Wei-Ting (Jimmy) Chen

My name is Wei-Ting (Jimmy) Chen. At present, I am engaged as a research scholar at Stanford University, collaborating closely with Professor Gorden Wetzsetin. Concurrently, I am pursuing my Ph.D. at the Graduate Institute of Electronic Engineering at National Taiwan University (NTU), where I'm mentored by Prof. Sy-Yen Kuo. Additionally, I've been fortunate to be co-advised by Professors Ming-Hsuan Yang, Jian-Jiun Ding, and Yu-Chiang Frank Wang.

Previously, I served as a student research scientist at ASUS Intelligence Cloud Service, actively contributing to several medical imaging projects. My academic foundation traces back to National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), from where I obtained my Bachelor of Science degree in 2016. During that period, I received mentorship from Prof. Sheng-Chieh Huang and Ching-Cheng Chuang. An integral part of my academic trajectory was my time as an exchange student at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.

My research expertise lies in areas like Computational Photography, Image Processing, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Biomedical Signal Processing. I've developed a specialized interest in image restoration, how to improve the performance of computer vision tasks under degraded scenes, and image quality assessment.



National Taiwan University 

Ph.D. in EE

2019 - Present

Stanford University

Research Scholar. in EE


Chalmers University of Technology

Exchange Student


National Chaio Tung University 

B.S. in ECE

