I've managed to fix the locale error, Idk what exactly fixed the problem, I tried a couple things related to locale-gen, & running locale showed that it removed the problem, yet in weechat the problem still persisted, & even in another terminal running "locale" still showed error . Since "locale" worked in one terminal & not the other, I opted to re-boot & viola, the locale error was gone from weechat.

Being new to Ubuntu/Linux I've tried to quickly setup the newly installed weechat using this proposed configuration. Now, since it is hard to learn to use it, respectively get easy help AND weechat doesn't connect anymore, I want to totally reset everything.


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Create a temporary WeeChat home directory and delete it on exit(incompatible with option "-d").

The name of the directory is automatically built by WeeChat, with thistemplate: "weechat_temp_XXXXXX" (where "XXXXXX" is random). It it createdin the first available directory in this list: environment variable "TMPDIR","/tmp" (may be different according to the operating system), environmentvariable "HOME", current directory.

The temporary home directory has permissions 0700 (only owner can read,write and execute).

First of all, you must install the new version of WeeChat, either with yourpackage manager or by compiling yourself, so that the weechat binary and allrequired files are in the same paths.

This can be done while WeeChat is running.

description: read the passphrase from the output of this system command (only the first line is used and it must not contain any extra character); this option is used only when reading file sec.conf and if the environment variable "WEECHAT_PASSPHRASE" is not set (the environment variable has higher priority); example with password-store: "/usr/bin/pass show weechat/passphrase"

description: text color for nicks in chat window: used in some server messages and as fallback when a nick color is not found; most of times nick color comes from option weechat.color.chat_nick_colors

description: comma-separated list of templates for which partial completion is enabled by default (with Tab key instead of shift-Tab); the list of templates is in documentation: plugin API reference, function "weechat_hook_command"

description: conditions to add a buffer in hotlist (if notify level is OK for the buffer); you can use in these conditions: "window" (current window pointer), "buffer" (buffer pointer to add in hotlist), "priority" (0 = low, 1 = message, 2 = private, 3 = highlight); by default a buffer is added to hotlist if you are away, or if the buffer is not visible on screen (not displayed in any window), or if at least one relay client is connected via the weechat protocol

description: chars used to stop in nick when computing color with letters of nick (at least one char outside this list must be in string before stopping) (example: nick "|nick|away" with "|" in chars will return color of nick "|nick"); this option has an impact on option weechat.look.nick_color_force, so the nick for the forced color must not contain the chars ignored by this option

description: automatically add channel type in front of channel name on command /join if the channel name does not start with a valid channel type for the server; for example: "/join weechat" will in fact send: "/join #weechat"

I dont think this is a very hard to solve problem, never the less I didnt find anything about it online. I am pretty new to irc/weechat and obviously dont want to leak my ip whenever i join a room. So I want to use a proxy, specifically tor. The thing is, everything I've tried didnt work out.For clarity, I now my proxy does work, I tested it on firefox.

some parameters you might want to consider is that I dont run the proxy at localhost. Its a server in my lan, but i tested it on other computers and the proxy does work, so thats not the problem. Also I want to configure the proxy directly in weechat, and not use some system wide setting or something.

Sometimes I need to reboot my linode, which includes my IRC client, weechat, running in tmux. When I do this, I prefer to save all the buffers that are running and rejoin them. I was under the impression that:

Would... well apply it. Unfortunately, while it correctly places new channels, it does not in any way rejoin the ones I was connected to before. I understand that I can manually add a list of channels to autojoin, for each network, but if I have to do that tedious process each time I need to close and reopen weechat... well that would be a drag at the very least.

To go along with this guide I have created a quick and dirty weechat guide.where this guide goes over the what why and how of changes made, the quickguide simply hands you some weechat configs and goes ovther the basics of howto use them. if you are a new user the quick guide will save you time and helpget you going. if you are a current weechat user I recommned you go though thisguide and decied for yourself what changes you want to make to your cofigs.

