I am a scholar working in the area of entrepreneurship

Pleasure to Connect !

Welcome! I'm Wei Yu, an enthusiastic scholar and Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore. My journey has taken me from my birthplace in China to completing my graduate studies at Syracuse University in the U.S. I now specialize in the fascinating fields of entrepreneurship and management. 

My research interests have always been driven by an inherent curiosity and desire to understand adversity in entrepreneurial and organizational contexts. Through my work, I strive to reveal unique insights and underexplored areas.

When I'm not delving into my research or engaging with bright minds in the classroom, you can find me enjoying a good movie, a book, or a melody. I hold a particular fondness for 'Fight Club', a cinematic masterpiece that never fails to intrigue me. As for literature, 'Kafka on the Shore' and 'The Invention of Solitude' rank high on my list of impactful books.

In the world of music, my tastes have evolved over time, reflecting the different stages of my life. My youthful days were filled with the energy and rebellion of rock music. Nowadays, you're more likely to find me immersed in the soothing tones of country, the innovative sounds of indie music, or the timeless beauty of classical compositions.

"One must imagine Sisyphus happy."

Albert Camus