Private Policy

Privacy Policy for Fitsha:

Fitsha aspires to launch its products in a safe environment for the users in which user privacy is of utmost importance. This privacy policy encapsulates the necessary steps and measures Fitsha takes to protect its users. Fitsha reassures that all of its products are only orbited to generate favourable outcomes for the users and for Fitsha in a healthy and safe environment.

Fitsha may ask its users to provide necessary Personal Identifiable Information (PII) on using the services to incorporate with other data for improving user’s experience, which users can turn down any time before proceeding to use the services.

By using the services and products of Fitsha, you agree to observe and be bound by this privacy policy. Fitsha has your approval of collection, processing, use and disclose of the information given by you. You hereby accept the terms and conditions set by Fitsha.

You may withdraw by not proceeding to using services and products of Fitsha.

Information Collected by Fitsha:

Users will have to provide their username, password, date of birth and email address. Fitsha may attain some non-personal data to enhance the user experience on the services and products that it provides. Non-personal data may include: browser type, device version, type of device and IP address. Please note that this statistical data will solely be used to analyse demographical progress. This will help Fitsha in identifying target market and certain areas to focus and bring improvement to. Fitsha may ask users to provide contact information for surveys and communication for future prospects and expectations of users from the developers. Statistical data may also include high scores, timings and user activities on the services and products to boost up the environment.

Social Media Connection:

Fitsha also offers its users to submit their information through any of social media platform. Fitsha may obtain data such as name, user ID, gender, location, avatar, date of birth and email address. Fitsha assures its users that all of the necessary gained personal information is encrypted.

Permissions Being Used:

Fitsha has incorporated permissions to use Internet and WiFi connectivity. Its only purpose is to connect to the internet.

Use of Google Firebase:

Google Firebase is a platform which provides storage and database. On the account of utilizing Google Firebase, users will need an internet connection to access the features of this application.

Use and disclose of the information collected:

Fitsha collects information only to improve the design of services and products to garner more target audience. Fitsha ensure its users that all the information collected through services or social media platform are fully encrypted and are in hashed form through proper channels. Fitsha takes immense measures to safeguard all the information and prevents from unauthorized access.

However, on certain occasions, Fitsha may disclose information to third parties for advertising purposes. Fitsha use ad campaigns and utilities to steer its products forward on the market and also for revenue generation functions. Users’ information may be collected to tailor the advertisements that may interest them.

Fitsha may also disclose information to third parties in case if Fitsha feels there is viable cause to bring a legal action against someone deliberately sabotaging services and products.

Fitsha also advises the users to take necessary precautions when asked for information by third parties which are governed under their policies. Please read those policies carefully and then proceed.

Access to Smartphone Features:

Fitsha may ask its users to allow access to various features of their smartphones such as camera, microphone, contacts and location solely for the purposes of aligning with the features of our services and products and also to increase efficiency and providing influential user experience.

Amendments to the Privacy Policy:

In order to suggest variations, amendments and changes to our current privacy policy, feel free to write, email or contact Fitsha on the contact information provided.