The difference from a standard game of Mafia is that players are not initially assigned roles, but rather on each day are given the probabilities describing the game's current quantum state. Each player with a non-zero probability of being a seer or a werewolf performs the appropriate night actions (which may not be effective if it is later determined that the player did not have that role). When a player is killed, the wave function collapses and the players are given updated probabilities.[59]

In this standalone game published by Bezier Games, players only "sleep" and close their eyes for a single night at the beginning of the game. They then have a single day of discussion, with a single elimination. No players are eliminated as the game progresses. There is no moderator, so everyone gets to participate as a member of the town or village. When playing this game, three more role cards are used than the number of players; when everyone is randomly dealt out their card the three extra ones placed in the middle of the table. To begin the game one of the players, with eyes closed, will act as the "caller" on the single starting night, going through the nighttime roles once: Werewolves and Minions (if in play) will identify each other, the Seer will examine one player's card or two of the middle cards, the Robber will steal another player's role card and replace it with their own, the Troublemaker will blindly swap two players' role cards, the Insomniac wakes up to check if their role card has been swapped, etc. The game ends on a single elimination vote, with the villagers winning if a single werewolf is caught, and the werewolves winning if no werewolves are killed. This game can be played with as few as three players. Play time can be as quick as five minutes per game.[citation needed]

Deep learning has been used in an attempt to develop agents that can win the game as werewolves or as villagers.[69] Regular expressions have been used to parse utterance logs for divulgence (or "coming-out" as a role) and decision information, although one difficulty has been that a statement such as "Player A is a werewolf" could be based on either the player's ability (e.g. as seer) or just speculation.[70]

Enhance your game of Werewolf: The Apocalypse with these custom dice and cards designed for clarity and style. Each set of official Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition dice contains a set of dice for one player and five form cards to track which of the five forms their character is in and remember the rules for that form.

I know that in the night, you do the action of whatever was your card at the start of the game, regardless of if that card was switched. But what about the Hunter? So if I start with the hunter, but later on it gets switched and I don't know that. At the end of the game I die, can I still point at someone that also dies? Or do I actually need to have the hunter card.

If a doppelganger copies the hunter power, how does she prove that the hunter was the card that she looked at? I don't think my friend group would cheat but I also don't like having the option for someone to lie outside of the game content (lieing inside the game is of course great).

So it resolves like this: you are voted out > you reveal your card and find out you're a Hunter > the person you pointed at during voting also dies. It doesn't matter who was Hunter originally, just who is Hunter at the end.

Ultimate Werewolf is a card game designed by Ted Alspach and published by Bzier Games.[2] It is based on the social deduction game, Werewolf, which is Andrew Plotkin's reinvention of Dimitry Davidoff's 1987 game, Mafia.[3][4] The Werewolf game appeared in many forms before Bzier Games published Ultimate Werewolf in 2008.[2][1]

Ultimate Werewolf can be played with 5 to 75 players of all ages. Each player has an agenda: as a villager, hunt down the werewolves; as a werewolf, convince the other villagers that you are innocent, while secretly attacking those same villagers each night. A third major team working to kill off all others are the Vampires, who must kill both werewolves and villagers to win, and other neutral roles are available, each vying to achieve their own goals. Dozens of special roles are available to help both the villagers and the werewolves achieve their goals.[2][1]

The game has 12 unique roles being a set of sixteen fully illustrated cards, a moderator score pad to keep track of games, and a comprehensive game guide. (Sometimes packages come with a free poster.)[2]

In a review of Ultimate Werewolf in Black Gate, Andrew Zimmerman Jones said "Will the village kill a werewolf, or will the werewolves fool the villagers into killing an innocent? This continues until either all werewolves are dead, or enough villagers have been killed that they no longer outnumber the werewolves."[16]

Just a what if we know Phyrexia invades everything and innastraid and im surprised we didn't see any completed Major vampires or werewolves, i mean they got eldrazied but not completed i just don't see it happening. I decided to choose Edgar so it would force Sorin to make a tough choice kill his grandfather or doom the world farther. And Ulrich as the werewolf choice to help redeem him from his terriable old card card, he would have been as hated if he wasn't the first legendary werewolf and a bad one at that, if he just a non-legendary werewolf he would have been an ok card (this is me talking about commander not other formats). So i didn't want him to be forgotten i hope that this helps him out

legendofa I'll work on edgar I was also think he could make tokens to easily. As for human Ulrich werewolves already easy access to things like Haste, trample, First and double strike. Vigilance is very very rarely seen outside of white and it doesn't feel very werewolfy if you get me. And that why Ulrich also only give human werewolves reach since they can still use there minds and tools but not transformed one's as there more ruled by instincts. And I choose reach beacuse flyers are one of the biggest bans of my werewolf deck (the other is spellslingers) and I wanted a way to have them deal with flyers at least some of times. e24fc04721

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