28th May 2021

New touchscreens!

This week, new interactive touchscreens were installed in every classroom at St George's. Our old whiteboards were very old and desperately needed replacing; however, we needed our fibre broadband to be in place before we could replace them with more up-to-date technology. The new screens do not have projectors so gone are the days of closing all blinds and turning off lights in order to see the images on the screen; they also have an in-built computer so are so much more versatile and user-friendly for both children and staff.

Huge thanks go to the PTA for contributing towards the cost of these screens using some of the £5000 ICT fund. These funds were raised over the course of two years as a result of lots of hard work and effort. PTA funds provide a vital lifeline for schools, enabling us to implement much-needed improvements and developments. The new touchscreens are a crucial first step in our ICT development plans, enabling teachers and children to access fast, high-quality resources to support teaching and learning.

We are already looking ahead to the next phase of the project: updating the technology the children use in the ICT Suite for their Computing lessons and sourcing storage and charging solutions for the Chromebooks given to the school during the lockdown period.

Can you help?

Do you have any of the following unwanted items you might be able to donate to the school?

Please contact the school office if you can help us out; we would be very grateful for any donations.

Cooking equipment

baking trays

chopping boards


frying pans

Garden furniture



Picnic benches


This week, we said good bye to our Forest School leader, Jade. She leaves us to take up a really exciting new position at an Outdoor Education centre in Hampshire, a role which is absolutely perfect for her. Although we are sad to see her go, we are really pleased for her and wish her all the very best for the future.

Please note, this does mean that we will not be able to offer Forest School sessions for the time being. I hope to have a new Forest School leader in place by September.

We also said good bye to Josh in Class Two this week. He and his family are relocating to Lincolnshire and we wish all the very best of luck for the future.

Covid 19 Protective Measures

As you are aware, the country is moving through the Government's road map out of the Covid 19 restrictions.

It is important to note, however, that the guidance from both the Government and the Local Authority for schools has not changed significantly. The children will remain in their 'bubbles' until at least 21st June and all other protective measures will continue. I will of course keep you updated if and when the guidance changes following the next Government announcements.

The following was sent to Heads from Clare Kershaw, Director of Education at Essex County Council, to share with our school communities:

Protective Measures

Schools, colleges and early years settings are still required to follow guidance from the Department of Education, the Local Authority and Public Health England to minimise the risk of transmission of COVID19 in their school or setting and through the community.

This guidance has been updated to reflect step three of the roadmap, but the requirement to undertake a risk assessment and implement a range of protective measures remains. Each school or setting risk assessment must be specific to the context of that school or setting and so may differ from others.

What is staying the same

The protective measures which remain in place, and important, include regular hand washing, consistent groupings (known as bubbles), keeping pupils and staff apart as much as possible, and enhanced cleaning routines.

Regular asymptomatic and symptomatic testing remains a vital part of the approach to suppress the virus. It is imperative that if anyone displays symptoms of COVID19 they self-isolate, along with other members of their household, and organise a PCR test. It is not appropriate to use lateral flow tests when individuals have symptoms of COVID19.

Stars of the Week

Class One

Oscar - For your excellent work on doubling in Maths this week.

Alice - For your amazing understanding and work on rhyming words in Literacy this week.

Class Two

Layla - for being a super star member of Class 2 for the whole half term.

Maddie - for being an amazing role model for the rest of the class.

Class Three

Saul - For fantastic efforts in all areas of your learning.

Sofia - For persevering with your Maths learning.

Class Four

Harvey - For taking time to create amazing artwork in the style of Quentin Blake.

Kaci - For helping with the design of the card. I couldn't have done it without your help.

Lunchtime Stars:

Class One: Edith - for always eating all your lunch and playing cooperatively with your friends

Class Two: Poppie - for having lovely table manners and waiting patiently at the table

Class Three: Frankie - for being thoughtful and kind to others and showing real dedication to your football skills

Class Four: Charlie - for good lunch time manners

I hope you all have a lovely half term break and look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 7th June.

Mrs Keitch