How to Start a Successful Wedding Photography Business

Having your camera mastered is the most important first step...

         It goes without saying that before you decide to start a business that hinges on being proficient with a camera, you should probably BE proficient with your camera. As a wedding photographer you have an obligation to your brides and grooms to capture their, hopefully, one-time event and preserve the memories for the rest of their lives.

         It sounds like a lot of pressure, because it is a lot of pressure. A lot of the justification for charging such a large amount of money for a wedding is the pressure and responsibility that goes along with the job. Things move quickly on a wedding day, you have to know how to handle different lighting conditions, change the settings on your camera on the fly, and adapt when something isn’t working.

         Having your camera mastered is the most important first step to this entire process. If you’re not there yet, that’s okay. Watch some YouTube videos, set your camera to manual mode, and photograph everything you can think of. Shoot inside, shoot outside, shoot moving stuff, and shoot not moving stuff.