Light-matter Interaction @ Nanoscale
Welcome! We are scientists and engineers to design photonics using "weird" nanotechnology!
We are always looking for motivated undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars to join the lab! If you would like to become scientists, engineers, and problem solvers, please contact us via email weilu.gao [at]
Our lab has a Ph.D. position. We are looking for a student who has a background in Scientific Computing and Physics. Don't hesitate to get in touch with Prof. Gao with your CV.
Contact Prof. Gao (weilu.gao [at] for more details.
[May 2024]: Our review article on self-assembled monolayers has been published on Small!
[Nov 2023]: Our work on engineering chirality with wafer-scale carbon nanotube architectures has been published on Nature Communications!
[Sep 2023]: Our work on using diffractive neural networks to perform scientific computing tasks has been accepted on Advanced Intelligent Systems!
[Jun 2023]: Our work on the calibration of photonic and electronic crossbars has been accepted on Advanced Intelligent Systems!
[Jun 2023]: The 2023 WORKSHOP on Future Semiconductors: Chiral Photonics and 2D Materials for Future Semiconductors has been successfully concluded at University of Buffalo! (
[May 2023]: The 2023 Workshop on JUNCTIONs in Yokohama of Japan, which is part of the PIRE-JUNCTION project supported by the NSF, US, and the JSPS, Japan has been successfully kicked off! (
[Apr 2023]: Our collaborative work on the phonon-assisted transport in carbon nanotube films has been published on Physical Review Letters!
[Dec 2022]: Our work on the analysis of the effects of interlayer reflection and interpixel interaction on the performance of diffractive optical neural networks has been published on Optics Letters!
[Sep 2022]: Our work on the end-to-end design of phase-change-material-based photonic neuromorphic processor using reinforcement learning has been publised on Laser and Photonics Review!
[Sep 2022]: Our collaborative work on the structural coloration of self-assembled Mie scatters has been published on ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces!
[Aug 2022]: Our lab joins the U.S. teams from Rice University and University at Buffalo and a team of Japanese scientists to develop new clean energy technologies using oriented carbon nanotubes. See
[Aug 2022]: Our work on the complex-valued reconfigurable diffractive all-optical neural networks has been published on Laser and Photonics Reviews!
[Aug 2022]: Our work on the 3D-printed terahertz holograms and lenses has been published on Optics Continuum!
[Apr 2022]: Our work on the graphene-based spatial light modulators for diffractive optical neural networks has been published on Optics Express!
[Apr 2022]: Our work on the physics-informed recurrent neural network for time dynamics in optical resonances has been published on Nature Computational Science!
[Feb 2022]: Our review article on the quantum technology based on carbon nanotubes has been published on Materials!
[Jul 2021]: Our work on electronic transport of single chirality carbon nanotube films has been published on Carbon!
[Apr 2021]: Our work on multi-task learning in diffractive neural networks has been published on Scientific Reports!
[Feb 2021]: Our work on artificial intelligence using graphene optoelectronic devices has been published on Advanced Photonics Research!
[Dec 2020]: Our collaborative work on "Colors of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes" has been published on Advanced Materials!
[Nov 2020]: New book chapter "Ultrastrong light–matter coupling in semiconductors" in Semiconductors and Semimetals (published by Elsevier) is online now!
[Nov 2020]: A collaborative work of utilizing aligned and densely-packed films of carbon nanotubes for water desalination membrane has been published on Desalination!
[Aug 2020]: A collaborative work of constructing carbon nanotube based terahertz metamaterials for ultrasensitive molecular sensors has been published on ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces!
[Aug 2020]: Origin of the Universe