Much to the delight of the Weeping Soul Beast, the beast was called upon by its new master to consume the ghostly soul of The Bone Sage[5]. Under it's new master, the beast enjoyed a relatively carefree life. It traveled with Han Li in a pouch. When its master remained stationary within a residence, it was given freedom to wonder around.

However, in rare occasions the Weeping Soul Beast was called forth to deal with extremely perilous situations. The first perilous situation was when its Late-Core Formation master Han Li fought against a Nascent Soul-level Windbreaker Beast, a Flood Dragon and a Tortoise[6]. The Weeping Soul Beast was called upon to distract a Flood Dragon's whose soul had manifested after its body was destroyed by Han Li. Unfortunately, the Weeping Soul Beast's master did not intend to let the beast consume the valuable soul of the Grade-8 Flood Dragon. Unwilling to be consumed by the Weeping Soul Beast, the Flood Dragon's Soul retreated into Han Li's trap. Once captured, the Weeping Soul Beast was recalled back into its storage pouch.

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Having evolved, the Weeping Soul Beast's spiritual sense was linked with its master. Sensing the extremely valuable energy and the numerous souls collected by the treasure, the beast left its storage pouch without being commanded by its master. It immediately dove into the Vajra Barrier to consume and refine the energy and souls[14]. However, the beasts consumption of the Corpse Energy awoke an ancient Nascent Soul stage corpse renown as King Glorious Blaze.

Loss hurts more than any physical pain ever could. I knew one day I would face this loss and I also knew it would hurt. It hurt more than I imagined. But through studying and writing about the laments, I also know that there is hope in the midst of my heartache and loss. For the believer, joy is often intermingled with deep sorrow. Like the writers of the laments in Scripture, I know that God is my fortress, my deliverer, and my salvation. I know that he listens to my cries and catches all my tears. I also know that through Christ, though weeping will remain for the night, joy comes in the morning.

In the midst of this darkness, help me to see your light. I know that you are familiar with grief. I know that Jesus was a "man of sorrows" who "for the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" (Hebrews 12:2). He did that for me so that I could become your child. Thank you, Jesus for suffering and bearing my griefs. Thank you for taking on my sin. Thank you for making a way for me to come into the Father's presence. And thank you that one day, you will return and bring an end to all sorrow and weeping. Oh, how I long for that day! Maranatha, Lord Jesus!

For however long this season of sorrow lasts, I pray that you would show me more of your love and grace. Help me not to run from whatever you want to do in my heart. Help me to trust that you are at work and to rest in your faithfulness. I want to say along with David, "I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul" (Psalm 31:7).

A self-taught artist, Art has always played a big role in her life, school, high-school and some college -Graphic design. It has been her hubby, a escape from reality, Acrylic and mixed media art - Pencils, pastels and now her new love Digital painting; in her art you will find vivid colors, impressionism, abstract, expressionism, style of art. Her

inspiration is life, passion, a sense of spirituality. In few of her paintings she has interpreted her dreams .Words are not always able to translate what your souls feels.

 Jessica Garibaldi

When you are taken away from this world 

In your prime when family is left behind

When your physical body dies

And your beloved mourn for you

The soul has to go to different world 

And it hesitates to leave the loved ones

Soul which tries to stay with them 

Witness the pain they go through 

Tears rolls down their face

It's hard for them to live without you

And the soul rises up to the skies

And if you beg God to see them

Just one more time from afar 

And you find them living happily 

Doesn't mean they don't remember you

But they are forced to live a busy life

To live normally in your absence.

Yet to what extent does every believer take the Great Commission seriously enough to do something about it, in the midst of our busy and cluttered life? Why are some of us not actively involved in missions and evangelism at all? Why are we not weeping for the souls of men and women?

Though the scene may seem overly didactic (if you treat trees well, they will help you) it reminded me so much of a time in my life in which I understood that trees have a soul. When I touched the smooth twigs of the old weeping willow next to the bridge on my way to school, I felt its resin on my fingertips as if it was my own blood and I ran for cover under its ever-obliging canopy in case of sudden rain. I observed the water dripping from the leaves into the river like real tears.

When she woke again, she had slept the night away, and it was broad day, and for a moment she lay wondering what was the burden upon her; but presently she called it all to mind, and deemed it were well might she forget it all again. Anon she became aware of someone moving about the chamber, and she looked about unhappily; and lo! a woman, fair and dainty, clad all in green, and it was Viridis that had come there. But when she saw Birdalone stirring, she came up to her and kissed her sweetly and kindly, and wept over her, so that Birdalone might nowise refrain her tears. But when she might cease weeping, she said to Viridis: Tell me, art thou weeping for thy friend who is lost, and who shall be thy friend no more; or thy friend whom thou hast found? Said Viridis: Forsooth I have wept for Baudoin plenteously, and he is worthy of it, for he was valiant and true and kind. Said Birdalone: True is that; but I meant not my question so; but rather I would ask thee if thou weepest because thine heart must needs cast me away, or because thou hast found me again? Quoth Viridis: Whoso may be dead, or whoso alive, but if it were Hugh, my loveling, I were rejoiced beyond measure to find thee, my friend. And again she kissed her as one who was glad and kind. But for new rest of soul and for joy, Birdalone fell a-weeping afresh. 2351a5e196

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