Well Heeled

Cleaning Your Socks Made

Of Wool

You may be at the point of making the change from knit socks and switch to wool. You've read about the advantages that wool socks offer, and you're prepared to save an extra few dollars to upgrade your sock collection. Mens Diabetic Socks

This is great news! After you've switched to wool, it's a challenge to go back to cotton. However, there are certain aspects you need to be aware of about wool socks prior to you begin to explore these. Wool socks require more focus. Think of cotton socks as similar to looking after a cat and wool socks being the caretaker of dogs.

Although the same process isn't the same for all type of wool sock but you should determine this first before you throw your wool socks in along with your other laundry. A majority of SmartWool products, like SmartWool are washable and dried along with other laundry items. This isn't true for all brands, however.

In case you're unsure about how to properly take care of wool socks, you can hand wash the socks by hand. Let's make it sound like a cliché for a moment: it's safer to be safe than sorry. You do not want to be wearing socks that be suited to a cat's paw that your feet.

If you're washing your wool socks with a washing machine, make sure to set your machine to the gentle cycle and use cold water. If you are able choose an accelerated cycle, one less spin and rinse cycle. The machine should be filled with water, and then add some mild detergent. The machine should be agitated for about a minute in order to dissolve the soap and water.

Then, put the socks as well as other wool items washable inside and push them into the water. The socks should sit there for around 10 minutes prior to starting the machine to wash them.

After the wash is done take off your socks and, if they're dry, put your socks in the washer in the low cycle. If they're not dryer-friendly place them flat on the floor to dry in the air. If the wool socks don't have a washing machine you'll need hand wash them.

Then, fill the bathtub or sink with cold water, then add an mild soap. Make sure it's well-mixed and dissolves in the water. Soak your socks in the soapy water and ensure they're completely emerged. Begin to squeeze the socks while they're submerged to wash the fibers gently. Avoid twisting or vigorously wringing the socks, as this could cause the fibers to become locked and feel.

Let the socks soak for around five minutes. Then rinse them gently with cold water. Then repeat the cycle of washing to ensure that all soap is gone. Do not turn or rub them.

After you've finished, place your socks out on a dry, clean towel, and gently roll the towel around the socks to get rid of the water that has accumulated. Then, dry them by placing them over a surface and out in direct sun. Make sure to gently shape the socks when they're still damp in case their shape changed during washing. Wool that is damp is extremely flexible and easy to shape and stretch.