Week of Extravagance

A Week of Extravagance: Exploring the Old Castello Jumeirah's Weekly Line-Up


Nestled within the opulent embrace of Jumeirah, the Old Castello stands as a beacon of luxury and indulgence. This guide unveils the captivating allure of Old Castello Jumeirah through its weekly line-up, inviting you to immerse yourself in a world where each day promises a unique and unforgettable experience.

Monday: Majestic Beginnings

Kick off the week with regal charm as Old Castello Jumeirah sets the tone for a majestic experience. Enjoy a refined dining affair, featuring exquisite culinary creations inspired by both local and international flavors. The ambiance is set for a week of grandeur and sophistication.

Tuesday: Twilight Serenity

As the sun dips below the horizon, experience the tranquility of Tuesday evenings at Old Castello Jumeirah. The enchanting twilight setting is the perfect backdrop for a leisurely stroll through the castle grounds or a serene dinner under the stars. Let the quietude of Tuesday night serenade your senses.

Wednesday: Culinary Odyssey

Embark on a culinary odyssey as Wednesday unfolds a gastronomic adventure like no other. Delight in themed dining experiences, where the Old Castello's culinary maestros showcase their mastery. From innovative dishes to classic favorites, Wednesday nights are a celebration of taste and artistry.

Thursday: Arabian Nights Extravaganza

Immerse yourself in the allure of Arabian Nights as Thursday at Old Castello Jumeirah unfolds an extravaganza of Middle Eastern delights. From traditional live music to sumptuous feasts, experience the magic of the Arabian Peninsula in a setting reminiscent of a thousand and one nights.

Friday: Sunset Soirée

As the weekend beckons, Old Castello Jumeirah invites you to a Sunset Soirée, where the views are as breathtaking as the entertainment. Enjoy live performances against the backdrop of a painted sky as you savor delectable bites and sip on signature cocktails. Welcome the weekend in style.

Saturday: Brunch Bliss

Indulge in the epitome of weekend bliss with Saturday Brunch at Old Castello. A lavish spread awaits, featuring an array of culinary delights ranging from international delicacies to local specialties. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere, creating unforgettable Saturday moments.

Sunday: Spa and Wellness Retreat

Conclude the week with a journey of rejuvenation at Old Castello Jumeirah's spa and wellness retreat on Sundays. Pamper yourself with luxurious spa treatments, wellness sessions, and tranquil moments that set the tone for a fresh start to the week ahead.


The weekly line-up at Old Castello is a curated symphony of experiences, each day offering a unique melody of luxury, culture, and indulgence. Whether you seek culinary adventures, serene evenings, or spa retreats, Old Castello Jumeirah invites you to weave unforgettable memories in the heart of Jumeirah's enchanting embrace.