But what do those numbers mean to building a license compliance program? The BSA pegs the commercial value of unlicensed software in North America and Western Europe is $19 billion. The interesting takeaway here is that this number represents 41 percent of the global number, despite these regions having lower than average piracy rates (16 percent and 26 percent respectively). This is a significant opportunity for revenue generation in regions where the rates of converting pirates to paying customers are high.

The FEM-Parameterized Synchronous Machine block usesflux linkage that you must calculate by using an external finite element (FE) tool. Theblock uses the A-phase flux linkage, which is a four-dimensionaltable that depends on the stator current magnitude, stator current phase advance, fieldwinding current, and rotor angle. The block derives the field winding flux linkage bycalculating the D-axis flux linkage from theA-phase, B-phase, and C-phaseflux linkages and by subtracting the flux linkage when the field current is zero.

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Nominal values provide a way to specify the expected magnitude of a variable in a model. Using system scaling based on nominal values increases the simulation robustness. You can specify nominal values using different sources, including the Nominal Values section in the block dialog box or Property Inspector. For more information, see System Scaling by Nominal Values.

Row vector of current magnitudes at which the block tabulates the fluxlinkage. The first element must be 0. The secondcurrent value must be small relative to the current values at whichmagnetic saturation begins to occur. This restriction is necessarybecause the derived flux partial derivatives are ill-defined at zerocurrent, and the block calculates them at this first nonzero currentinstead.

4-D array of A-phase flux linkage values as afunction of the Peak current magnitude vector, I,Current advance angle vector, B,Field current vector, If, and Rotorangle vector, theta parameters.

4-D array of the electromagnetic torque applied to the rotor as afunction of the Peak current magnitude vector, I,Current advance angle vector, B,Field current vector, If, and Rotorangle vector, theta.

Filter Designer enables you to quickly design digital FIR or IIR filters by setting filter performance specifications, by importing filters from your MATLAB workspace or by adding, moving, or deleting poles and zeros. Filter Designer also provides tools for analyzing filters, such as magnitude and phase response plots and pole-zero plots.

The phasor that expresses the relative amplitude and phase of the RF voltage with respect to the LO voltage has a magnitude and a phase that can be easily estimated by applying simple trigonometric relations to VI and VQ. Then,

What is the difference between the old and the new Underconstrained Body feature? The new algorithm uses the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to solve a reduced stiffness matrix whereas the old method uses the traditional Lower Upper (LU) decomposition to solve the large original stiffness matrix. As a result, the SVD decomposition performs orders of magnitude faster.

When an alternating current flows at high frequencies in a solid wire, there is a redistribution of the current within the conductor. The current density is largest near the outer surface of the conductor and decreases exponentially toward the inner axis of the conductor. This redistribution is the skin effect. The expression for the skin depth  is given in (1) and its effect is shown in Figure 1. The outer red cross-section in Figure 1 carries the highest current magnitude while the central blue section carries the lowest current magnitude, which is due to redistribution of current flow inside the whole cross-section of the conductor. The skin depth, , is therefore the depth where the current density is 1/e of the value at the surface.

In Figure 6(c), we see an increase in proximity losses with increasing frequency, as expected. The magnitude of the proximity losses is large compared to the skin effect, as expected due to the diameter of strands chosen.

Magnitude, phase, and frequency of the output voltage of the two level converter controlled by the block. The magnitude of the fundamental component of the converter line-to-line output voltage is defined as

One such application is the multiphase pump. These are common in the oil and gas industry where oil and natural gas can be present in the same pipeline, or in water systems were air may become entrained in the system and clog pumps. This is a problem as the gas tends to form larger pockets as it separates under the body forces, particularly at off design conditions. The air can then become trapped, unable to navigate the large pressure gradients set up by liquid phases three orders of magnitude denser and forms a gas lock. 589ccfa754

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