In weechat everything lives in a buffer (kinda like a tab). The /buffercommand is used to manipulate buffers. As you increase the number buffers youhave Alt-[1-0] will no longer suffice. There are a few other ways to switchbetween buffers the most useful is simply /buffer #. You can set up an aliasfor this /alias b /buffer now you can just type /b #. You can also useAlt-[left,right,up,down] to move through them one buffer at a time.

Weechat also supports merged buffers where you have two or more sources ofcontent (that would otherwise be their own buffer) sharing one buffer. massagein this buffer are given an extra label to show what source they came from. Anexample of this is buffer 1 (by default) which is a merged buffer between theweechat application buffer and the freenode server buffer. if you join otherservers additional server buffers will be merged into buffer 1. when you are ina merged buffer you can use ctrl-x to switch between what buffer you aretyping in, the network and channel sections of the status bar will reflect thecurrently selected buffer.

Freenode is only one of many irc networks, and while all of the cool channelsare on freenode there are some kinda okay ones on other networks. With weechatwe can connect to as many networks as we want with one unified interface. Forthis example lets connect to the CAT irc server.

the most interesting of the three is the tags field, pretty much everything inweechat is tagged. If you want to take a look that the tags you can toggle themon and off with /debug tags. Most of these tags are pretty start forward, andI never needed use any of them with one exception. Thats the irc_smart_filter tag,this tag is given to all joins/parts/nick changes if the user in question hasnot said anything in the past five minutes. it will also unmask (untag) anyjoins if the person says something within 30 minutes of their join. the theoryis that you only care about joins/parts/nick changes if they could affect animmediate conversation, but otherwise they just create a lot of noise.personally I fillter this tag on all of my buffers. To turn this filter on justrun:

So by the end of this guide you should a pretty powerfull and good looking ircclient setup. but thats not the importand part hopefully you also have a desengraspe on how weechat works, how to manage buffers, change settings, addkeybinds and scripts and got a tates of some of the things you can do withweechat.

WeeChat normally stores its configuration as a bunch of text files in~/.weechat. It doesn't version these files at all, which makes it slightlyhard to undo changes. confversion.py puts these changes into a git repository.To install it, run this command:

The default configuration for weechat attempts to load all plugins found in /usr/lib/weechat/plugins which in this case includes ruby, lua, aspell and tcl. These packages are not required by the weechat package and may not be installed on your machine. There are two options if these errors bother you:

The first thing I did was look for a weechat script that made URL handling easier, since if I had to manually copy-paste URLs anyways I might as well just paste them into the browser. I ended up settling on url_hint.py, which has the virtue of not just doing what I want but also being well documented.

How do I achieve something similar for weechat? With the default layout, on the right, weechat draws a border and lists the nicks in the channel. On the left, there's a border for the date/time and the message source (the nick, or the event type). Is it possible to temporarily hide all the chrome of the window and present something like what's kept in the logs?

to show 'raw' format ala the logs, removes the nicklist and 'chrome' automagically - also helps with 'longer than width' links which, depending on your terminal emulator can now be clicked on and be a full link.this is on jessie version of weechat:- 1.0.1

You need to generate a separate private key for storage on the phone to beable to connect to the server securely. So what I do is that I generate a newprivate key on a laptop, then I transfer the private key in some secureenough way to the phone and then make sure to deploy the public key to theserver where weechat runs.

Another cool thing I learned is that the writer/creator of the program hangs out in the #weechat IRC channel on freenode pretty much all the time and will answer questions for you! How cool is that? I had some issues getting the buffers.pl script set up the way I wanted and (@FlashCode) was there to immediately guide me in the right direction.

Custom channels can be automatically joined each time WeeChat is opened by running the following command inside the WeeChat client. For example, to add #gentoo (webchat) and #gentoo-chat (webchat) channels to the auto-join list each time weechat starts:

It is common for many text-mode IRC client users to run the clients on a system that is always on always connected to the internet. This make it possible to never miss a mention or a message. Like most command-line programs, weechat will run all the time if opened in a screen or a tmux session which is then detached. This is currently the ideal method for staying connected to IRC networks continuously. 2351a5e196

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