Weight Loss Supplements That Work!

Weight Loss Drugs Approved By FDA

Just as there is no magic formula for any serious health problem, there is no magic formula for weight loss. However, in the past four years, the FDA has approved four new weight loss drugs.

A recent meta-analysis of twenty-eight clinical trials involving more than 28,000 participants found that each of the five FDA-approved weight loss drugs was associated with achieving at least 5% weight loss in one year, compared with participants who received a placebo.

Let's take a look at these drugs.

Best Weight Loss Pills and Diet Supplements

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked drug makers to remove fenfluramine, the culprit part of the combination, and they did. The media attention that followed would drive patients off diet pills for years, a fear that continues today.

But with the United States gaining weight with each passing year (two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese), doctors believed they had no choice but to continue their search for a safe, and at least moderately effective, drug that help patients. patients to remove excess. pounds and don't get them back.

How to choose a weight loss supplement?

Be sure to consult the ingredient list to find out if you are not intolerant of any of the ingredients. Fat loss products contain thermogenic aids and caffeine. So, if you know that any of these ingredients affects your digestion, mood or sleep, look for a more suitable product.

Take special care to use the correct dose daily and take the product with food and water as directed. Choose between a store and a brand you trust. And make sure the product is completely natural.

We routinely review products that we suspect contain active pharmaceutical ingredients that are not listed in the product information. We are also informed about these products through our cooperation with drug regulatory authorities in other countries.

Through this work, we learned of a number of illegal weight loss products, all containing the active ingredient sibutramine, which is not included in the product statement or packaging. The products, which are often sold on the Internet, can be dangerous to health, so we warn consumers against their use. Sibutramine was previously licensed for the treatment of obesity, but it also causes a number of serious side effects, and all licensed medications containing sibutramine were withdrawn from the market in 2010.

We are not aware of all the illegal weight loss products on the market and it is likely that other illegal and dangerous weight loss products are in circulation; These products do not appear on the following list of illegal weight loss products.

You can see a picture of most of the products on the list. Click on image to enlarge (image quality may vary).


Many other over-the-counter dietary supplements are presented as an aid to weight loss, but few have been shown to work. Worse, some of the ingredients used in over-the-counter dietary supplements can be dangerous.

The Food and Drug Administration classifies herbal products as dietary supplements. This means that they are not regulated and can be marketed without the years of regulatory testing and reviews required for prescription or over-the-counter drugs.

Remember that supplements can have side effects, and you should check with your doctor before taking any type of supplement, including over-the-counter diet pills.


Phentermine may decrease the effectiveness of guanetidine.

Tenuate can interact with blood pressure medications, insulin and other medications, such as Thorazine.

Sibutramine should not be used with monoamine oxidase (MAOI) inhibitors or within two weeks. This can precipitate a serious and sometimes deadly side effect known as "serotonin syndrome". Sibutramine can interact with other antidepressants, narcotic pain relievers, antibiotics and migraine medications.

Since sibutramine generally raises blood pressure, patients should be carefully monitored for the use of other medications that can do the same, such as cough, cold and allergy preparations that contain ingredients such as pseudoephedrine.

Orlistat can reduce the levels of vitamin supplements or medications such as cyclosporine. Patients taking both medications should separate doses in two hours.


Taking a weight loss medication may not result in weight loss alone. But using diet pills can help an overweight person stick to a diet because almost all of these drugs work to suppress appetite. The "feeling of satiety" is believed to be related to a series of biochemical processes in the body.

The signs that indicate fullness come from the fat cells and the gastrointestinal tract; these converge with signals in the central nervous system. Appetite suppressants target a pair of key neurotransmitters in this process: serotonin and norepinephrine. Elevated levels of serotonin result in a feeling of fullness.

Elevated levels of norepinephrine stimulate the central nervous system, decreasing appetite. Only one of the drugs to lose weight works differently. Orlistat (Xenical, Alli) acts on the gastrointestinal tract preventing the absorption of approximately one third of the ingested fat.

Should I take a weight loss supplement every day?

The best way to use weight loss supplements is to take them daily, as directed, for a short period of time (2-6 weeks).

You should only need the additional support of these products when looking for the ultimate boost to your fat loss diet.

Alternatively, you can take thermogenic or fat-burning supplements when you feel the need for increased energy for the gym.